Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1052: Development underground

After an hour or two of greetings, Chu Feng left the research institute.

At the beginning, he didn't show anything, but after leaving the research institute, Chu Feng immediately took Zhang Ziqing and teleported back to the City of Dawn.

The teleportation of the space system supernatural powers is very limited.

If you teleport to a position that shouldn't be teleported, you may backlash yourself.

However, what Chu Feng left in the City Lord's Mansion had coordinates. Only he could enter in a specific place, and no one would disturb him, even for cleaning.

Anyway, with his strength, as long as he blows his strength, the hygiene problem will be solved.

After eagerly returning to the City of Dawn, Chu Feng immediately recruited Su Yuan who was digesting the fruits of life.

"If the order is passed on, the fortresses around the City of Dawn will be released in advance. From now on, our main energy will be used to explore the underground. We will call more of the supernatural powers of the earth system. Let Li Xiao be responsible for supervision and acceptance. Dig deep underground and expand, but you must ensure that it will not spread to the ground. By the way, I will let the mountain giant protect you. If you encounter danger, let the mountain giant go up without worrying about its safety."

Seeing Chu Feng's eager look, Su Yuan asked, "Are there any changes underground?"

Only then did Chu Feng notice his gaffe, and shook his head: "I don't know yet, but the priority of this matter must be the highest. By the way, the labor of the Demon Race is also used. Anyway, the Silver Phosphorus Demon Race is short. There is no war in time. I have also accepted a lot of puppets of the demons here, so I can’t let their labor go to waste.

Su Yuan nodded, and didn't ask much.

Since it was Chu Feng's decision, then this decision must be placed at the highest priority.

In the City of Dawn, Chu Feng has never compromised for the City of Dawn.

The reason why she was able to defeat He Chongyin and the others and become Chu Feng's confidant was not only because of her appearance, but also because of her ability to figure out her own position.

The existence of the City of Dawn was originally for Chu Feng.

Is it possible for Chu Feng to compromise for the City of Dawn?

Chu Feng sat on the chair, leaned on the back of the chair, and rubbed his eyebrows: "Let’s start digging from the veins of Chi Yan Jing Gold and Youlan Devil Gold! Remember, don't cause the ground to collapse."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

Su Yuan nodded, without asking Chu Feng the specific reason for giving such an order, she went straight to arrange it.

"By the way, I forgot to order some tree monsters to stabilize the land, forget it, let's talk about it next time!"

Chu Feng shook his head. No matter how anxious this matter is, it is destined to be a protracted work.

Zhang Ziqing came to Chu Feng's side and asked softly, "Is there something underground?"

She knew that Chu Feng seldom used teleport to drive the road directly, but this time Chu Feng put his anxiety on his face, which made her feel very uneasy.

Is there anything underground?

Chu Feng nodded, flipped his palm, and a compass appeared in his hand: "Under the ground, there should be danger. I don't know what it is, but it is precisely because I don't know that it is necessary to take the underground I'll figure it out."

After his father gave him the compass, Chu Feng realized what he had been neglecting.

The place of human life is above the ground.

People all over the world have seen underground shelters, but the depth of excavation does not exceed 200 meters. In the future, there will be deeper shelters, but the actual value is not great.

So the underground world has always been something he ignored.

Except for someone collecting Canglian Heart Fire in the underground world in the future, Chu Feng's attention was paid to the underground world a little, but it was only a little bit.

It was not until the appearance of the compass that he realized what he had overlooked.

Chu Feng is an independent person, and also a self-centered person, so Chu Feng's gaze has always been focused on the range that he can see.

The biggest benefit of this kind of thinking is that you can prevent yourself from being too high because of your strength expansion, but it will also make you miss a lot of important information.

For example, the most overlooked ground.

Chu Feng didn't know if the compass had malfunctioned, but he knew that there would be no underground changes in the next 10 years. If changes occur in the more distant future, it must be a more terrifying disaster.

Now the demon world is the most enjoyable dance on the earth, followed by the **** world, but in the memory of the awakening of the supernatural beings, the information about the underworld is the most, indicating that in the last era or in the memory of the earth, In fact, it is the underworld that brings the most damage to the earth, but from the perspective of humans or the three holy places, although the underworld is powerful, it is not very aggressive.

It’s not a good thing to look too long before the immediate crisis is resolved.

Only Chu Feng, who felt the will of the world, realized what was hidden behind it.

The City of Dawn began to operate with an order from Chu Feng, and even caused the turmoil in the entire East China region. Many people who wanted to pursue progress began to take the initiative to come to the City of Dawn as a labor force, because everyone who was a labor force at least Everyone can receive a bottle of Body Tempering Liquid, which gives those who have bad talents a hope to make up for their talent.

Perhaps a bottle of body quenching cannot make a person a strong person, but at least it can give them a hope of breaking away from the bottom of society. No one can estimate how terrible human beings can explode in order to hope.

When the City of Dawn began to operate, Chu Feng's mind was constantly thinking.

"Long Ao used the means obtained from the devil world to sacrifice the power of living creatures through blood sacrifices, coupled with a large amount of energy to open the channels of the underworld, and let the things in the center of the underworld descend on the earth, but according to what Kerr told me. It is worthy of the name, although it is the same as the underworld knight, but the aura on the body is disgusting to the three-headed dog of hell, and the two sides are not in the same camp.

"In other words, the existence that is right with us is not necessarily the underworld."

Chu Feng remembered what happened to the three-headed dog in the **** now. The original three-headed dog clan was the guard of the gate of the underworld. Only people were allowed to enter the underworld, but no one was allowed to leave the underworld.

Later, someone stole the laws of the underworld, defeated the three-headed dog clan of the hell, and left the underworld, which led to the three-headed dog clan of the **** reduced to where it is today.

Whether the punishment of the Lord of the Underworld is too severe, this matter is not qualitative.

However, it is an indisputable fact that the law of the underworld was stolen.

"Stealing the laws of the underworld, turned out to be a mighty one who was chased by the gods and demons together, the outbreak of the last days..."

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