Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1010: Re-enter the west

After Chu Feng led the people back to the City of Dawn, the City of Dawn had not reacted much.

Because the whole process was so fast, I came back in less than two days. What can I do in these two days? Of course, he didn't publicize it, so he returned quietly.

But those Western countries are all relieved.

The damage outside of the Western world is actually not too serious. In addition to destroying the protective formation of a survival base, it also caused three to four thousand casualties.

This level of casualties, in exchange for the departure of a plague god, is already a bargain for Westerners.

The next thing can be settled on the negotiating table.

When the Star Crusade was in the ASEAN region, China had nothing to do with these groups, but Chu Feng used his own actions to show to the Western Parliament that when they appeared in the West, the entire West had nothing to do with them.

Although the Star Cross Army was strong, it could not leave a single Chu Feng.

"We can make some concessions and promise that the Star Crossing Corps will withdraw within 15 days, but the people of China must guarantee that Chu Feng will never come to our West in the future. I believe they will agree to such a condition."

"Yes, China has always been a country that seeks perfection."

"They like to take care of the overall situation. This is their most fatal weakness. As long as we can grasp this weakness, we can hold China forever."

"We must buy more than 10 days for the Star Crusade, so that they can successfully reach the magic city near the city of dawn and purify those demons."

"Yes, those demons will be an excuse for us to go to war."

"If the City of Dawn sits idly by and just waits for the purification of the Star Crusader in this way, then they will only lose face, but if they dare to resist, they are the sinners who have caused war between the East and the West."

"Leave the battlefield to them and the negotiating table to us."

"It's not good, Chu Feng is here again!"

While the Western Parliament was working on its own plan, suddenly received a bad news, that is, Chu Feng and his party reappeared in the Western world.

"Impossible, why did they—"

Members of the Western Parliament felt a little chill behind their backs.

Chu Feng, who started from the City of Dawn, arrived in the Western world in only 5 hours on the first day, but this 5 hours was because they encountered some obstacles on the road and when they crossed some complex terrain. Need to slow down, so it took 5 hours to reach them.

However, at their speed, it would only take less than 4 hours to move in a straight line.

Even if it is to avoid repeated routes and encounter traps, they only need 5-6 hours to come and "tour" again. This is the speed of the 7th-order Hell Dream Horse.

"No, they caused the killing. Their target is the Cult of the Cross!"

"They invaded the Holy Land!"


Gangdifen, a holy place for the Order of the Cross.

There are not many people here, only more than 10,000 people, of which more than 80% are service personnel, and only less than 20% are left. Those are the high-level officers of the Cross, and the bishop and pope are here.

Although the number of people here is small, there is never a shortage of masters.

Around here, these 6 survival bases are guarding here, and these 6 survival bases have been consolidated into a solid line of defense. No matter what kind of enemy it is, they cannot surpass the copper and iron walls in the distance.

Even if an assassin actually sneaked in, when they arrived at the Holy Land, they faced a deeper despair.

The number of masters above level 7 here has reached more than 500.

They are all strong men who have received the gift of the Supreme Lord. They called the gods for thousands of years, responded to them after the end of the world, and gave them the power of the Holy Light.

But today, this place has turned into ruins under the thunder.

The endless black lightning destroyed all the defenses here, and the church as bright as white jade turned into ruins. Countless priests turned into coke under the black thunder and lightning, and the bright gems used to pave the ground turned into fragments. , The gold hidden in the treasure house has now lost its presence-even in the last days, gold has a high value.

It does not exist as a rare metal or a luxury item, but as the most malleable metal, which has high scientific research value.

These things are not widely circulated among the people, but they can still be sold to research laboratories in exchange for many benefits.

The City of Dawn also has its own research team, but the research direction is mainly various creatures of the end times.

"Lord! Please come to God to punish these sinners!"

Some weak priests knelt on the ruins, holding the cross in their hands, and pleaded with their Lord for the coming of God's punishment, but the Lord who gave them strength did not respond to them now.

"I have brought the saint you have been looking for. Where is your Lord?"

Chu Feng rode a chase station on the ruins, watching these people who survived because they were too weak. They killed all the masters of Tier 6 and above here, but did not deliberately chase the remaining people. .

Some of these people ran away in a hurry, and some knelt on the ground begging for punishment.

"You demons from **** will surely be punished by the Lord in the future."

"One day, the glory of the Lord will spread in every corner of this world, bringing you the heaviest punishment, and purifying you all the sinful devils with the Holy Light."

Looking at these people who still maintain firm beliefs, the corners of Chu Feng's mouth cocked.

"Since you have a firm belief, it's easy to handle, Yiyi, take out your sword."

Yiyi heard the words and immediately summoned the Bright Sword.

Black chains appeared from the void, binding these clergy who still maintained a firm belief, and their bodies gradually became transparent, converging towards this sword of light.

"what is this?"

"Devil, what are you doing?"

"Devil from hell, we will not be afraid of you."

Even if they are about to face death, these clergy still stand firm in their faith.

"This is the divine sword bestowed by your great and noble God. As long as you feel it with your heart, you can feel the power of the gods. Since your faith is so firm, it will become our strength!"

After absorbing the power and soul of these people, the sword of light became more dazzling.

But those black runes also began to spread from the hilt to the top.

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