Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1140: Ye Xiaohui's obsession

"Why leave Yiyi alone in the West?"

When Ye Xiaohui learned that Chu Feng had left Yiyi in the west, she went crazy.

"She is not alone, I have left enough helpers for her, and enough life-saving measures."

Chu Feng wrote lightly, "Furthermore, her own strength is already very strong, and now her side is safer than the City of Dawn."

"I'm not talking about this."

Ye Xiaohui was angry.

"Do you want to stay with her so that she will never grow up?" Chu Feng asked back.

"She's only 11 years old!"

"So her thoughts don't matter?"


"I can understand your thoughts. It is really too difficult for parents to completely let go of their children."

Chu Feng leaned on the chair and closed his eyes, "However, you must also understand that Yiyi is different from her, and her future determines the future of mankind to some extent. If she is unsatisfied, or she is not It doesn't matter if I am willing to fight for it, I can treat her as an ordinary little girl, give you strength, let you protect her, and do the blame of a mother.

Even if she couldn't escape the fate of death in the end, she could at least give her childhood more beauty.

However, she is now more mature than many adults. She has her own ideas, her own will and beliefs, and what she wants to do. This has nothing to do with age, but only with psychological age.

Sorry, I chose to respect her thoughts, and what I gave her was what she wanted. "

Ye Xiaohui only felt that she had taken all of her strength away. She wanted to hide her face and cry, but she couldn't cry.

Chu Feng's approach cannot be measured by simple right and wrong.

If things in the world can be distinguished by right and wrong, where will there be so many misunderstandings?

She couldn't let go of her daughter. In her eyes, Chu Feng's thoughts were too cold-blooded.

However, completely ignoring the will of one's child, isn't it a sign of indifference?

Yiyi's mind, vision and pattern have all been cultivated by Chu Feng and reached a very high level. She is no longer a child who needs to be taught by her elders. She has her own belief and will.

Chu Feng did not continue to persuade him, and there were some things that he could not persuade.

Even his own thoughts are at odds with his parents in some places. Doesn't his mother want to be safe for himself, and just leave the responsibility to others.

However, true filial piety is not to completely obey the parents, but to do what a child should do, and do what a man should do.

A real man must not only be a good son, but also take responsibility on his shoulders.

Yiyi's requirements are much higher than men.

Her future is also unlimited.

Under Chu Feng's cultivation, she is already good enough, just waiting for a truly mature opportunity.

"At least, I want to be by her side."

Ye Xiaohui also wanted to fight for it as much as possible.

"No way."

Chu Feng closed his eyes and shook his head gently, not giving Ye Xiaohui any chance. "Now is the most critical moment for her growth. There can never be someone who is important to her by her side. I would rather let the entire Western puzzle country be in hers. It’s broken in my hand, leaving one of the four pillars of the earth missing, and I won’t let you interfere with her."

Although the alliance formed by Western puzzle countries is also one of the pillars of mankind, this pillar is already collapsing. What Chu Feng has to do is to decide the direction of the collapse of the pillar and the measures to deal with it after it collapses.

He wanted to turn the sky over, it was still a little bit worse, and he didn't have so many reasons.

Being able to hand over a palace that was about to collapse to Yiyi to practice her hands and let her grow quickly is a cost-effective business for Chu Feng, and it is also a very important plan. As long as Yiyi doesn't give up, no one can bother.

Ye Xiaohui's body exudes a devastating atmosphere, and a spider web-like crack appeared on the floor.

The destructive sword intent of the nirvana sword filled Ye Xiaohui's whole body, making her beautiful eyes full of nirvana, like deathly silence.

The will to destroy passed in front of the windless body, but it was like a breeze, Chu Feng did not move at all, as if he did not care about the abnormal changes that occurred in Ye Xiaohui.


When the destruction sword intent on Ye Xiaohui was about to reach a certain critical point, Chu Feng spoke.

His tone was very peaceful, it didn't seem to be an order at all, but his words themselves were supreme majesty.

Ye Xiaohui's body trembled, and the destruction sword intent on her body began to be disordered.

Can she attack Chu Feng at this time?

Not to mention whether she could succeed, even if she could succeed, how could she bear the consequences of Chu Feng's injury.

Feelings told her that she was going to protect her daughter and stay with her, but reason told her that even if something happened on her own, Chu Feng would never have it.

"You can't even control your own power. Do you want to control the power of others?"

Chu Feng's eyes opened halfway, with mocking expressions in his eyes, "Everyone has a lot of things that everyone wants to do, but there are some things that, if they can't do it, it doesn't make any sense."

Ye Xiaohui closed her eyes in pain, and opened it slowly after a long time.

"I understand."

Ye Xiaohui turned and left without saying a word.

She didn't have enough IQ, but she was eager to put all her attention on her daughter, and she even gradually lost herself.

Now, she couldn't stop what Chu Feng did to Yiyi.

What Chu Feng did now was to train Yiyi, and she couldn't stop it. However, if Chu Feng wanted to use Yiyi, she also had no way to stop it.

If you don't have power, you can't even do what you want to do.

Looking at Ye Xiaohui's back, Chu Feng rubbed his eyebrows lightly: "I hope she won't get confused."

Obsession is sometimes the driving force that pushes people forward, but in many cases it is also the source of one's destruction.

Ye Xiaohui's obsession is too deep. In fact, most of the parents in the world will do the same when standing in that position, but not all obsessions can lead you to the result you want.

It doesn't matter whether the obsession is good or bad, the important thing is not to get confused.

In essence, the purpose of becoming a devil is to achieve one's own goals and strengthen one's own behavior, but in the process of becoming more and more determined one's behavior, the behavior itself is regarded as the most important thing.

Let Yiyi live safely is the goal, and protecting her daughter is a means to keep Yiyi safe.

But now she regards protecting her daughter as her deepest obsession. This is due to her guilt for not being able to protect her daughter in the past, but in the long run, she is likely to lose the goal of "making Yiyi safe" and treat the latter. Seeing is more important than anything else.

Chu Feng had reminded Ye Xiaohui that whether she could walk out or not was up to her.

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