Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1042: Source of life

Even if wisdom is born in the process of evolution, the cultivation of world outlook and values ​​does need a big environment to set off, whether it is a fierce beast or a tree demon, and human values ​​are different.

If some fierce beasts are willing to surrender to the strong in order to survive, and some would rather die than let themselves become slaves, then the tree demons are relatively mild.

There is no shame in the concept of plant-like organisms.

The Tree of Life used to be unwilling to submit to Chu Feng because it was unwilling to give this piece of forest to someone he didn't trust, but now his life is threatened, and the Tree of Life chose to drag and compromise is the only way.

In the tree spirit's concept of life, there is no choice to give up life for dignity.

Even if the Tree of Life is not an ordinary Dryad, under the circumstances that Chu Feng promised to keep this forest, the Tree of Life couldn't think of other options.

After all, intelligence and wisdom cannot be equated after all.

"Town Demon Talisman!"

Chu Feng portrayed a high-level demon talisman, establishing a contractual connection between himself and the tree of life, and the tree of life did not resist, allowing the contract to fall on him.

After the contract was successfully established, Chu Feng felt that there was a strong breath of life coming from the other end of the contract. That was the difference in size. Even if the breath of life totaled 10 million people, the tree of life might not be strong.

"Sure enough, the Dryad is the race least good at fighting."

Although the tree of life is known as the most powerful life on earth, the fighting method of the tree of life is very simple, directly relying on its own foundation to fight.

As long as the Tree of Life possesses an ordinary human-level combat awareness, it will not be threatened by Chu Feng.

This is also the inherent limitation of tree monster life.

In addition to the huge breath of life, Chu Feng felt the ancient feeling from the tree of life, but a sense of vicissitudes and eternal breath.

"Does the tree of life last longer than I thought?"

Chu Feng originally thought that the local life on the earth only mutated after the end of the world. The tree monster may exist for a long time, but it cannot exceed the limit.

But the existence of the tree of life made him feel a long-lasting, even eternal breath.

He can be sure that it is definitely not an illusion caused by the huge vitality of the other party.

Because Chu Feng himself was a time supernatural person.

Even if he has been rejecting the revival of time ability, this is an undeniable fact.

"How long have you been there?"

Chu Feng asked.


The mental fluctuation of the Tree of Life was abnormal, as if he couldn't understand Chu Feng's words.

Spiritual communication can accurately convey Chu Feng's meaning, but it does not mean that it can help the tree of life understand the essence behind a word.

Chu Feng made a mistake in the secret path. For the Tree of Life, there may not be a concept of time at all.

Humans only add a scale to time, so they can describe time.

However, the human perception of scale is different from the tree of life.

He even wanted to cut out a part of the trunk of the tree of life and count the annual rings, but after thinking about it, he dispelled the idea. The time of the tree of life is not important, but the time when the tree of life has wisdom is important. .

While he was considering the language, the tree of life continued to answer.

"A long time ago, this forest was as comfortable as it is now, but that power was exhausted in a war. I am a child who grew up in... the mother's body, resurrected and fell asleep, and now this is full of vitality. The age of power.” Although the tree of life has gradually become accustomed to human expression, some things are still difficult to say.

But through mental fluctuations, Chu Feng probably understood.

The last era should have been the era of the Three Holy Lands. In that era, there should also be a tree of life, but that tree of life had already been destroyed.

But after the trees die, many saplings will grow on the original tree corpses.

The tree of life today should be the child of the last place of life.

In this way, he couldn't ask any valid information from the tree of life.

"Under your roots, what is it?"

Chu Feng was very curious about the things under the roots of the Tree of Life, because that thing could not even be shaken by the seal of heaven and earth, obviously its origin was very mysterious.

The tree of life silently used its roots to open the soil, revealing a passage leading to the underground.

Chu Feng turned on his mental power and probed the underground objects.

At first, separated from the soil, his mental power couldn't penetrate too far underground, but now that the soil blocking the mental power has been pulled away, Chu Feng can explore without hindrance.

Chu Feng's mental power went underground and found a source.

The vitality of heaven and earth is resurrected, and springs have appeared all over the world. They are condensed to a certain extent and then combined with the spring water in reality to form a source of vitality.

This kind of source has soft and abundant vitality, quotation can restore physical strength, watering can make crops grow better, and every place where the source is found will cause competition.

Because a spring represents a self-sufficient living base with independent food and water sources.

It is not surprising that there is a spring in the place where the Tree of Life is located, but in this spring's eyes, Chu Feng felt the tremendous vitality that made him feel that this place was the source of life.

"No wonder Heaven and Earth Seal can't shake this place."

Chu Feng's seal of heaven and earth is essentially the treasure of the earth's origin, and its power is actually very limited, but it can let Chu Feng use part of the power of this world's origin, so it will have boundless power.

But in this source of life, what it represents is life itself.

The world has always been an aggregation of the will of living beings, and human beings are part of life.

Then the place that represents the origin of life is of course also one of the cores of the world. Using the power of the earth to shake the origin of the earth, it is no wonder that the seal of heaven and earth cannot take effect.

"The source of life, there must be no accidents in such a place."

Feeling the source of life, Chu Feng has already made up his mind.

But when he was about to withdraw his mental power, he suddenly discovered that in the middle of the source, something seemed to drain the surrounding spring water, making the spring water appear hollow.

"Something floats on the spring water, but this thing isolates my spiritual exploration."

Chu Feng thought of the reason almost instantly.

His mental power is already the highest in the world, so it's no wonder that what separates his mental power exploration must not be ordinary items.

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