Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1154: Star Lord

Wanxing Pavilion, the highest place of the Star God Hall, the permanent residence of the Holy Lord of the Star God Race.

The contemporary Star God Clan holy lord has not shown up for a long time, and the big and small things of the Star God Clan are usually handed over to the elders of the temple. They will only come forward when they need to do it themselves or when they encounter things that must be decided by themselves.

Tianquan Xing Shengzi walked into the Wanxing Pavilion and knelt down in front of a platform covered with white gauze.

Under the shroud of light gauze, a woman wearing a star robes with long hair dangled, and her exquisite figure was looming under the temptation of the robes. The white light gauze did not conceal her temperament, but it was easier for people to rise up. Exploring the mind.

A majestic female voice was posted on the platform: "Do you know what's wrong?"

"The disciple doesn't know."

The expression of the Son of Heavenly Power hasn't changed a bit, just as he showed in front of everyone, from his eyes and even his expression, there is no way to read any effective information.

Even if he was kneeling on the ground at this moment, he did not appear humble, as if this was just an ordinary etiquette.

He said that he didn’t know what was wrong, not because he had to talk back, but because he knew that the contemporary saints hate those hypocritical etiquette. If you know what you are wrong, but you have to say that you know it, it will provoke the anger of the saint. .

"You have obviously guessed that the layout of our Star God Race on Earth has probably been destroyed, but what is your approach?" The Holy Lord questioned.

"The disciple has reminded the elders of the Star God Temple." Tianquan Xing Shengzi's expression remained unchanged.

In the Star Temple, he has already proposed specific methods.

The elders of the Star Temple. And Kaiyang Xing’s son is too arrogant, so it’s not his business.

"Do you think I can't guess what's in your mind?"

The voice of the Holy Master of the Star God Race was filled with sullen anger. It was not that she would not conceal her joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, but with her current status, it was no longer necessary to do so.

Only others hide her happiness and anger in front of her. Where does she need to pretend to others?

"The disciple has done his best."

The Son of Heavenly Power Star is still struggling.

However, the next words of the Holy Lord made him no longer able to maintain his plain expression.

"Try your best? If you are the Son of God, you have done your best. Unfortunately, the Holy Lord of the Star God Clan represents the entire Star God Clan. I sent someone to give you the information of the time supernatural beings to give you a chance to let you To make a choice between gains and losses, it is a pity that after you have obtained the information, it is simply foolish to use this precious information as a battle for the position between the Sons."

A look of horror appeared in the eyes of Tianquan Xing Shengzi, and his body trembled slightly.

That information was deliberately given to him by the Holy Lord?

No, this is impossible.

The contemporary sage master of the Star God Race can be said to be the most transcendent existence, and the least nostalgic existence for power.

She has never played with power, nor will she spend her precious time in fighting for power, even if the elders take her power away, she has done nothing.

However, as long as she speaks, the entire Star God Race cannot resist her will.

Her will is about to be carried out, and her orders must be fulfilled by the whole family.

Because she is the strongest!

She is the strongest under the **** emperor, and she is also the most likely existence to become the **** emperor.

A character like her would not play with power tactics, and there is no need to play with power tactics, because she can get everything that can be obtained with power tactics through a word of her own.

However, the Heavenly Power Star Saint Son unexpectedly heard that the Holy Lord is actually making arrangements?

No, this is not true.

His state of mind began to mess up.

"In fact, I didn’t want to take the position of the Holy Lord for a long time. I just have to train a qualified successor to be able to abdicate. My most optimistic successor is Yu Hengxing and you. Yu Hengxing is my most optimistic. A favorite junior, but a foresight and wise man who can cultivate more powerful and powerful people for the race.

I don't like you very much, but I still decide to give you a chance.

The information Xier gave you is the test I gave you. Unfortunately, the major events related to the sacred artifacts of my Star God Race and the secrets of the time supernatural powers can also become your bargaining chip for the position of the Holy Lord. This test , You are unqualified. "


The voice of the Holy Lord was not loud, but it was like a shock of thunder that exploded in the ears of the Son of Heavenly Power.

With the character of the Holy Lord, since she said it, it must be realized.

She sentenced herself to death, so there was no room for turning over.

No, I still have a chance!

Tianquan Xing Shengzi's heart is full of unwillingness. Why does he work so hard because of the so-called test of the Holy Lord? The other Saints are not his opponents, his opponent is only one, that is Yu Hengxing, but it is a pity that he has only caught a piece of trash in this action, and Yu Hengxing actually retreats.

But what is good about Yuhengxing? Isn't he just a bit longer than his own qualifications?

Given 30 years, he is confident that he can surpass Yuheng.

Even if it is the Holy Lord, is it necessarily right? Does the Holy Lord have no weaknesses?

No, the Holy Lord has two weaknesses that are not weaknesses. One of them is the belief in one's own strength too much, and the other is the belief that sees the race beyond everything.

"If I were the Holy Master of the Star God Clan, I would naturally regard the Star God Clan as the most important thing. If I were not in this position, how could I plot this position?"

Tianquan Xing Shengzi said, "What's more, the vision of the Holy Lord is naturally to look at the entire Star God Race, even the entire God Realm, but as the Holy Child, everything I see is what I see as the Holy Child, the Holy Lord I don’t know the secrets I know. I can’t see what the Holy Lord sees. I have to sacrifice to be able to see clearly what is easy for the Holy Lord."

He admitted his shortcomings very frankly, because sophistry has no meaning.

Especially in front of the contemporary Holy Lord, sophistry will only plunge oneself into a bottomless abyss.

But in the same way, he invisibly shifted the responsibility to his own caution. Is caution wrong? No, is selfishness wrong? It is not a mistake, even cold blood is not a mistake to the Son of God.

I don't have the vision of the Holy Lord. What's wrong with using others to sacrifice?

"Continue." The Holy Lord's tone was neither joy nor sadness.

carry on?

The Son of Heavenly Power felt a little chill behind her back. Considering the character of the Holy Lord, she wanted to continue by herself, that is, she really wanted to continue speaking by herself, feeling that what she said was not incurable.

In other words, his defense has worked.

Then, a flash of light flashed through his mind.

"His Majesty the Holy Lord knows everything on the earth, but he still regards this matter as a test for me, so what is the difference between Lord Holy Master's approach and me?"

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