Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1093: Receiving Jiang Xinyue

Where is there such a confession in the world? Is this a confession or a threat?

Jiang Xinyue felt unspeakably embarrassed and resentful.

But when she smelled the fruit of life, her throat rolled uncontrollably.

The fruit of life exudes an attractive fruity fragrance, which is the fragrance that all living organisms will naturally attract as long as they smell it. It comes from the instinct of life.

Eat it, eat it.

Jiang Xinyue seemed to have forgotten to think, forgot what she was going to say next, there was only one thought left in her mind, that is to eat this fruit.

She suddenly gritted her teeth and made herself awake briefly.

Whether to eat this fruit or not is a very important choice.

Chu Feng didn't ask for it, eating this fruit will become his woman, but as long as she eats this fruit, she will owe Chu Feng. After all, she originally stayed in the city of dawn as a prisoner .

Chu Feng spared her and spared the Jiang family, it didn't mean that she could not know good or bad.

"Anyway, it's okay to eat."

Jiang Xinyue finally failed to resist the temptation of the fruit of life, took the fruit of life, and ate the fruit of life in a few bites with the most graceful gesture possible.

No matter how elegant the posture is maintained, the entire eating process does not exceed 5 seconds.

After eating, Jiang Xinyue's face turned red.

It was not the effect of the fruit of life, but she felt that she was a little gaffe.

Chu Feng didn't take it seriously. He had already experienced the temptation of life fruit to life bodies. Jiang Xinyue's performance just now was much better than Zhang Ziqing's.

After eating the fruit of life, Jiang Xinyue only felt that there was a warm current in her body, which was pouring from her abdomen towards the limbs, giving her a warm feeling all over her body.

She only feels that her body has become lighter, the movement of her vitality has become more fluid, and even her thinking has become agile. This is a change that only occurs after eating the fruits of life.

She doesn't know if this is her own illusion, but there is no doubt that the fruit of life has brought her a leap from the level of life.

"Chu Feng actually gave me such an important fruit?"

After eating the fruit of life, Jiang Xinyue also understood the value of the fruit of life. As long as one such fruit, he can cultivate a talented master.

The value of this fruit, even if it is made into medicine, divided into ten or twenty parts, and taken out separately, it can also let female supernaturalists of level 7 and above lay down their dignity.

Ask yourself, would she be willing to exchange such fruits for her innocence?

However, she did not want to think about it.

She was afraid that she would find that she had become a material woman.

"Is this fruit really just given to me for nothing?"

Jiang Xinyue confirmed again.

"Compensation for you!" Chu Feng smiled slightly.

"make up."

Jiang Xinyue bit her lip and closed her eyes, as if she had made some determination, "There are already many women by your side, and there may be more women in the future. Can you give me a place forever?"

She did not dare to expect a man like Chu Feng to be monopolized by a woman.

Even short-term possession is an unattainable dream for many women.

However, she believes that such a request is already the last dignity of a woman.

"You don't betray, I don't betray."

Chu Feng didn't give any promises, he felt that his sentence was enough, because when he said it, it meant he had done it.

The value and significance of a promise is not how heavy the promise is, but whether it can be truly implemented.

"it is good!"

Jiang Xinyue jumped over the desk in front of Chu Feng, her perfectly round legs knelt on the handles on both sides of Chu Feng's chair, her body was close to Chu Feng, her arms wrapped around Chu Feng's neck.

"I want to be your woman."

After speaking, her red lips kissed Chu Feng.

Chu Feng stretched out his hand to open the space, and the two of them teleported together and appeared in Chu Feng's bedroom in the City Lord's Mansion. The energy shield near the bedroom was turned on to prevent others from disturbing it.

This is a time of war, and such an approach is simply a foolish approach.

But Chu Feng didn't think there was anything wrong with this approach. Only the behavior of the loser was called absurd, and the behavior of the winner was called romantic and eclectic.

This world is so unfair.

Anyway, if something really dangerous occurs in the City of Dawn, Su Yuan will not stick to this kind of section, and will take the initiative to call herself, if so, then enjoy it!

When she was teleported to a big bed, Jiang Xinyue was a little uncomfortable, but she quickly adjusted.

Her cheeks were flushed, she felt a little feverish about her bold behavior just now, feeling the masculinity of Chu Feng close at hand, and even thought of retreating.

She had just made such a regrettable move just on impulse.

But now, her instinctive little woman is shy but has the upper hand.

It's just that Chu Feng's **** has already been released from this woman, so how could she retreat so easily, he involuntarily pressed Jiang Xinyue to the bed, put a pair of big hands into her collar, and lowered her hands.

Jiang Xinyue closed her eyes and looked like she was appointed, but she also seemed to be picking by the king.

Now that the decision has been made, she has no regrets.


Chu Feng sat on the edge of the bed, stretching his waist.

It means that because of the things that Yurou arranged in Jiang Xinyue's body, it makes her move in Yurou's direction regardless of her body, temperament or behavior.

The change in body temperament is still second, but people who are good at using long whips have outstanding body and waist strength, which can give men a very good experience and remind Chu Feng of the years with Yurou.

It's a pity that Chu Feng was often busy with government affairs when he was with Yurou, and Yurou also expressed support. The two of them put their belief in saving the world more than anything else most of the time.

Unfortunately, in the end it was nothing but nothing.

Now Chu Feng is surrounded by several stunning beauties, each with their own flavor and posture, which makes him want to indulge in the gentle countryside.

Jiang Xinyue wanted to get up, but only felt her legs soft, and she fell back on the bed, her face flushed even more.

She remembered what she had previously misunderstood Chu Feng's subordinates, and Chu Feng's answer was:

"If I really do anything to her, she should go out happily."

She thought this sentence was a description of a woman's pride when she hooked up with Chu Feng, but the absurdity of being in bed just now made her realize what this sentence was referring to.

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