Evolution of Slime to Peak

Chapter 52 5 - Dungeon (3)




Death cries of wolves echoed in the dungeon, as new members joined my teams.

"Yay! I got a total of 100 cores!!"

I announced. I raise my hands in the air and a huge grin formed on my face. I could see money in my hands...

I look behind. My army sat on the ground and stare at me, waiting for my orders. There is a total of 105 wolves and 3 flies. And that was not my limit, I could summon more monsters.

But even if I have these many summonses, I only took 20 wolves out and put them all inside the storage, so the dungeon wouldn't be full of wolves and I don't want to traumatize any hunters with that many wolves.

At the Hunter Association-

"I want to sell these cores."

I politely said to the figure in front of me. I am not that good at communication, so it is my habit to talk politely with anyone.

The lady in front of me smiled at me and nodded. "Please show me the number of cores, you have obtained, sir."

She also politely requested me. I put my bag on the desk which revealed the piles of cores.

Her eyes widened, but she still maintained her beautiful smile and hide her surprised face immediately.

"Wait, sir, I will have to scan these."

I nodded and she took away the cores from me. It aches my heart to leave my hard-worked cores, (not mine but my summons hard work). But it feels a little bad to let those cores go away.

After a bit, she returned with my bag but not with cores.

"The cores are worth 30,000$."

She told me the price of the cores. Hearing her words, I froze. Happiness, joy, and confusion swarmed my heart.

'I could fuckin get 30,000$ for some hours works!!!!'

My body trembled with happiness. My hands shook as I handed my Hunter card to her which means I accepted her price.

I also got 5 additional skills that aren't that useful for me except [Fireball].

I am currently on the fourth floor, making my way to the boss room. As I reach up, a huge door blocked my path. The door looked like it was made from stone, and it was 100 times bigger than me. Two skulls-looking things were at the middle of the door like it was the door handle.

The hallway I was standing in was filled with darkness, but as I touched the door, the dark hallway glowed as the fire naturally burned on the torches.


Ignoring the light, I gulped down my saliva as I felt a sharp aura emitting from the door. The monster inside is probably stronger than these wolves. Sweat dripped from my forehead.

Haah! Huff!

I took a deep breath and steeled my resolve. I slightly pushed the door and it opened all the way. As the door opened, I could see an empty spacious room that was filled with nothing except a huge beast.
A wolf bigger than the normal monster wolf, its sharp eyes glare at me. I froze... the pressure emitting from the beast was huge. I could feel ten elephants sitting on my head.

I gritted my teeth and endure the pressure, and released all of my monsters. The monsters filled up the whole room. My wolves surrounded the boss wolf, but even with that, the boss wolf didn't flinch as it didn't see the normal monster as its enemy.

For it, the wolves were just puny creatures.


I shouted. All the wolves jumped at the boss monster, as I slipped from the battleground and end up at the corner of the room.

The wolves hit the boss wolf with their claws.


The boss wolf howled, as its sound created a huge shockwave making my wolves fly away and hit the wall.

They didn't die but were slightly injured. But their injuries healed quickly. But I could feel my mana decreasing.

Bang! Puk!

The battle continued. Many of my wolves died and they didn't regenerate. Some were injured but it seems they were healed by my mana. As they healed, I felt tired. My body weakened, as my legs trembled.

But I held up. I didn't fall. I know, if I fall then I will lose my consciousness and that would be the end of me.

But, my will wasn't only the thing that held me up, I could see the boss monster weakening. It has got many wounds and is gravely injured.

Blood dripped from its body. And finally, my flies whose weren't injured but also couldn't give much damage, hit the wounds of the boss wolf repeatedly.

Finally, the boss wolf fell to the ground with its eyes closing and died.


I shouted in joy. Happiness welled up inside me. My heart throbbed heavily. I won... but I also lost 30 wolves.

​ But, I got a new summon.

I walk toward the boss monster and raise my hands. Even if it doesn't need anything to do to summon it, but I feel like doing it.


At my chant, the wolf's body glowed, and its wounds slowly healed. My mana was on the verge of being empty. But when I summoned the wolf, expect of tiredness, the energy-filled my body.

[Successfully summoned a big monster]

[New skill 'Skill share' has unlocked on Necromancy -skill set]

[Skill Share]

-Caster can now cast the skill from the monster


My eyes lit with excitement as I got a new skill. I also new skills from the boss monster and a core since I open the wolf stomach to get these.

And now I have... 70 wolves, 3 flies, and 1 boss wolf.

One big monster stood in front while the small ones stood behind.

With that, my journey to this dungeon finished.

I walked up to the end of the room where there was a small room that consist of a platform that teleports hunter to the outside of the portal.

I walked to the platform. And after a second, the platform glowed, making me dizzy again. I could feel the energy moving on my skin, tickling me. And as I opened my eyes, I could see the hunters and shops doing their own business.

I ignored the people and walked outside of the dungeon. I didn't feel that tired since my mana is full. I wanted to go and sleep as fast as possible but when I checked my wallet it was empty.


Well, anyway, dismissing my plan of booking the taxi, I used my own personal two-wheeler a.k.a my two healthy young legs to go to the Hunter Association.

Since I am stronger now and my stamina has increased, I don't feel a slight bit of tired even after walking for 2 hours straight.

I reached the Hunter Association building. But before going inside, I checked my stats.


-LifeForce: (23)

-Strength: (25)

-Mana: (20)

-Stamina: (30)

[Skill(s): [(Necromancy - Skill Set (+)], (Fireball), (Appraisal)]


-Skill Set

-Summoned Inventory, -Link, -Skill Share, - ?? - ?? - ??-

-Consist both Active and Passive


I smirked while walking inside the building.

I don't know if it is less price or more, but getting this amount of feels like a dream. In my entire life, I haven't thought of having this much money. Even in my entire life, the most money I had in my hands was 1000$.

A big smile formed on my face as I took the hunter card back. I looked here and there before leaving the area immediately.

I left the building and a black night welcomed me. The moon shone brightly on the sky while the stars were sparkling. The thought of buying skills passed my brain, but I rejected it. Since I have my army which will fight in my stead.

But, I need skills in the future. I can't only rely on summons. I also need skills for my summons, since I can use them as a medium to cast skill.

I walked on the bustling street for some minutes, before arriving at a huge building. A hotel.

I enter the hotel and booked my room. Taking the key from the employee, I head to my room and entered inside. Just as I enter, One TV, one bed, one closet, a small room that is the bathroom, and a desk greeted me.

I took a deep breath, dismissed all my thoughts, and jumped on the bed.

'I am exhausted!'

I complained to myself.

'But, my life really has changed.'

This whole situation feels like a dream to me. I grew up in orphanages. I didn't get any chance to study and because of that, I had to do manual labor to survive. Three years earlier, I could remember the painful screams of people that were killed by the monsters.

Roars of monsters filled the street. Sound of bombs, guns, and missiles echoed on the ears of every human that was alive.

I hid in the basement of a rich man's house. The moment I saw the monsters, I enter a rich man's house to hide. Because of the chaos, no one paid any attention to the house.

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