Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1080: East China Change

"Haha, that kid Chu Feng used such a simple and rude method to solve the problem."

Going to the capital, Ye Zhishi and Mosling from Nandu leaned on the office chair. Hearing the news from the report, he couldn't help laughing, almost overturning the tea in the cup.

There is the City of Dawn in East China. As the influence of the City of Dawn is getting bigger and bigger, the Southern Capital Military Region simply transferred most of its forces, including the commander-in-chief himself, to Beijing.

Anyway, if you have anything to do in East China, just ask Chu Feng directly.

Of course, ordinary trivial matters wouldn't bother Chu Feng at all, and Su Yuan could solve them.

Ye Zhishi smiled and shook his head: "There has never been a lack of smart people in this world. It's a pity that there are too many smart people, and they don't want to think about it. If Chu Feng really wants to be the emperor, would we still not? It is the position of an emperor! As long as he can contribute his strength to Huaxia and praise him as a god, we are all willing, but he just won't accept it!"

Different environments can cultivate different people.

People who work hard in the mall may have high intelligence, but in some respects, they will never be able to compete with soldiers on the battlefield.

It is not a question of intelligence, but a question of experience.

"But he didn't agree, and my heart was even more bottomless."

Mosling sighed.

"What? Are you still unhappy?"

Ye Zhishi laughed and scolded, "Although the young people in the army have a lot of talents, Luo Xingyao can also take our class, but there is a Chu Feng in China, and there is always more hope. The city of Dawn has severe punishment for abuse of women. When the City of Dawn was ruling the army, the most important criterion was not the merits of the battle, but the casualty rate of oneself. Based on this, it is worth my bet."

Huaxia's soldiers are known for their bravery and desperation.

Because they are willing to give everything, including their lives, for the faith in their hearts to protect their homeland.

However, in the City of Dawn, whether it is the Hell Knights or the army at all levels, there is a very important standard, which is the casualty rate.

No matter how many enemies you kill, no matter how much credit you make, if your subordinates have suffered heavy casualties, it will be regarded as if you were using your subordinates' lives in exchange for credit.

Where there shouldn't be casualties, there have been breakages. I'm sorry, you don't take the lead in the future.

Even if it is a promotion, a unit that can be promoted to a high level can only become the commanded.

The 36 captains of the Hell Knights are not the ones who command their subordinates to kill the most enemies, but the ones who can make their subordinates come back alive as much as possible while guaranteeing a certain degree of merit.

Although this kind of thing is not absolute, for example, the casualties of the troops after the break are bound to be great.

In this situation, Chu Feng would not be too harsh.

But such rules really make the commander of the City of Dawn pay more attention to the lives of his subordinates.

In Chu Feng's words: "This is a long-term war. Only the survivors can fight forever. No credit must be exchanged for life."

But Chu Feng who said such words put himself in danger many times.

"Yeah! As the saying goes, someone like Chu Feng is not suitable for holding soldiers, but the soldiers under his hands are very enviable!"

Mo Sling said, and immediately remembered something, "Wait a minute, I was interrupted by you just now, and I almost forgot what I was going to say. Why did you say that Chu Feng refused this kind of thing? If you just become the leader of the vassal alliance For him, the advantages should outweigh the disadvantages. In any case, she has no reason to refuse."

"Is it really worried that we have other ideas?"

Ye Zhishi frowned and said, although they wanted to use Chu Feng's power, it didn't mean that they would have bad thoughts about Chu Feng. For them, being able to save China was the most important thing.

In order to achieve their goals, they will abandon their views of good and evil, but they will not make themselves evil.

"No, I always feel that what Chu Feng wants to do is very big."

Mosling’s eyes were full of solemnity, “He dared to provoke the Protoss, dared to refine the corpses of the demons into puppets, dared to go deep into hell, and lay a foundation in hell. For people like him, if he can become the master of China Whether it’s realizing great ambitions or realizing ambitions, it should go smoother."

"Unless this thing hinders him."

Ye Zhishi followed Mosling's words, "He has done so many things in order to improve his strength and to accumulate power, but he still guards a city of broken dawn, and the Demon Hunter Guild is also wasted by him. I really can't see what he wants to do."

"This is not a bad thing."

Mosling smiled and said, "Even we can't see through his thoughts, so his enemy, the powerhouse of the gods and demons, who else can really understand his true purpose?"


Ye Zhishi thinks about it, it really makes sense.

He wanted to continue talking. A senior military officer suddenly broke into the conference room and reported anxiously: "It's not good. Just received the news that we have cut off communication with the laboratory in the Southern Metropolis."

"What, communication cut off?"

Ye Zhishi stood up suddenly, "Have you tried the communication token Chu Feng gave us?"

The laboratory in Nandu is also very important to them. In the last days, science and technology are no less important than strength. Strength can make people face danger, and technology can keep people alive.

More importantly, the people in the Narada Research Institute.

Chu Feng's parents, Chu Feng's aunt, including this Chu Feng's cousin.

If something happens to these people, then how crazy Chu Feng will be, they simply cannot imagine.

"Not only the research institute, but even the communication in the City of Dawn has been cut off."

Luo Xingyao strode into the office, "I just sensed that communication in a large area has been cut off, and there are special fluctuations in vitality and mental power. Even the token Chu Feng gave us cannot reestablish contact. ."

"Where is the center of fluctuation?"

Ye Zhishi asked.

"it's here."

Luo Xingyao drew a rough circle on the military map.

Seeing this, Mosling's eyes showed a suspicious look: "I once received a report from Gao Yangsong. In the past year, Chu Feng sent more than 15 teams to his alma mater to conduct searches, even It is suspected that he himself has been there, but because Chu Feng's whereabouts is secret, no one knows how many times he has been."

"15 times a year?"

Ye Zhishi's pupils shrank, "He already knew there was a problem?"

If it hadn't been known that there was a problem, Chu Feng would not have been able to investigate repeatedly.

"I can only think so."

Mosling nodded, "I hope Chu Feng has a sense of measure!"

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