Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1082: Dead End

"Everyone exits the underground, returns to their residence, don't just walk around."

After Chu Feng gave the order, he left the underground.

Undead Jieyu, he didn't expect that he would dug out this kind of thing, and what was even more unexpected was that he would dug out this kind of thing under the ground.

The City of Dawn had once again entered a state of war, but Chu Feng kept thinking about the meaning behind it.

"The appearance of the undead extremity can be said to be a precursor to the death of a world, but I did not find the existence of space channels under the earth, nor did I find any traces of spatial transfer, which means that this undead extremity originally appeared in Under the ground, is this something born on the earth by itself?"

It may be that he is used to being despised by the highest planes. Even Chu Feng feels that the earth is a remote place. After all, the resources of the highest planes are indeed richer than the earth by many times.

Of course, this is just a correct understanding of mutual understanding.

No matter how barren the earth is compared to the supreme plane, it is my hometown. I feel that my hometown is backward and there is no need to go to other people's homes, just to develop the hometown.

But after he was reborn, he found that the earth was not as simple as it seemed.

In other words, the existence of this phenomenon in the last days is not so simple on the surface.

At first, he thought that the invading earth was only in the gods and demons, so he wanted to fish some resources from the ground to feed back the existence of forces in the gods and demons.

But now, he is no longer so naive.

Ruling Legion and Star Crusader Legion have already appeared, how can he be naive?

Do you need to use two top 20 legions to attack a poor country?

It's like attacking a small border country, does it require the dispatch of the Heavenly Dynasty Yu Linwei?

There was no spatial fluctuation near the appearance of the Undead Extremity, but Chu Feng would not really think that this was something that was born inside the earth. Instead, he was more inclined to guess another way.

"The supreme position has been deliberate for a long time to face the invasion of the earth."

Why is this happening? Chu Feng still doesn't know, but he understands that what he has to deal with is really the supreme plane as a whole, the only difference is-to deal with a few.

If his speculation spreads, I am afraid that a large number of people will turn right away.

Supreme plane!

That is a force that can't be resisted at all. It doesn't matter if you resist some miscellaneous troops from the highest plane. How can this be done if a full-scale war with the real highest plane is launched?

After Chu Feng left the underground, the breath of death emerged from the undead extremity and spread along the underground passage.

Some miners and demons who were too late to leave were infected by the breath of death, and their bodies quickly lost their vitality and turned into a dead body. The lush flowers and trees on the ground were eroded by the breath of death and gradually changed.

After the mutated monster beasts sensed the breath of death, they quickly fled in embarrassment. Those who had no time to escape were overtaken by the breath of death and gradually fell to the ground.

On the ground mine base, Zhang Ziqing left from Chu Feng's Yuan Mansion.

She didn't get Chu Feng's permission, but seeing a large number of dark legions leave Yuanfu Small World and head to the ground to prepare for the war, she couldn't sit idly by.

But after arriving on the ground, a blood-red mark appeared on Zhang Ziqing's forehead.

The strong breath of death and killing slowly rose in Zhang Ziqing's body, causing her eyes to gradually lose focus. At this moment, some black runes appeared, which suppressed these death breaths.

There was a fine cold sweat on Zhang Ziqing's forehead, and she was afraid for a while.

She could feel that if the seal that Chu Feng placed in his body were not strong enough, she might have lost her mind and became a puppet of death power under the influence of those breaths just now.

"Don't be afraid, I am here."

Chu Feng's figure quietly appeared beside Zhang Ziqing, supporting her shoulders.

Zhang Ziqing's eyes were full of determination, as long as Chu Feng was by her side, she would not be afraid of anything.

After returning to the City of Dawn with Zhang Ziqing, the Dark Legion began to assemble, and the Demon Legion was also ready for battle. The Hell Knights terminated the training and gathered.

The City of Dawn has long been accustomed to entering a state of war.

It was not a surprise. After all, the City of Dawn had faced many enemies before, and it was also because of the existence of Chu Feng that the casualties could be controlled within a certain range.

But if he didn't deal with it seriously, he might be one of the few casualties.

Han Yunxiao and others were also on standby outside the city lord's mansion.

The breath of death is still spreading, but Chu Feng is not that worried. If the breath of death alone can corrode an East China region, then the earth does not need to resist.

"Brother Feng, are there anyone who doesn't have long eyes to offend the City of Dawn?"

Lu Ming walked into the city lord’s mansion carelessly. After he entered the state of combat readiness, of course he had to come and help. The City of Dawn did not know how many opponents that the city of Dawn had solved, and now there are others who dare to offend. It seems that these enemies are also Lived impatiently.

Zhao Fan and Xu Yan followed closely, but Xu Yan's face was worried.

With her cleverness, she had already smelled something unusual.

However, in order to prevent the City of Dawn from causing riots, she did not publicize it.

"This time it's not that people come to offend us, but we want to take the initiative to offend others."

Chu Feng smiled slightly.

Although he had excavated places like the Undead Territory so early, he didn't regret it.

Some scourges are resolved as soon as possible. It would be easier to deal with the deadly extremities if they were put in place. Then why didn't the deadly extremities burst out in the early stages?

"Why not turn on all the defensive formations in the City of Dawn?"

Su Yuyan also followed them to the City Lord's Mansion, "The enemy this time should be different from the past!"

Nowadays, the communication between the city of Dawn and the outside world has been cut off, and it can only rely on people to transmit messages. Fortunately, the city of Dawn has a large number of mounts, so there is no need to worry about this.

However, since this enemy faced is unusual, why didn't Chu Feng order the opening of the defensive formation.

She also went to see Su Yuan specially for this and learned that this was Chu Feng's order.

The whole city is on guard and does not open the defense. What is the truth.

"Why not open the defensive formation?"

Chu Feng smiled slightly, "Do you think, in the face of the current City of Dawn, who else would dare to take the initiative to attack? If they really do this, it will save me a lot of things. We are in a state of combat readiness, not for defense. It’s for offense."

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