Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1065: The Commanding Ability of the Silver Wolf King

The silver wolf king exhaled a breath of cold air, forming an ice and snow protective cover in the sky. The storm sandworm’s blood basin hit the ice and snow protective cover with a big mouth, breaking the ice and snow protective cover, but taking advantage of this opportunity, the silver wolf king turned into one. The silver lightning left the place, avoiding the fatal blow of the storm sandworm.

When Chu Feng took the shot just now, he predicted the speed of the Storm Sand Worm before projecting the Spear of Scourge.

But at the moment of the shot, the Storm Sand Worm actually blocked it in front of him, condensing a body that was the same as his own, and thereby slowed his own speed.

What the Spear of Scourge runs through is just the sandy substitute of the Storm Sandworm.

Only the second half of the body is the deity of Storm Sand Worm.

However, with the delay of this period, the Wolf King was able to avoid the frontal attack of the Storm Sand Worm. Otherwise, even with the strength of the Silver Wolf King, he would be in danger of being hit by the Storm Sand Worm frontally.

From the brief encounter just now, Chu Feng also saw the fighting consciousness of Storm Sand Worm.

This level of response was made in just a few moments, not only evading the deadly attack, but also being able to make a correct counterattack against the enemy. This level of combat awareness is already at its peak among the beasts.

From Chu Feng, it could be seen that the opponent made such a response not based on combat experience, but based on his own reaction speed and instinct.

This fighting method is very similar to the Thunder Corpse Dragon.

The fighting talent of Thunder Corpse Dragon is also innate. It doesn't need to be learned at all. It can have a terrible fighting consciousness by instinct. This fighting consciousness is almost inscribed on the body and soul.

However, the Silver Wolf King was somewhat different. The Silver Wolf King's combat awareness and innate talent did account for a certain proportion, but most of them were acquired through training and learning.

The two ways of evolution have their own advantages and disadvantages.

However, after the death of the storm sandworm, it is difficult for a second storm sandworm to be born here, but after the death of the silver wolf king, a second wolf king can be born among the wolves, and there is a chance to surpass the previous wolf king .

Storm Sandworm missed a hit, and did not make another shot in a short time.

On the contrary, the sandstorm is getting more and more intense, and the silhouette of the storm sandworm seems to constantly fluctuate with the sandstorm.

It's just that Chu Feng could see that those were all phantoms of Storm Sand Worm condensed from sand. The Storm Sand Worm's real body was looming, but never once put himself in a truly dangerous situation.

The Silver Wolf King was not in a hurry, his deep eyes kept staring at the surrounding ground, as if waiting for an opportunity.

Even in the most recent time, the Storm Sand Worm was less than 30 meters away from the Silver Wolf King. At this distance, the Storm Sand Worm even had a chance to kill with one blow, but the Silver Wolf King still ignored the existence of the Storm Sand Worm.

The surrounding wolves are also getting farther and farther away, moving away in all directions.

The surrounding sandstorm suddenly became stronger, the nearby sand dunes were ups and downs, and the silhouette of the storm sandworm suddenly emerged from one of the dunes, and the big mouth of the blood basin bit down in the direction of the silver wolf king.

The Silver Wolf King calmly jumped to the surroundings, the storm sandworm’s body hit the ground, arousing wind and sand in the sky, but the Silver Wolf King who was close at hand was unmoved, as if he was almost bitten. Yourself.

However, when the wind and sand gradually subsided, the body of the storm sandworm suddenly emerged from a place 2 kilometers away, and the blood basin swallowed a giant wolf over 7 meters in length.

The attack just now turned out to be just a feint, and its real target is the giant wolf.

The giant wolf with a strength of only Tier 6 has no ability to resist in front of the Storm Sand Worm, so it is silently swallowed by the Storm Sand Worm's blood basin.

The nearby wolves howled in grief and rushed towards the storm sandworm.

Even the Silver Wolf King turned into silver lightning and rushed towards the storm sandworm.

At this moment, the body of the storm sandworm was constantly twisting, and a huge block of ice was spit out, and the nearby wolves spit out an ice-blue half-moon arc light, cutting the body of the storm sandworm.

Some giant wolves spit out the cold current and frozen the body of Storm Sandworm.

The body of the Silver Wolf King passed through the Storm Sand Worm, and his huge claws caught on the Storm Sand Worm's body. Three blood bursts appeared. The Silver Wolf King's body was cut three big openings in this way.

It seems that it was the storm sandworm who was caught in anger, showing his full face.

This is a giant monster that looks like an earthworm, but grows some centipede-like claws. It swings its body, and its claws cut some giant wolves. The three giant wolves were immediately torn in half by the claws.

The storm sand worm verbally blocked the wolves, but the wolves fled in a hurry, but they were unable to dodge. A dozen giant wolves were buried by the wind and sand, followed by a large number of storms, and a dozen more giant wolves were directly cut by the wind broken.

The original deep eyes of the Wolf King have now become completely crazy.

A silver breath condensed in his mouth, and the cold current storm swept the ground, almost freezing the ground, and the storm sandworm half of its body was frozen, but the movement did not slow down, a large number of storms set off, and the power of the wind blade shredded ten pieces again. A few giant wolves, and seven or eight powerful giant wolves, were just cut and wounded by the wind blade and barely saved their lives.

Black lightning fell from the sky and landed on the head of the storm sandworm.

Storm Sandworm’s body was blasted into a big hole and fled into the distance under the cover of the sandstorm. The Silver Wolf King and some giant wolves followed closely, and the half-moon-shaped ice blade left scars on the Storm Sandworm’s body. , But after the storm sandworm submerged into the ground, all the wolves could no longer take the storm sandworm.

After the storm sandworm escaped, the Silver Wolf King issued a wolf howling at the sky.

The wolves gathered around the bodies of their dead companions and also howled towards the sky.

Seeing such a scene, Chu Feng's heart was also somewhat complicated.

When watching movies and TV series before, he would feel sad and tragic when he saw wolves guarding the corpses of his companions and howling, but now he has witnessed such a scene personally, but he just feels that he has lost a lot. He felt a little distressed, but it was only distressed for the loss of power in his hands.

"Your tactical and command skills are very good, and your tracking ability is also very strong, but unfortunately your subordinates are too weak."

Chu Feng came to the Silver Wolf King and took out 5 emerald green life fruits, which he originally planned to use to make potions, but now he took them out in advance, "These fruits of life will be handed over to you. It's completely in your own hands."

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