Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1170: The amazing decision of the high priest

Chu Feng's answer angered several sea clan saints.

"Human, you are too arrogant."

"You dare to look down upon our great sea clan. Do you think that mankind has a vast future? In the face of the highest plane, you humans are just ants."

"When we can come to earth, you humans are just ants before us."

"If you are honestly controlled by our sea clan, there may be a ray of life, but now we are fighting a civil war, even the strong in the demon world dare to use it. If you do this, sooner or later you will play with fire."

Several sages of the Sea Clan refuted Chu Feng with cold words.

In their eyes, if even the Sea Race cannot deal with the difficulties, what can the weak human race do?

If it were not for the upper limit of the strong people that the earth can hold, they would have swept the earth and suppressed mankind.

But the old man of the Sea Clan did not immediately refute.

"Human, I didn't expect your vision to be higher than most of the saints of our clan."

The old man sighed softly, his eye nerves had undergone several changes, full of hesitation and struggle, and finally seemed to have made a decision.

"The earth is not only the sky and land, but also a large number of oceans. If we want to develop the resources in the ocean, our marine people are a very good choice, as long as you can control it."

"what do you want to say?"

Chu Feng's eyes were a little surprised.

At this time, did he want to make peace?

"The war between races is not only about survival. Even if you can destroy our marine clan, you humans will face too many enemies in the future, so you must seize every opportunity to strengthen yourself."

The old man abused the three saints with one hand, and a crystal appeared on the other hand.

"This is the knowledge inheritance of our marine clan, but you should know what it means. As long as you master the inheritance of our marine clan, it is equivalent to controlling the future of our marine clan. As long as the pillars of our marine clan are When the entire army is annihilated, the entire Sea Clan will fall into your hands, and you will have a lot of time to slowly adjust."

The old man's actions exceeded everyone's expectations.

Even Chu Feng was a little sluggish. The action he came here was originally a huge gamble, but he didn't expect this old man to gamble even more than him.

"High Priest! What are you doing? Are you going to betray our sea clan?"

The Double Knife Sea Clan saint roared loudly, "You are the oldest existence of our Sea Clan and our spiritual leader. Do you know what kind of consequences your actions like this will cause? Are you willing to be great? Has the sea clan become a vassal of that weak human being? Are you ruining the future of our sea clan?"

Several other holy ranks exist, and their eyes are full of anger.

Unexpectedly, their high priest would do such a thing.

"Future? We Marines have a future?"

The high priest gave a tragic smile, "In order to keep our race alive, we weave a illusory lie, but because there are too many people who believe in this lie, we all forget its true face."

With that, the crystal in his hand flew towards Chu Feng suddenly.

Chu Feng didn't dare to be careless, the black chain emerged from the void and turned into a black silk thread, entwining the crystal layers and disappearing into the void.

He was not sure whether this was a trap for the high priest.

Even if what the high priest said is true, he must be treated with the utmost caution. Anyway, if the inheritance of the Sea Clan is true, he does not necessarily need to open it himself.

Seeing Chu Feng's movements, there was a trace of satisfaction in the eyes of the high priest.

"If a race wants to survive, even if it is an ordinary identity, it must have a certain value. What I gave you just now is the value of our sea clan's existence, but in that heritage, I also left behind. This gives the hope that the Sea Clan will re-emerge in the future. I believe that you will not give up the opportunity to control the Sea Clan in the future because of this small matter."

The high priest’s tone became more and more sad. He ignored the several sea saints around him, “Humans, if you want to make you humans go further, if you want to win more chips for humans, then swallow. The benefits I give you, after all, the situation that the earth will face in the future cannot be passed without taking any risks."

The meaning he wants to express is already very obvious, and I will give you a benefit mixed with poison.

This benefit can bring huge benefits to you humans, and it will also give us a chance to rise in the future, depending on whether you are willing to accept it.

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth curled up: "I hope you don't play tricks."

What he meant was that if the thing you give me is really the same as what you said, then I will swallow the benefit you get.

Mankind and the sea clan are enemies of life and death. It is a foolish act to let the enemy go. When the sea clan will re-emerge in the future, but mankind will fall, the catastrophe that greets mankind will be destroyed.

But is this a problem for Chu Feng?

This is simply a multiple-choice question to give points.

What is the enemy of mankind? That is the highest plane. Compared with the highest plane, what is a small sea clan?

If mankind degenerates to the point where even the Sea Clan can bully at will, I am afraid that mankind will not wait for that day at all, and will be transformed into history under the invasion of the highest plane.

Even the history of mankind cannot be preserved.

In the record of the highest plane, it is only mentioned: a certain era, invaded the earth, and successfully destroyed.

How can they record history that is not worth mentioning?

Compared with this kind of future, how about giving the Sea Clan a chance to rise again? If there is no tomorrow for mankind, whether the rise of the Sea Clan has anything to do with mankind.

If human beings can survive this catastrophe, what counts as a weak servant race like the Sea Clan?

This is an interest bill, and it is very easy to calculate.

"No, I can't accept it!"

The Jinjiahai Clan was furious, and he simply couldn't accept such a result. He held up the golden trident in his hand, and the shuttle space pierced in the direction of Chu Feng.

He was going to kill Chu Feng, this arrogant human being.

Only by slaying this mankind, the future of the sea clan will not fall into the hands of mankind, and the noble sea clan will not become a humble servant race, mankind must die!

Facing the furious Sea Clan, Chu Feng just gently raised the sword in his hand.

This is a sword of flame.

The flame sword cast with the true fire essence of the stars, stabbed in the direction of the Jinjiahai Clan without any surprise.

The eyes of the Jinjiahai Clan are full of anger. Do you think that with such a sword, you can compete with me?

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