Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1118: The flame that illuminates the ice age

"This, is this only one percent of the power?"

A strong man of a demon hunter muttered to himself.

He couldn't believe that here, the power of the earth's rejuvenation within a radius of thousands of miles came from only 1% of the power of a fire, which made them simply unacceptable.

Now no one dares to ask the price.

Because they believe that no one can afford such a price.

Many people's hearts are full of panic. If such a grasp falls into the hands of individual people, especially those with ulterior motives, what kind of disaster will it be? This is a natural disaster level.

If all the power in the flame is released, it is simply the real end of the world.

Han Yunxiao walked out of the Demon Hunter Guild.

"The city lord will seal the flames of the 7 regiments in different places in China, and protect them with formations. Those with the permission of the Demon Hunter Guild can draw some of the power in the flames from the periphery of the political law and use them for cultivation. Or it can be a refining device, but everyone should pay attention to one thing, that is, if someone breaks the final protection formation, the power in the flame will explode."

As soon as Han Yunxiao's voice fell, it caused countless people's criticism.

"It's too dangerous to do so, who can guarantee that those protective formations can play an absolute protective role?"

"If we are destroyed, the last layer of protection will be fully exploded. Does that mean that we and the enemy will die together? If someone breaks the formation and comes to the middle area, will everyone be buried for it? "

"It's too dangerous. Even if this kind of thing stays in the City of Dawn, it is too dangerous to leave it outside."

"Strongly protest. By doing this, you are simply disregarding the safety of the survivors."

Facing the criticism from the demon hunters, Han Yunxiao just gave a simple answer:

"We are not asking for your consent. We are just telling you to prepare you. We are already doing this. If you are unwilling to accept it, you can try to destroy the flame."

Han Yunxiao's domineering reply shocked everyone's hearts.


"Too overbearing. The City of Dawn is too overbearing to do so."

"These flames are too dangerous. After the place to be sealed is selected, we must stay as far away as possible and never close to the place where the flame is."

"This is simply killing people. It's using the lives of countless survivors as toys."

"Keep away from fire, stay away from fire."

"If we don't protect such a dangerous thing and fall into the hands of the enemy, will we be even more unlucky?"

The fire of the real fire of stars has not spread on a large scale, nor has it been placed around the world, it has already caused protests from the demon hunters, and only a few demon hunters are thinking deeply.

"Nuclear weapons are also very dangerous, but we have not used them as energy sources and made them into weapons? This activity may be a terrible item that is 1,000 times or even more than 10,000 times more dangerous than nuclear weapons, but we humans are also Hundreds of times stronger than the people of the old age, I believe we will be able to control this new power."

"Rather than let this dangerous thing become a weapon for others to deal with us, it is better for us to personally control the power of the weapon."

The demon hunters have different attitudes towards this new flame, but absolutely no one dares to despise the power of this flame. The ability to rejuvenate the earth alone is enough to cause the madness of countless people.

However, the ideas in most people's minds are still kept away.

It's not that they can't live, why must they rely on this flame?

Amid the criticism from countless people, the members of the reconnaissance camp rode out on Hell Dream Horse, escorting Han Yunxiao to a place outside the city of Dawn.

This is a nine-story pagoda that has been successfully established. The whole body was constructed when the blue color was used. The height of each floor is more than 5 meters. The overall tower body is hollowed out, without windows, portals, and excessive decorations. The style is rudimentary to the extreme, from any angle from the outside, you can see the scene inside the tower.

Just such a simple stone tower will become a container of true fire for the stars.

Han Yunxiao released himself and held the flames in his hands. Under the attraction of unknown power, the flame flew towards the top of the 9-story pagoda and ignited the entire tower.

The top stone tower was illuminated by the flames.

By this, the layers of stone towers also burned with flames, and more than 12 flames were burning in each stone tower. These flames were suspended in the air, as if waiting for people to pick them.

When the entire stone tower is lit up, people feel as if the sky has changed a lot.

"In the 9-story stone tower, the lower the flame effect, the weaker the flame effect, the higher the flame effect, the stronger the flame effect. In the future, you can try out the ways of obtaining and distributing it by yourself.

Han Yunxiao issued an eviction order, "If anyone has doubts about Shitai's defense system, you can try it yourself, but I can't guarantee that anyone will survive."

Although very dissatisfied with the domineering approach of the City of Dawn, the demon hunters have no alternative.

Some of them come from powerful demon hunting groups, and some come from production bases, but no matter what the origin? In front of the City of Dawn, their identity and background are all the same as none.

"Let's go!"

Liu Chuan sighed lightly and left with the people around him.

"But, let's forget it? For such a dangerous thing, does the City of Dawn really want to put it everywhere in China?"

The burly man dissatisfied.

"if not?"

Liu Chuan gave him a white look, "If you have any comments, you can go and talk to them!"

The burly man shut up immediately.

Talk to the city of dawn? If he really had such courage and courage, then he would not succumb to others.

Otherwise, they left the range of the City of Dawn, but after walking out of the range of tens of miles, they felt that the climate was a bit cold. As they got closer and closer to the 1,000-mile boundary, the climate became colder and colder.

"Why is this sky so dark?"

An accompanying demon hunter raised his head and looked at the dim sky, somewhat dissatisfied.

Accustomed to the days when the sun was shaded, they suddenly saw the bright sunshine, but they were a little uncomfortable. Now they are back in the dark, and they are uncomfortable again.

Liu Chuan also raised his head and looked at the gloomy sky: "We are used to this dark world. If there were no flames, would we have forgotten it? We used to live under the sunlight."

He knew that the appearance of fire would surely set off a storm, because it could illuminate this ice age.

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