
Zhang Ziqing was suddenly blindfolded when he was caught off guard, and then there was a feeling of eyelids fighting.

The eyes of the two glamorous women were full of cruel expressions: "Who told you to stop us? This is your own death."

"Two little girls who haven't grown up yet, think you can do whatever they want by seduce a man? Let my sister teach you what society is!"

"When you die, we will enjoy your man."

However, before they were proud of them for too long, the two glamorous women suddenly realized that their hands and feet were not listening, and two ropes made of water tied them up.

"Ability person, she is an ability person?"

The two glamorous women had a dumbfounded look on their faces. They originally thought that this woman was just a woman next to the boss, but they did not expect that she was actually a supernatural person.

As a supernatural person, do I need to enjoy men with other women?

At this time, a holy light appeared on Xiaoxi's body, and then fell on Zhang Ziqing's body.

"Two powers!"

The two fascinating women only felt that the world seemed to be a bit overturned. Although they didn't know how many people with supernatural powers, they also knew that they should be very rare.

But they were so lucky that they actually met two supernatural beings, and a terrible existence that could treat both supernatural beings as their own women? What kind of person is the existence inside?

Their bodies trembled constantly, and they couldn't imagine what the fate of offending two abilities at the same time would be. What they could imagine was that even if Zhang Ziqing killed them, they would not be punished by the boss.

Who would offend two women around at the same time for two coquettish **** who have not yet succeeded, and two women who are supernaturalists?

Xiaoxi's eyes were full of coldness: "Such people should go to hell, and only **** is their only destination."

She now has no forgiveness for those who are not worth saving.

The **** is empty and the devil is on earth.

Zhang Ziqing said: "Let Chu Feng punish it!"

"I do not mind."

Chu Feng's voice came from inside, "If you are worried about future troubles, then kill them directly. If you feel that the two of you are not a threat to you, or if they can't bear to kill, just throw them here."

He would never let these two women get in the car again.

If he really wants to punish, he actually has more ways.

He knows that in the last days, it is not only food and water that can be traded. Women, especially beautiful and good-serving women are also one of the important trade items, but he himself still has some limitations, let him Can't do this kind of thing.

What's more, at this time, the social order of mankind has not collapsed to this extent.

Zhang Ziqing tried to kill the killer several times, but in the end he hesitated.

It’s not the first time that she killed people, but they were all killings in battle, and there was no trial-style killing. Faced with these two people who were going to kill themselves in order to compete for men, rationally told her that killing was the best result. .

However, even if these two women are damned, does she really have the right to judge others and control his life and death? If she does, how bad will she be in the future?

Once people have no bottom line, what terrible things will they do in the future?

At this time, Tian Jing suddenly showed up with the driver and said, "If you are hesitant, let me handle it!"

Zhang Ziqing hesitated for a moment, and said, "Okay."

Although it is a bit trying to cover up, but not seeing is clear.

With that said, Tian Jing dragged two women who had been gagged and left here, and then greeted the male classmate in the car.

Seeing Tian Jing’s actions, Chu Feng’s mouth showed a smile. He saw that Tian Jing didn’t seem to be a fuel-efficient lamp, but he didn’t care too much. Anyway, as long as he could keep his status as a strong person and be able to Let her use it for herself, so what are the little thoughts in her heart?

Thinking this way, he continued to retreat.

Yuan Fu was first completed but still needs to be consolidated.

After about two hours, the sky finally cleared, and Chu Feng ended his practice and walked out of the empty convenience store.

Now his Yuanfu has been expanded a lot, and his vitality is abundant, and he has refined some sacred charms. Now the space for storing things in his body is bigger than a university open class classroom. To the three-dimensional space, these things in the gas station only occupy a corner of the space.

After experiencing the apocalypse of material shortage, he naturally suffered from squirrel disease.

Since it is not yet the time when the supplies are in short supply, why doesn't he take this opportunity to collect more things?

After packing away all the things in the convenience store, he took away the gasoline from the gas station. Even if the car runs out, he can use gasoline to burn people!

Anyway, the space is big and willful.

When everyone set off again, the two glamorous women had disappeared, and the faces of several people were a little pale. When the driver and the two boys looked at Tian Jing, their eyes were a little frightened.

She told them to go there, of course not to do that kind of thing, but to practice courage.

Although they have experienced a lot of things, they have not killed anyone. At this time, there were two people who needed to be executed, so Tian Jing proposed several people to kill together to practice courage.

When they really started to kill, they realized that watching someone else kill is completely different from watching someone commit suicide.

Although the process went through a lot of twists and turns, they eventually overcome it.

Because they knew that Chu Feng's tolerance for them was not limitless. If they were not up to date, they would be abandoned sooner or later.

This time, Chu Feng sat in the driver's seat and said, "You take a break! I'll drive the next road."

Although the driver didn't start killing people just now, he was not in a good state after experiencing the same thing.

Seeing Chu Feng driving proficiently, he suddenly felt worried: Since he can drive, is he useless?

But he quickly put this idea behind him, and the boss occasionally drives, why is there a reason for the boss to drive every day?

When the off-road vehicle hit the road again, it didn't encounter too many twists and turns this time, and returned to the countryside where Chu Feng's parents were located smoothly.

In his previous life, Chu Feng did not encounter much difficulty in finding his parents. After all, there were not too many dangers in the countryside. In addition, every household had farm tools and was able to resist ordinary dangers.

Although he was worried about the existence of the butterfly effect, he also came here many days earlier than his previous life.

There should be no problem, right?

Chu Feng thought about this, then took a deep breath and walked to his house.

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