Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1048: The original magic weapon building plan

"What can you do with this?"

Chu Feng asked.

"In addition to the rules of eternity, the eternal wood is the most friendly law of life and death. After all, only life and death can set off eternity. I can cut the eternal wood into what the master wants and integrate it into the source of life and death. The master can get the original magic weapon that best fits the original law of life and death."

Fit the law of life and death?

Chu Feng's eyes lit up. If he can make do with the origins of the eight phases, then the origins of life and death are definitely what he values ​​most, and it hasn't been finalized until now.

The eternal aura in the Eternal Wood may be a bit afraid of him, but the Eternal Wood itself is a very good material, at least as strong as Chu Feng's life.

No matter what method he uses, he can't hurt the Eternal Wood any bit.

As for the sharpness, it is not very important.

The stronger the strength, the more simplistic the battle, which is usually said to return to the basics.

Chu Feng didn't actually have much demand for high-level weapons, because the essence of battle is actually the collision of Yuanli, and weapons only replace the human body as the carrier of Yuanli.

Fighting directly with your fists may cause injuries to your fists. Fighting with weapons will reduce the damage to your fists and increase the attack distance.

Therefore, for Chu Feng, whether a sword is sharp is not very important, what is important is whether the sword can withstand his fight.

"Okay, I'll leave this to you."

Chu Feng picked up the Eternal Wood and examined it.

The length of the Eternal Wood is about 1.5 meters, and it is obviously very inappropriate to build a spear weapon. Then the most suitable choice in his mind is to make it into a wooden sword.

But just making it into a wooden sword would be wasteful.

"You can cut this piece of wood into two wooden swords. One wooden sword has the hilt at this end and the other at the other end. The blade doesn't need to be too sharp, it just needs to be usable."

Chu Feng made a virtual picture in the air and told Zixue her request.

According to his idea, this wood can probably be cut into two wooden swords with opposite blades.

Zixue nodded, indicating that she understood.

After handing Zi Xue the task of refining the sword, Chu Feng picked up the branch of the tree of life.

Said to be a branch, the length has exceeded 30 meters.

When the two sides were fighting, he did not lose the branches of the tree of life, but the fire he set contained part of the original power, so it could not prove the weakness of the tree of life itself.

On the part of the branches he intercepted, Chu Feng also felt part of the origin of the tree of life.

It was because of the character of the tree of life that he didn't get angry at him. Otherwise, even if he cut off a pair of horns on the head of the Thunder Corpse Dragon, the Thunder Corpse Dragon would be angry.

Chu Feng thought for a while, and cut a wooden sword from the center of the branch.

Through this, he began to gather the life force contained in the entire branch toward the wooden sword. The branches that had lost their life and original strength gradually withered, but the wooden sword in Chu Feng's hand gradually became stronger.

A white brilliance flashed across the surface of the wooden sword, and then the wooden sword turned into an ordinary wood color.

The wooden sword looks simple and unpretentious, but Chu Feng can feel the powerful life force contained in it. If this life force is burned, it will be the nemesis of dead creatures.

"Underworld, hell, this sword will be your nightmare."

Chu Feng still doesn't know how powerful the weapon made from the Eternal Wood is, but the current power of this sword still makes him relatively satisfied.

The withered branches gradually turned into dust, but a green seed fell from the branches, containing a faint breath of life.

Chu Feng planted this seed near Yuanquan.

In his reaction, this seed quickly absorbed the vitality and life force, took root in this place, and while absorbing the nutrients from the environment, it also stabilized the surrounding environment.

"It seems that the world tree of the God Realm can stabilize the God Realm is not groundless."

Even if it was just a sprouting seed, Chu Feng could feel the role of the other party in stabilizing the environment. If this tree grows up, he still doesn't know how far it can be in the future.

After planting the seeds, Chu Feng continued to observe the original power.

Regarding the original magic weapon, he did not intend to use rare materials completely. After all, this approach was too wasteful, and it was not that he cherished the materials too much. It was mainly that one or two weapons were enough when fighting.

There is no point in having more cards of the same type.

He intends to use the most precious part of the materials of Bamenqi that he can easily obtain, but the four attributes of earth, water, fire and wind are related to important spatial laws, and he cannot be sloppy.

"Since it is to be made into fillings, the material of the water system cannot be ice, but the ever-changing water, so that the sword formation can be given the most changes and the sword formation can be changed."

"The source of water, the magic weapon, can use the spring water of the source of life and the river water of the river of the underworld as materials. These two represent the extremes of life and death, and they can be combined with the understanding of life and death. "

Chu Feng had just obtained some of the spring water of the source of life from the Tree of Life, and he also collected some inventory from the **** of the river of the underworld.

With such an idea, Chu Feng immediately combined the two together.

Soon, a long sword with a gentle aura on the front and a biting and icy aura on the back appeared in Chu Feng's hands.

Chu Feng threw this sword of water into the air and combined it with the original divine weapon that said "Fangxian".

"For the fire element, the best choice is the Celestial Clean Fire. Unfortunately, the Celestial Realm is not easy to go, and the Celestial Clean Fire is not easy to obtain. I remember that someone found the Canglian Earth Heart Fire while digging an underground refuge in the previous life. Time, it should be close to birth, find time to find it! The earth is progressing too fast in this life, so don't be preempted by others."

His cultivation problem has stabilized, and then he will build the strongest weapon for himself.

The original **** soldiers of life and death have found suitable materials, and the most important thing left is the earth, water, fire and wind.

Water and fire, Chu Feng has found a suitable target.

"The original magic weapon of the Earth series is not in a hurry for the time being, because the materials are the best to obtain, the difference is only a matter of quality, but the wind system materials are the most difficult to obtain."

"The best material, of course, is the supernatural wind between heaven and earth, but this kind of thing can't be found. The next rare items related to wind may be easier to find in the sky."

"Wait a minute, it seems there are also underground."

Chu Feng suddenly thought of the Storm Sandworm, one of the ten beasts in the last days, which was the strongest beast of the wind element.

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