Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1046: Eternal Wood

More terrifying existence?

After hearing what Chu Feng said, the faces of the survivors turned pale.

The horror of the Ice Tyrannosaurus has exceeded their cognition, why is there even more terrifying existence in the south?

Some quick-minded people noticed another thing.

Since Mr. Chu Feng could easily slay the Ice Tyrannosaurus, but reminded them that there are even more terrifying existences in the south, does it prove that even Mr. Chu Feng did not have the ability to slay the enemy?

If this is the case, what dangers are there in the South?

Chu Feng was about to order the Thunder Corpse Dragon to leave here, but some of the survivors shouted anxiously:

"Don't go, we are also from Huaxia."

"Mr. Chu, please take us away."

"Mr. Chu, we admire the Chinese culture very much, please take us away from here."

The survivors shouted very anxiously, and their voices were full of expectation.

It has been almost two years since the apocalypse broke out. In this dangerous era, they have always been precarious, and they have just seen a monster like the Ice Tyrannosaurus that is beyond common sense.

Now their hearts are full of fear of the unknown and danger.

If they can follow behind such a strong person, they will have a strong sense of security in their hearts. This is the instinct for the survival of the weak and the wisdom for the survival of the weak.

As for following behind such a strong person, will it be regarded as cannon fodder? People will not consider these in extreme panic.

But their shouts did not make Chu Feng's figure stay a trace.

For these people who claim to be Chinese but are fighting for the Mi Empire, Chu Feng did not directly kill them. It is already a show of his compassion, but if he takes these people to leave, it is still avoided.

Since you have chosen to give up China, since you have chosen to join other countries, stay in the country of your choice. Don't eat the bowl and watch the pot.

In China’s most glorious period of time in the future, there are indeed people who have accepted foreign Chinese and returned to China’s embrace. Unfortunately, most of these people are arrogant, and they have asked China to give them generous treatment and that China is delicious. Drinkers are waiting for them, otherwise, they will preach that China treats them as slaves.

China, which has experienced tragic casualties, of course turned what they preached into reality.

Of course, some people returned to China with all their heart, but Chu Feng had no time to screen.

Even the native Chinese people, what Chu Feng can do, is to give everyone a chance to grow. It is too difficult for him to take care of everyone's growth like a nanny.

The Thunder Corpse Dragon disappeared on the sea, and the survivors on the ruins of the fortress were lost.

After disappearing from everyone's sight, Chu Feng returned to the Yuan Palace.

This time he went to the Southern Continent, and his gains were very great. He had subdued the tree of life, the strongest creature on the earth, into his own servant. Such gains could make up for his loss.

Then Chu Feng threw the corpse of the Snow Tyrannosaurus to the snow wolves in the ice field area.

When a silver wolf king saw the corpse of the ice tyrannosaurus, fierce light and greed appeared in its eyes. It could see that if it swallowed the corpse in front of it, its strength would surely be improved by leaps and bounds.

"Eat it!"

Chu Feng was not a stingy person either. This silver wolf king was the strongest among the wolves he had cultivated in the Snow Plains of Yuan Mansion, and he was the wolf king who grew up in constant fighting and fighting among the wolves.

But what made him somewhat dissatisfied was that this wolf king could only be regarded as a tall man among short men.

Only level 7 is nothing, but in the process of the same level, the wolf king can only be regarded as a superior player. In the heads-up, he will be completely blown by the thunder corpse dragon, which means that the wolf king has the ability to command wolves. There is value in training.

Now let the Wolf King devour the Snow Tyrannosaurus, hoping to give him some surprises.

If the growth of the wolf king is not as expected, then he will treat the entire snow wolf pack as cannon fodder to cultivate, and only if he can survive as cannon fodder can he truly be regarded as a pet.

It takes hard work to become his Chu Feng's pet.

If the wolf king at the pinnacle of a clan does not perform satisfactorily, it can only show that the snow wolf clan itself is not an excellent clan.

In this natural world of survival of the fittest, what human beings can do is to artificially select species that are useful to them, but Chu Feng will not forcefully change the law of survival of the fittest.

Some unforgettable followers looked at the corpse of the Snow Tyrannosaurus eagerly, wanting to share a piece of the pie, their eyes full of greed.

However, the Silver Wolf King guarded his food stubbornly, preventing any wolf clan from approaching.

After dropping the corpse of the Snow Tyrannosaurus, Chu Feng ignored it.

He came to the center of the world, in front of the dry tree.

After Chu Feng isolated the surrounding vitality and material from the trees, this dry tree's true color appeared in front of Chu Feng, making Chu Feng feel a clear and eternal breath.

Even the eternal aura in the tree of life, in front of this dry tree, seemed so fragile, just like the fireflies and the bright moon competing for brilliance, there is no level at all.

This section of the tree seemed to have lost its vitality, but in Chu Feng's induction, there seemed to be a period of vitality, fixed forever, engraved forever by this eternal breath.

"Eternal breath, why do I know this is eternal breath?"

Chu Feng was a little puzzled. Why did he realize that this is eternity when he sensed that breath?

He mobilized the power of the thunder to strike the dry tree, but did not leave any scars. After all the thunder fell into the tree, they disappeared without a trace.

Chu Feng used flames to burn again, cutting with the power of space.

But no matter what you do, there is nothing to do with this tree.

Even with the innate sword aura, there is no way to harm it.

"If it is made into a weapon, I am afraid this should be the strongest weapon in the world!"

Chu Feng laughed at himself, even if he wanted to make it into a weapon, he still couldn't cut the tree! How can he use trees that cannot be cut?

"The Eternal Tree?"

A suspicious voice rang in Chu Feng's ears. Chu Feng turned around and saw that the pure eyes of the girl Zixue were filled with confusion, as if he was remembering something, "This is the core of the Eternal Tree. It is the eternal wood."

"Eternal Wood, what do you know?"

Chu Feng looked at Zi Xue's confused eyes, a little strange, Zi Xue's appearance, did he remember something he had forgotten?

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