Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1055: Underwater pyramid

Speaking of this, Chu Feng directly used Yuan Li to separate the water flow and entered the underground against the direction of the spring.

100 meters, 200 meters, 300 meters...

As Chu Feng continued to deepen, the pressure under water became greater and greater.

But this amount of pressure is nothing to Chu Feng.

The more you go down, the more turbulent the underground water flow, but the opening of the passage is getting narrower and more rugged, but where the largest spring can emerge from the earth, the passage is narrower, and there is a limit.

This limit, the width that can pass a person, is obviously very far away.

After diving for about 1500 meters, the passage suddenly widened.

Chu Feng continued to dive. When he dived to a depth of more than 2 kilometers, he was shocked by the sight in front of him.

After diving for more than 2 kilometers, this is no longer a spring, but a large underwater world. The height of this underwater world is about 500 meters, but the breadth cannot be estimated. Chu Feng’s current mental power, It is also impossible to detect the boundary here under the water. In this underwater world, there is no life, only one building complex.

A pyramid complex.

Chu Feng shuttled under the water, watching the pyramids here.

There are more than 30 pyramids here, the highest is about 120 meters, the shortest is only more than 30 meters, no, it seems to be randomly sitting in this underwater world.

Landing on top of one of the pyramids, Chu Feng saw that around the pyramids, there were chains bound to the corpses of some humanoid life. These corpses did not rot under the water. They were all lifelike. The only drawback was that their eyes were closed. Otherwise, you might be able to see the look in front of the dead.

These chain-bound corpses guarded the periphery of the pyramid as if guarding something.

Chu Feng touched the rocks that make up the pyramid with his hands, and found that the rocks here are very hard, even capable of withstanding the attacks of level 5 masters. Large buildings are all with this hardness, which is already very amazing.

However, considering the transformation of the vitality recovery to the material, this kind of hardness is nothing.

"Unexpectedly, there is also a pyramid community here. Could it be that some of the pyramids sank to the bottom of the water as the crust changes after they were built, or is it the underground world?"

Chu Feng stroked the surface of the pyramid with his fingers, and found that the pyramid was made very well. Although there were complicated marks carved by the knife, the connecting place and the pyramid on the ground had the same style, and even the blade could not be inserted.

Such a strange landscape aroused Chu Feng's curiosity.

Of course, he is not completely attracted by this strange landscape. More importantly, some special items are more likely to appear in places with strange landscapes, and items useful to him are more likely to appear.

"If this is a contemporary masterpiece, it may be of little value, but if it is a masterpiece of the previous era, then perhaps there will be some truths about ancient civilizations here."

Chu Feng has never been a person who respects the past and degrades the present, he believes that most of the modern technology is beyond the ancient.

However, it is undeniable that in the long history, there will always be some bright pearls, which are buried by sand and dust for a short time. When those sand and dust are lost, these pearls will bloom again. They are epoch-making products. .

In the era of losing vitality, it is a miracle that mankind can create gunpowder and nuclear weapons.

But in the age of vitality, humans can do more.

"The pyramid can be said to be a kind of mysterious building. Its construction is a mystery, and its existence itself is a mystery. If it were not for the words and ancient cultural relics in the pyramid, people would not believe that the pyramid would actually be ancient. Egyptian masterpieces, if such masterpieces are related to alien civilizations or ancient civilizations, it would be very disappointing."

In the process of exploring, Chu Feng also hesitated.

He is a staunch racist who firmly believes that human beings are the most successful species in the world, and the core of the universe, the powerful race that will rise to the highest plane in the future.

To provide accurate positioning for the human race, leave it to professional people to do it!

What Chu Feng had to do was to use his confidence to build the confidence of the human race.

National self-confidence can shape national integrity and racial self-confidence, and it can also make an originally weak race straighten up, so that the weak can rise from the dying and have the courage to overcome obstacles.

If the results of the exploration show that the pyramids are related to civilizations other than humans, of course it will disappoint Chu Feng.

Wanting to take a deep breath, but thinking that this is underwater, Chu Feng forcibly calmed down his mood.

"If he finds out the truth that he doesn't want, he will bury this piece of truth in the dust of history. Anyway, as long as I don't tell it, no one will know what's going on here."

Thinking of this, Chu Feng made up his mind and moved away the masonry on the top of the underwater pyramid.

A large number of diamonds were moved by Chu Feng, revealing the things inside the pyramid.

He did not maintain the noble integrity of cultural relics, race against time to do what he wanted to do, is the most important for him, even if the entire underwater world is blown up, if he can get something useful to him Things are also worth it.

When he removed the bricks and stones, he was stunned.

Because there is nothing inside the underwater pyramid.

The pyramid above the surface is essentially a tomb. The most amazing thing is not the appearance of the pyramid, but the delicate structure hidden under that amazing appearance.

But the underwater pyramids here are just like large building blocks made of bricks.

Except that the joints are relatively intact, there is no technical content at all. It is a pyramid-shaped rock pile composed of cut and polished stones.

Such a discovery filled Chu Feng's heart with disappointment.

Just when Chu Feng was considering whether to continue destroying the pyramid, a feeling of palpitations suddenly appeared in his heart.

Around this pyramid that he destroyed, the humanoid life corpses **** in chains slowly opened their eyes, the white pupils looked terrible, and the chains on their bodies slowly fell off.

"No, the function of these pyramids is suppression!"

Chu Feng suddenly understood something. It was not these corpses that were protecting the pyramid, but the existence of the pyramid itself, suppressing the corpses of these humanoid lives.

However, he did not panic either, and the power of manipulating the water flow formed chains, binding the corpses again.

At the same time, another stream of water condensed into ice swords, slashing down towards these strange corpses.

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