Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1145: Actions of the Star Gods

To the south of the City of Dawn, a small space passage quietly opened.

More than a dozen members of the Star God Clan with star patterns on their heads appeared from the space channel. Then, the space channel behind them was closed, as if they had never appeared before.

Even before that, no nodes were marked in the space here,

"The City of Dawn is ahead of us, our mission this time—"

These masters of the Star God Race, just about to explain their mission, suddenly saw the figure of a male wearing black clothes appearing behind them.

"It's Chu Feng!"

The members of the Star God Race were full of despair. Although they were very arrogant and looked down on human beings, they had also reviewed the deeds of Chu Feng before acting.

They didn't know the specific news, but there was one thing they knew: the Holy Lord was alarmed.

They understood that if it weren't for the point where the Holy Master had to take action, the Holy Master would definitely not be able to take action personally, and it must not be something they could provoke if it could alarm the existence of the Holy Master.

"Fearing that I am afraid to be like this, I dare to come to the City of Dawn."

Chu Feng stretched out his hand and pointed, black chains emerged from the void, penetrating the bodies of these Star God Clan members, blocking the flow of vitality and the surge of blood in their bodies.

"Chu Feng, you don't want to know--"

"I don't want to!"

Bound Shensuo sealed these members of the Star God Clan all over, and then locked them in the Yuan Palace.

After finishing all this, Chu Feng teleported and disappeared in place.

What these Star God Clan members want to say, Chu Feng really doesn't care, not the information, but the things he knows that they can proactively explain, they must be used to cover people's ears.

The Star Gods will never be stupid enough to send a target that may leak information to sneak into the vicinity of the target.

What these people want to say, there will be time for interrogation in the future.

When Chu Feng's figure appeared again, he had already appeared on the sea.

After the advent of the ice age, the sea surface has been frozen a lot, freeing up a lot of space for human activities. However, after the real fire spirit of the stars was detonated, the climate of the entire East China region has warmed a lot, even along the coastline. There are large areas of melting in the nearby ocean.

It is only a few days, and these melting seas have not had time to freeze.

Nine huge stone pillars still stand here.

Here, there are three survival bases that are close to each other. Chu Feng also has some impressions of them, that is, when the Sea Clan was engaged in things, although these three survival bases fled at first, they stood in the counterattack. The first line.

Because of the friendship of fighting side-by-side with myself, even if I did not care about them in the future, the City of Dawn also gave them a lot of attention. The demon hunters in the City of Dawn often come to these three survival bases to rest. In addition, the demon hunters in the City of Dawn are relatively wealthy, which also drives consumption here.

After arriving here, under Chu Feng's mental power scan, he found some abnormal movements under the sea.

Chu Feng took out a bamboo-learned long sword, and the sharp sword energy condensed on the long sword, and even the surrounding air seemed to be split apart by the escaped sword energy.

When the sword energy condensed to a certain level, Chu Feng waved the bamboo sword in his hand.

The sword energy that can split even the air pierced the sky, leaving behind a black trail that even light could swallow, and the sword energy sank into the ocean, as if it had cut something.

After several successive sword qi slashes, the green bamboo sword in Chu Feng's hand turned into powder.

This is the sword qi extracted from the sword of wind formed by the gang wind of the broken world. It has the characteristics of invincibility, even the red flame fine gold can not withstand such a sword qi.

However, fortunately, there are many kinds of mutant plants in Chu Fengyuan's mansion. He found a bamboo that fits well with wind attributes. Although it still can't withstand sword energy, at least it can hold a few swords.

In Chu Feng's mental power perception, some powerful life aura under the sea has been cut off by sword aura.

But this was not enough. A flame fell from Chu Feng’s hands and landed on the surface of the sea. The entire surface of the sea began to burn. The sea water evaporated in a large amount. Countless lives were struggling under the water, but none of them could jump out of the water alive. .

Even the sea was shocked by the huge waves of steaming and boiling up to the nearby survival base. Powerful demon hunters emerged from the base, seeing this scene like a natural disaster, all of them were shocked from ear to ear.

"There are some enemies here. The most powerful ones have been killed by me. If there are any remaining sins, I will leave them to you."

After Chu Feng left a voice, he moved away from here.

I don't know if the turmoil here has anything to do with the Star God Clan, but his perception of life has reached the peak, and a lot of powerful life breath suddenly appears here, there must be a problem.

Considering that there were too many problems in various places, he did not conduct detailed investigations, so he directly cut off the most powerful place of life breath, and then burned here.

As for how to solve the remaining remnants, it doesn't matter to him.

He is not a nanny, and he can do this because the occurrence of these things has a certain relationship with him, but he has no obligation to help everyone solve the problem.

"That voice just now was Chu Feng?"

Some people who had fought side by side with Chu Feng had hopes in their eyes.

I don’t know how many people think of Chu Feng as an idol. Although there is only one experience, it is enough for them to brag for a long time.

"The city lord must have found the enemy here, everyone should go back and inform everyone and prepare for battle."

Some strong people reacted quickly, "The city lord has no time to kill those Xiaoxiao, but we have, soldiers and soldiers, and will wait until the flames die. If there are surviving sea races, then we have to solve the opponent. ."

In their understanding, the benefit that the City of Dawn has given them in the past is to enable them to hold on to these 9 pillars. Now they have not found the enemy, the strongest enemy has been beheaded by Chu Feng, and they are even less decapitated. Reasons to shirk their responsibilities.

"The Star God Race is really dishonest."

The black chain appeared from the void, piercing through hundreds of Star Gods who had just walked out of the space channel. The Star Gods behind just came up and retracted again, and the space channel began to close.

Chu Feng didn't stop the closure of the space channel either, but after sealing the Star God Clan that appeared, he threw a cluster of real star fire inside, and then moved away from here.

He didn't think about how many people could be killed, just throwing stars inside. This can be said to be slapped in the face of the Star Protoss.

"Damn human beings, use such a way to humiliate us."

"Human Chu Feng, our Star God Race and you will never die."

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