Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1073: You are looking for death

"Liu Chuan, you are also a person who is optimistic about City Lord Chu, why don't you agree to this matter?"

At the Yunwu Mountain Survival Base, several young people surrounded Liu Chuan, the owner of the survival base, their faces full of anxiety.

But Liu Chuan's face was a little gloomy.

"Liu Chuan, if this matter succeeds, the City of Dawn will be the actual imperial capital of China, and Chu Feng will become the emperor who controls China, and will even be revered as the emperor who saves China."

An enchanting woman anxiously shouted to Liu Chuan, "This is the yellow robe added, and it is the kind of yellow robe that the people admire. No one can resist this temptation. You are also a person who is optimistic about Chu City Lord, as long as you are willing to stand up. , We must be able to occupy a very important position, and then we will all take a lot of advantage.

But if you disagree, the City of Dawn will control China in the future, and Chu Feng will become the ruler of China in the future, and become the Emperor of China. He will certainly eliminate the dissidents. You have got so many benefits from the City of Dawn. If not As the first group of supporters appeared by his side, do you think you and us still have a way to survive? "

Looking at this enchanting woman, Liu Chuan was full of complications.

The woman's name is Wu Zhilan, her name is delicate and fragrant, but she is full of temptations for men regardless of her body, temperament or behavior. As a leader of a survival base, he is naturally the target of many women's strategies.

However, now there was only disappointment left in his heart.

How short is her gaze?

Including these and his brothers who were born and died, why would he refuse to believe in himself?

Huang Pao added himself, ha ha, they didn't even know who Chu Feng was.

Emperor, Emperor?

Are these people's brains rusty?

In the 21st century, hasn't the residual poison of feudalism been eliminated?

You are looking for death!

"Liu Chuan, you must give us an explanation today. Brothers were born and died for you. Everyone is willing to surrender your life. You rejected the business alliance. You can't even have an explanation! Is it true? What order is there for you?"

A refined young man asked Liu Chuan tactfully.

Currently, only Liu Chuan and the city of dawn are the closest to the Yunwu Mountain Survival Base.

If Liu Chuan does not agree to this matter, then the entire survival base will become weightless, and even Liu Chuan, as a cron of Chu Feng in the eyes of many people, will inevitably liquidate the chess pieces that Chu Feng arranged here.

"You guys don't understand at all."

Liu Chuan smiled bitterly, "Chu Feng's confidant? A chess piece in the City of Dawn? The survival base that City Lord Chu Feng and Master Su Yuyan personally pointed out and helped? Is this the truth about me and this survival base in your eyes? But if I I want to tell you that I have no contact with City Lord Chu at all, and may even be forgotten by him. Do you believe it?"

"This is impossible."

Wu Zhilan didn’t believe Liu Chuan’s words at all. “Every time the City of Dawn has a new product, it is always the first to be enjoyed here. Every time the City of Dawn sends a share to the branch of the Demon Hunter’s Guild, it will be biased More, when we select excellent survival bases and distribute rewards, our ranking here is also high.

You think I don’t know that those people sent by the city of dawn will deliberately favor us. Isn’t this your relationship? "

"Yeah! Liu Chuan, City Lord Chu has promised you. As long as you are willing to pay equivalent terms, he can help you. If you can have a promise from the City Lord, you can contact the City Lord at any time. there's a few?"

As a confidant cultivated by Liu Chuan, the refined youth did not believe Liu Chuan's words.

When City Master Chu gave his promise, he was also present.

There are not many people in the world who can get the attention of City Lord Chu.

Although it is a condition of equivalent exchange, such a condition is also valuable in itself, and later everywhere helped them when they were in danger, and did not recover the token.

No matter from the angle of kindness or the angle of value, Liu Chuan was labeled as Chu Feng.

"Hehe, I deceived myself that way at the beginning."

Liu Chuan smiled feebly, looking at these people's obviously disbelieving eyes, he didn't know whether his explanation could win them.

"City Lord Chu did help us, but you still don't understand? From the beginning, he didn't put all of our lives in his eyes. Whether we live or die, it doesn't matter to City Lord Chu. We can trample an ant to death on a whim, or feed the ant a candy on a whim, or save the ant and have fun. In his eyes, we are just ants."

Seeing the dull eyes of these people, Liu Chuan continued:

"Do you think that the benefits that the City of Dawn gave me were deliberately arranged by the city lord and bought me? That is the self-righteous approach and ideas of those who want to please the city lord Chu. They know that the city lord Chu values ​​me, so they give me extra Good thing, the reason why City Lord Chu saved me didn't care about my life, he was just using us as textbooks.

Su Yuyan has a benevolent nature and saved many people and survival bases. He knew that Su Yuyan's determination could not be changed. He happened to meet our excellent textbook, so he regarded us as a model.

If we know our own interests, City Lord Chu doesn't care about us taking advantage, but will feel a little bit relieved about it, but if you really think that this is our bargaining chip to please the City Lord and help him with Huangpao, then we are looking for death. "

In the end, Liu Shuai's eyes were full of pleading, "Don't do this kind of thing, he will really... kill you."


"You are looking for death."

Yu Dawen angrily shot the case, and strode to He Chongyin's side, "You are right, I don't have to waste time with these people. If these people want to find death, let them find death by themselves."

He Chongyin turned his head and glanced at the gray-haired old man, the chairman of the business alliance, who claimed to be the master of the civil forces second only to the city of dawn, and said coldly:

"For the sake of our friendship, one last word of advice, don't use any common sense to guess the city lord Chu Feng. We don't know how terrible he is, nor how ridiculous it is to be an enemy."

"But, how could I be an enemy of him?"

Lin Xiuyuan smiled like an old fox, "It is often not his friend who knows a person best, but his enemy. As Chu Feng's confidants, you think you know Chu Feng, think you understand his character and style, and think He will not be engulfed by interests, but he does not know that Yiye is blind, but ignores one of the most critical things."

"Then I want to listen, what is your opinion."

He Chongyin said coldly, "After all, this may be the last time we have spoken. I am afraid that I will not have a chance to talk to you in the future."

"Chu Feng, never did anything irrational, not one thing."

Lin Xiuyuan looked like he was in control.

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