Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1161: Time abilities

The sea clan saint's heart was full of fear.

In the face of this human being like an ant, he was originally bound to win.

Even if this human has some hole cards to block his own attack, but under the power gap, no matter what kind of hole cards it is, he firmly believes that he can be crushed with absolute power.

What's more, this is a holy land belonging to the Sea Clan.

The saint of the Sea Clan is not the only one.

Because of the Hai Clan's understanding of Chu Feng, an old opponent, they absolutely didn't believe that Chu Feng would come to their turf to die without preparation, and under caution, they only sent him a holy presence to fight.

Once Chu Feng showed some incredible hole cards, the existence of the other three holy ranks would secretly make a move.

It was not that they were timid, but the status of the Sea Clan was too embarrassing to allow them to make any mistakes.

But he never expected that at the moment he made the move, Chu Feng actually created a small Demon Realm Channel, and used his own power to widen the Demon Realm Channel, making the Demon Realm Channel out of control.

The opening of the world channel has always been a very important matter.

The faster it turns on, the higher the cost will be. The way that Chu Feng did just now, even the powerhouse of the gods and demons, would definitely not be able to do this.

"Speaking of it, this should be thanks to the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races. If they hadn't given me the seal of life and death, I would have no way to open the Demon Realm passage at such a fast speed!"

Chu Feng explained very kindly.

"It's impossible! Do you think I don't know how powerful the seal of life and death is? Even if it can open the passage of the Demon Realm, it is absolutely impossible to open it in a place like the Holy Land, let alone use my power to widen the passage, Even if it is just to connect the coordinates of the two, it will take a long time and it cannot be completed in an instant."

The sage of the Jinjia Sea Clan roared loudly. He also knows some common sense about the opening of the world channel. Otherwise, how would the Sea Clan invade the earth? To seize the status of mankind as the master of the earth?

Now this human being dares to deceive him with such lies.

The passage of the Demon Realm is getting bigger and bigger, and the breath coming from the other end is getting more and more. Some blood-colored sea water emerges from the entrance of the passage and rushes towards the blue water of the Sea Emperor Holy Land.

The blood-colored water entered the ocean, and a large number of sea people were caught off guard by the blood-colored breath, becoming violent, and there were also some purple lines on their bodies.

The sage of the Jinjiahai Clan drew a circle in front of him with the trident in his hand. The blood-colored water seemed to have encountered an invisible barrier, and could not get out of this strange circle anyway.

The sea races like the strange circle were infected by the aura of the demon world, and one by one became violent, but the sea races outside the strange circle were safe.

More and more powerful sea clan figures appeared on the surface of the sea. They looked at the demon world in the middle, and their eyes were full of solemnity.

"Human, you are too much. If you unscrupulously open the passage of the demon world, even if human beings continue to be the master of the earth, how can you resist the invasion of the demon world?"

The strength of a sea clan questioned.

Chu Feng looked surprised: "So, we human beings on earth have a future to speak of? I thought that in the face of a high plane like the Demon Realm, we can only delay our own death time! We knew that we humans are still there. With the possibility of defeating the demons, and by the way, defeating the gods and the underworld, I will not deliberately drag you into the water."

Hai nationality language plug.

Conquer the three highest planes? Chu Feng can tell.

What he said was just mocking them.

Now Chu Feng's attitude is very obvious. Since we humans can no longer see any vitality, why can't I lift the table? Let's die together!

"Human, what do you want?"

Jin Jiahai Clan Saint asked.

"What's there to talk about with humans? Anyway, we can only survive one of our two races, just kill it."

A faint body, like a translucent jellyfish-like humanoid sea clan saint, holding a transparent crystal long sword in his hand, shining brightly in the light of the fire.

He seemed to be a firm racist, and he never believed that there was any possibility of compromise between the sea race and humans.

On the crystal sword, a sword energy cut through the space.

This sword is so fast that it is almost impossible to guard against. This sea clan saint who shots absolutely does not think that there will be people under the holy step that can react faster than his own sword.

However, when the sword energy was about to penetrate Chu Feng, another tiny black vortex appeared.

This tiny black vortex appeared in front of Chu Feng without warning, slowly spinning, and when the crystal long sword approached Chu Feng with its extreme sword energy, it slowed down.

This sword aura pierced into the black vortex, causing the black vortex to expand a bit.

"The power of this sword seems to be a little weak. How many more?"

Chu Feng looked at the sages of the Sea Clan with a playful expression.

Among the information he obtained, there were 4 saints in the Sea Clan, but there are 5 saints now appearing. It seems that there are still omissions in the information, but it doesn't matter much.

If there is a way to deal with the existence of holy ranks, the number is not important.

Seeing the remaining Sea Clan saints in this scene, their faces became very ugly, and none of them dared to make a move easily.

The saint who shot just now is the fastest among the sea clan, but the speed at which the saint step exists has also become slow in front of Chu Feng.

What is this method?

"Time, you are a time supernaturalist!"

The translucent sea clan saint whose sword aura had been absorbed had a heartbreaking light in his eyes, "As a time supernatural person, you have an extremely vast future, why venture here?"

Time supernatural person?

"He, how could he be a time supernaturalist? Then what counts the actions we did right with him in the past?"

The saints of the Sea Clan were all stunned. They had all obtained some Mixins, knowing that in this era, time supernatural beings will inevitably be born among human beings.

But they never expected that Chu Feng would also be.

It’s not that they underestimated Chu Feng, but since the Crystal Palace appeared in front of Chu Feng for the first time, their Hai Clan and Chu Feng have been fighting each other continuously. The two sides have been temptation and life and death struggles, and they have fought many times. .

Now telling them that this enemy that they regard as a confidant, this enemy they think they know best, has not shown his full strength until now?

How do they accept this?

In such a huge sea emperor holy land, there is no one that can force the true strength of the opponent?

"Well, after all, facing the holy order, it is inevitable to use some time abilities."

Chu Feng was not too surprised by the eyesight of the holy step, "Do you still continue to attack me now?"

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