Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1037: Tree of life

"Sure enough, you still shot."

In the future, when the Snow Tyrannosaurus was about to fall, the Tree of Life took action to protect the Snow Tyrannosaurus and wiped out the entire army of 30,000 elites. Only one holy step of the Space System could escape.

Now is the time when the Ice Tyrannosaurus is facing a life and death crisis, and the Tree of Life has taken action.

It seems that there are still some unknown relationships between the two.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the tree of life will guard the existence of this rainforest in the future. In its eyes, the snow tyrannosaurus should also be part of this rainforest.

It is also worth protecting.

But now, what Chu Feng saw was another thing.

The tree of life is wise.

Intelligence and wisdom are two different things. Intelligence is the speed of the brain of a person or other life, including some elements such as memory, but wisdom is the summary of intelligence plus life experience.

It is impossible for a genius child to have the experience of a tens of years of humanity.

No matter how high the IQ of the monster after mutation is, it can only convey language and information through mental fluctuations. The speed of language learning may be very fast, but it is absolutely impossible to control a language.

But just now, the Tree of Life commanded the Ice Tyrannosaurus to attack the human fortress.

This tactic is very common to humans, because in the process of learning history, humans will continue to draw nutrients from the knowledge they have learned and turn them into their own knowledge.

But why does the tree of life possess such consciousness?

Even if it is a Thunder Corpse Dragon, intelligence is only reflected in fighting and hunting, but the wisdom of the tree of life has reached the height of tactics and art of war.

Such a simple summary is nothing to Chu Feng, but what makes him feel jealous is what kind of trump card is hidden in the tree of life?

Chu Feng did not know how the tree of life would fall in the future, but he knew that before that battle, the two clans of the gods and demons had exhausted the layout of the northern and southern continents. The fluctuations of that battle caused the entire planet's top powerhouses to be exhausted. Can feel it.

The two clans of the gods and demons paid a huge price in that battle, and also obtained rich harvests.

It is so rich that it can safely destroy the Mi Empire without worrying about the Protoss stabbing a knife in the back.

It was also after that battle that the earth truly entered the countdown to destruction.

Since the tree of life will fall sooner or later, it might as well be planted into Chu Feng's hands now.

"Ziqing, go back to the small world first!" Chu Feng said.

Zhang Ziqing didn't try her best. She knew that if she stayed forcibly, it would only become a drag on Chu Feng.

Chu Feng raised his right hand high, and the power of the flame was condensed in his hand. This was the flame formed by directly burning the Yuan Li in the Yuan Palace. These flames eventually formed a 30-meter-long giant sword.

The sword of flame fell towards the direction of the tree of life, and the branches of the tree of life began to stretch, forming a wooden wall, blocking the sword of flame in midair.

The wooden wall was cut open by the sword of flame, but the power of the sword of flame gradually melted away.

Taking this opportunity, the Thunder Corpse Dragon flew quickly in the direction of the tree of life.

The purple thunder spit out from the thunder corpse dragon's mouth, shuttled through the gap split by the sword of flame, and landed directly on the branches of the tree of life, leaving a large area of ​​charred black.

At this moment, Chu Feng's figure came not far from the Tree of Life.

With a certain understanding of space, teleportation is already a breeze.

If you are teleporting to the enemy's position during a battle, it is a death-seeking behavior, because after teleporting, the human body will be sluggish for a moment due to the legendary space, and evenly matched opponents can easily be able to easily as long as the combat experience is not too bad. The mistake of capturing this moment is equivalent to handing over to the enemy.

However, the distance between him and the tree of life is far enough that this degree of teleportation will not cause an accident.

Coming to the side of the tree of life, a black long sword appeared in Chu Feng's hand.

Sword of Scourge!

The power of the black long sword smashed down, and the power of the earth, water, fire and wind was condensed in the long sword. Even the space was divided in front of this sword, and it fell towards the trunk of the tree of life.

However, this sword that must be won was intercepted by a root.

A blue shoe with a large tree root with a diameter of more than three meters laced Chu Feng’s road. The black long sword was forced to move forward, cutting the root of the tree in the middle, and the remaining black sword energy fell on the trunk, leaving only There was a black mark.

But when the black tree root was cut off, Chu Feng took the broken tree root into the Yuan Palace with one hand.

The tree of life has many roots, but it does not mean that after losing a root, the damage will be negligible.

Anything that is huge and exaggerated, every inch of the body is the essence. As the level increases, every piece of flesh and blood on the body becomes precious.

The tree of life is plant life, but this principle is the same for the tree of life.

The half root of the tree cut by Chu Feng still struggled after entering the Yuan Palace, but was quickly suppressed by the power of the world. In the Yuan Palace, even if the tree of life deity entered, he couldn’t turn it over. spray.

The place of life mobilized a large number of branches and surrounded Chu Feng in all directions, forming a cage.

The thunder corpse dragon flew above the tree of life, constantly spitting out black lightning. A large number of the leaves of the tree of life were chopped into coke by the purple thunder, and some small branches were also broken.

However, the Tree of Life took these things abruptly.

No matter how the Thunder Corpse Dragon attacks, it remains unmoved.

It understands that it can solve this black dragon after solving that human being.

The tree prison shrank, and at this moment, the black sword aura drew a circle in the tree prison, and the sturdy branches of the tree of life became vulnerable in front of the black sword aura.

After putting away some of the cut branches, Chu Feng stared at the tree of life with icy eyes.

With the IQ of the Tree of Life, it is no exaggeration to make those actions just now.

Even with the Sword of Scourge, the damage it caused to the Tree of Life was limited.

However, Chu Feng had already prepared.

Faced with the strongest creature on earth in the future, no matter how cautiously he prepares, it cannot be overstated.

The black spear condensed from Chu Feng's hand, piercing the defense formed by the branches of the World Tree at lightning speed, and pierced directly into the trunk of the Tree of Life.

With the corrosive breath of death, it spread from the wound left by the spear on the trunk, corroding the branches of the tree of life.

A large amount of life origin power emerges from the core of the tree of life toward the wound. The power of life and death collide with each other, purifying the death power attached to the spear.

Using the power of death to deal with the tree of life is still a bit immature.

But at this moment, the fierce sword energy pierced the sky and cut a blank space above Chu Feng's head.

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