Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1008: Riot in the west

"City Lord, do you want to do it?"

Han Yunxiao looked eager to try, ready to start with these city guards who had rushed out of the survival base.

Chu Feng gave him a white look: "Do you think that massacre is a very fun thing?"

After speaking, Chu Feng turned his horse's head and said, "Ready to go!"

Although they didn't understand what Chu Feng was going to do, everyone still obeyed Chu Feng's orders, turned their horses' heads and left here together. Thousands of city guards broke out of the survival base and came towards them.


After they left a distance of about ten kilometers, Chu Feng suddenly ordered to stop.

Because Chu Feng's orders were directly transmitted to everyone by spiritual sound transmission, even people and horses could easily stop.

When everyone stopped, the city guards quickly caught up.

However, following the city guards who followed, there were only more than 1,000 people left. Many of the city guards had angry flames in their eyes. They were the most steadfast believers of the Crusade.


Chu Feng issued the order, drew a sword in each hand, and rushed to the Crusaders first.

The speed of chasing electricity easily surpassed the speed of sound, and Chu Feng, with his sword in both hands, passed through the camp of the Crusade. After Chu Feng passed by, the bodies of more than 100 members of the Crusade became directly In half.

Chu Feng's sword aura can take effect more than just direct contact.

Han Yunxiao and the others looked at each other and slammed at these legions.

Under the extreme speed of the Hell Dream Horse, more than 40 people took less than two minutes to clean up all these legions, and the heads rolled on the ground.

Ye Yiyi's expression was a little sad, but he didn't say anything.

She knew that some sacrifices were inevitable.

If these people weren't sacrificed, the City of Dawn was sacrificed.

She can't sacrifice the people around her to make her enemies.

After solving these people, a large number of black chains **** the bodies of these people again.


Chu Feng ignored the chasing soldiers behind him, but dragged two or three hundred relatively intact corpses towards the next survival base.

Even if it was dragged down by a large number of corpses, the speed of chasing electricity did not decrease much.

In less than half an hour, they arrived at the next survival base.

"We are here to receive the bounty!"

Still the same excuse, still the same action.

Chu Feng threw these two or three hundred slightly better corpses directly on the city wall, causing the anger of the city guards, and a large number of city guards went out of the city to hunt and kill Chu Feng and others.

Chu Feng and his party didn't rush to do anything, but ran a certain distance first before making a counter-kill.

The reason why he ran a certain distance was not because Chu Feng was afraid of them.

It's because if they fight directly near the city wall, they can easily evolve into an enemy with the entire survival base, and eventually become an endless battle. Even if they win the final victory, they will still have the reputation of killing the city.

Chu Feng didn't plan to take the line of the overlord, and of course he wouldn't do such a thing.

However, when they arrived at the third production base and threw the fresh corpses on the city wall, the city guard did nothing.

"If these people are thieves, I need to check again. If the guests are not in a hurry, they can come to our city and sit down first. After we have confirmed the identities of these thieves, we will definitely give you the reward on time."

The leader of a city guard said to Chu Feng's people in a respectful tone.

They showed their posture very low, as if not caring about the casualties of their accomplices.

"Unexpectedly, these people are quite mature."

Lu Ming sneered, but didn't intend to go in.

If there are thousands of swordsmen inside after entering, are they going to be forced to massacre the city?

It seems that the news of our arrival should have spread in the West.

Chu Feng already thought about it, and ordered: "Go in!"

"Brother Feng!"

"do not worry!"

Chu Feng took the lead and flew toward the city wall of the survival base. At this moment, the energy shield of the survival base suddenly rose, closing the gap at the city gate.

If Chu Feng didn't stop, he would definitely hit the wall.

But if he stopped, then the shameful would become Chu Feng's.

"Small bugs!"

If it were in the past, Chu Feng would choose to directly sacrifice the seal of heaven and earth and smash this energy shield, but in the past month, his understanding of the law has reached a very profound state.

These energy shields did not hinder him at all.

Chu Feng rushed towards the energy shield with unabated momentum. Just when the two sides were about to come into contact, Chu Feng stretched out his hand and pointed out that where the energy shield and Chu Feng touched, there seemed to be ripples like water currents. Appearing in front of Chu Feng like this, Chu Feng and others filed in, but the gap did not disappear.

At the gap, like ripples caused by a stone falling into the water, it spreads to the surroundings.

In a blink of an eye, this gap spread to the defense system of the entire energy shield.

"No, the energy shield is broken!"

"It must be the ghost of these Orientals."

"These **** Orientals, I want to teach them."

"The above doesn't allow us to do anything with these Orientals."

"These Orientals did it on us first!"

Some grumpy Westerners picked up the weapons in their hands and intercepted Chu Feng on the way forward.

"Guests from the East, we want to challenge you!"

A swordsman with a two-handed sword was ready to fight Chu Feng desperately. Chu Feng's Hell Dream Horse passed the swordsman's side at an unabated speed, and his left hand was joined together into a sword. Strike across the body.

When Chu Feng passed by, the swordsman's head rolled onto the ground.

Such a scene directly scared off many Westerners who came here.

Chu Feng's team shuttled through the streets inside the survival base so easily. Some ordinary people who didn't know the situation saw such scenes and skillfully closed the doors and windows and hid the family members in the closet.

They are very familiar with such a scene.

When the army of the nobles came back, they looked like this.

Chu Feng and his party came to the center of the survival base so easily, ignoring the city guards chasing after them.


The fiery red sword light swept across the heavily guarded warehouse. A large amount of food and weapons in the warehouse were exposed to Chu Feng and others. Chu Feng waved his hand, spatial fluctuations appeared, and some food and weapons were collected. The internal space.

"We came to the West not to receive a bounty, but to do some business with the West."

After speaking, Chu Feng took out a cheque, wrote a string of numbers, and nailed it on the wall of the warehouse.

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