Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1152: The shock of the Star Cross

When a Legion of the Star Gods was suppressed, one was directly torn apart, divided and suppressed, and another Legion was directly defeated by one face to face, there were less than 50,000 Star Gods Legions left, already fighting the war. There was fear.

Why does this happen?

In their original plan, shouldn't this be a war against poor rural areas? What kind of master can there be in such a barbarian land?

That is to say, the Star Cross Legion supported by the Light Protoss and Star Gods can still have a little fighting power, but the combat power of the Star Cross is completely under their calculation and control.

In their original expectation, this should be a devastating war.

This is no longer called war, this is called performance.

This is the performance of the Son to gain merit!

But at the beginning of this war, there was already a crash.

Their Royal Highness the Son was actually beheaded within a few seconds when they were singled out. From that moment on, the entire legion had been messed up, and the most elite guards were beheaded. Brought them despair.

The elite force has been beheaded, what is left of them?

It was under the fear of the consequences of death that they mustered the courage to fight.

However, the war that clearly ought to be besieged a human by hundreds of thousands of legions turned into a massacre abruptly.


The Star Crusade that defeated a Star Crusader in an instant, pursued it again, and handed over the maimed enemies to the army behind. They took advantage of this momentum to kill in the direction of the next army.

"Fool! Go back quickly."

Chu Feng's pupils shrank, and the black lightning fell from the sky, slamming down at their target army.

The soldiers of the Star Air Force formed a formation, and the continuous star power formed a piece of silver gauze in the air. This silver gauze looked extremely fragile, but Chu Feng’s black thunder fell on it, but was directly blocked. Down.

After all, tens of thousands of people were shaken by the power of one person. If these soldiers did not combine their strengths and exposed their weaknesses to Chu Feng, then of course there would be a one-sided situation.

But now, they had enough preparations, even Chu Feng couldn't succeed in a single blow.

Just like this, Chu Feng watched the Star Crusade and the Star Air Force collide together.

The eyes of the soldiers of the Crusaders were full of excitement. They had just slaughtered a Star Air Force regiment. Although he was in Chu Feng and had already defeated their army, he also proved their strength.

When they met shortly, the process of killing the Star God Clan was also smooth.

Now facing this group of Star Gods that have formed a complete army formation, they certainly know that this is a difficult bone, but each of them is ready to spare their lives to fight.

Even death could not stop their determination to revenge.

The two legions collided in this way. When the two sides met hand-to-hand, the long swords in the hands of the Star Cross soldiers swung out, and the devastating sword energy directly chopped down the front row of the Star Cross Legion.

In one encounter, more than 1,000 forwards died directly.

There is still a difference between wars in super-eras and wars in ancient times.

Faced with the casualties of their teammates, the soldiers of the Star Cross Army were not afraid, and continued to charge forward, but at this moment, silver-white flames appeared on their way of charging.

The Star Crusader soldiers in the front row were ignited by the silver-white flames, and more than 2,000 soldiers were directly turned into fire men.

The soldiers ignited by the flames also affected the charge of the soldiers behind.

However, the military formations connected by the Star Air Forces burst out with great strength. Their strengths are connected together like a meat grinder, harvesting lives.

Those soldiers who were burned by flames were directly ground into pieces by a meat grinder.

The soldiers in the back row had some sluggishness due to the flames in the front row, but they rushed in under the push of the soldiers in the back row.

In a short encounter, the Star Crusader Corps had thousands of casualties, but the Star Air Corps on the opposite side had not suffered any damage.

Such a huge gap made the Star Crusade calm a lot.

Their average level is Tier 6, but the lowest level of the Star Air Force regiment is Tier 6. Whether it is the captain of the team or the member of the knife force, it is all Tier 7.

What's more, the formation of the Star Air Corps connects their strengths into one, allowing their strength to be displayed perfectly. Every soldier can be used as a Tier 7 master.

Under such a huge gap, a one-sided slaughter has formed.

The soldiers in the front row were sent to death one after another, while the soldiers behind calmed down, filled with shock.

Only then did they understand that they used to destroy the Star Air Force troops not because of their strength, but because Chu Feng had already maimed the opponent in an instant.

Now they have realized the huge gap between the two sides.

Chu Feng's attack was blocked by the opponent's formation, and the strength of the Star God Clan was retained. Their Star Crusade was immediately hit hard, and their hearts were filled with shock and fear.

Some senior members of the Star Crusade were filled with sorrow.

Haha, in front of God's interface, is their Star Crusade also such a weak and weak army?

They discovered the movement here, so they rushed here in a hurry, but if there were no Chu Feng here, without Chu Feng’s shot, and the two sides directly collided head-on, they might have all in a very short time Annihilated.

Even with Chu Feng's shot, some people also paid the price of their lives because of their self-confidence.

Seeing that the 20,000 soldiers in front lost their lives in this way, they realized the gap between the two sides and were also shocked by Chu Feng's strength.

To what extent has the strength of this Chinese person reached so easily that a person's power can change the situation of the battle? Is this power really a monster?

Under the cover of his light, everyone became a supporting role.

The power they are proud of is not worth mentioning in front of this man.

This is not the army battle they expected, but a person fighting an entire army, and then use the remaining army as a tool in their hands. Their biggest role is just to harvest the battlefield.

"Forget it, just die!"

Chu Feng was not sad about the casualties of the Star Cross Army.

I couldn't see the difference between the strengths of the two sides, I was complacent with a little battle result, thinking that I was invincible in the world, and it was reasonable to learn a lesson.

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