Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1173: The future is too far

The woman who burned the translucent Sea Clan saint to death with flames walked towards Chu Feng with graceful steps, her voice was like the sound of heaven, but she was not charming at all:

"The gate of the underworld in your body is not innate, but you made it yourself, but it is even stronger than the real gate of the underworld. I didn’t expect such a character to be born among the earth’s humans. If you give up the earth’s Status, the highest plane will definitely have your place in the future. If you become a **** emperor, you can claim to be a **** race."

Give up the identity of a human being on earth and become a **** emperor when he grows up?

Chu Feng, who owns the Yuan Mansion, had never had such an idea when Yuan Mansion was just opened.

Anyway, his Yuan Mansion can take away some of his closest people, and there is no problem when he prepares enough materials to feed several million people.

Going to the highest plane alone is the vast ocean and the sky where the birds fly.

After he grows up, everything he has lost can be regained.

As for the human name, he actually doesn't care much. As long as the spirit of China is still there, what is the difference between calling ourselves humans or calling ourselves gods? To bear the burden of humiliation is not the same way.

But the more he understands, the more Chu Feng understands that there is a dead end ahead.

The three holy places exist not because they are conquerors, but because the earth has not yet been harvested, and now the crops are ripe, how can the two worlds of gods and demons let go of the most abundant fruits, even if the two worlds Jie has such thoughts again, but there is still a supreme being whose will is above all else.

The earth has no future.

To develop and grow in the simplest and most feasible way, and to strive for development time again and again, will only prevent the earth from stepping into the abyss step by step, and ultimately bring despair.

"The suggestion is very touching and makes it difficult to find a reasonable excuse for rejection."

The star **** tribe girl showed a comfortable smile, giving people a feeling of spring breeze. Even Jiang Xinyue, who was beside Chu Feng, felt a moment of inner comfort, almost forgetting the person in front of him who stood hostile to humans. Position.

"However, my vision is not so long-term, and my ambitions are not so ambitious. My confidence in becoming a **** emperor is not as strong as you think. All I see is my eyes."

Chu Feng's tone became fierce, "The future is too far away. Now you have two choices. Try to kill me or not. If you want me to give up, your bargaining chips are not enough."

While speaking, a large amount of death breath lingered around Chu Feng.

"How to do?"

The star **** tribe woman smiled and looked at the Tianquan Xing Shengzi, "Is there a solution?"

"This is not a question of whether there is a solution, it is just a choice."

Tianquan Xing Shengzi stretched out a finger and pointed upwards, "In front of her, I have only one choice."

After he was deprived of the qualifications to inherit the position of the Holy Lord by a word of the Holy Lord, he almost felt that the plan for 10 years was completely empty, which also made him understand the true meaning of the plot.

Tactics can be used as a means to defeat the strong by the weak, but they can never become reliance.

"Then kill him!"

The beautiful woman smiled indifferently, "It may cause trouble to the teacher."

"She is not afraid of trouble."

Tianquan Xing Shengzi picked up the silver spear in his hand again, and stabbed it in the direction of Chu Feng plainly. At the moment he shot, the figure of a beautiful woman appeared hundreds of meters away. .

Chu Feng hadn't moved his footsteps since he appeared in the Sea Emperor's Holy Land. Even a fool knew that he must have arranged some special methods around him.

The Son of Heavenly Power is now trying to test Chu Feng's method, even if it is to risk his life for this.

However, it is enough for him to test by himself, there is no need to make Xi'er tired.

It's not how deep the relationship between the two parties is, it's just the basics of teamwork.

The Son of Heavenly Power used the lives of others to test in the past, but if he doesn't use his own life to test, then he will be completely out of touch with the position of the Lord.

There are many powerful people who want to seek the position of the saint, but few can pay the price for it.

When the colored spear approached a foot in front of Chu Feng, it hit a layer of invisible ripples, and a faint silver star appeared on the tip of the spear, approaching Chu Feng's body.

But this distance of only one foot gave the feeling of Tianquan Xing Shengzi, but it seemed to be far away.

This is not an illusion, but a basic application of the laws of space.

However, the basic application does not mean that it is weak. It is like a simple swing of a sword. An ordinary person swings a sword and a strong holy rank swings a sword. Although both are the same actions, the result is heaven. Differently.

Tianquan Xing Shengzi retracted the spear. He knew that even if the spear could travel the long distance, the spirit carried on this spear would have been exhausted. He didn't believe that Chu Feng would be so weak that he even lost his spirit. The gun can't stop it.

However, his gaze fell on Jiang Xinyue who was beside Chu Feng.

"This person should be considered a bit of status for you!"

The spear was retracted in the last instant, but in this instant it was like a dragon going out to sea, piercing directly towards Jiang Xinyue's eyebrows. If this shot is implemented, Jiang Xinyue will definitely open a blood hole in her head.

Only when the shot was shot, the eyes of the Son of Heavenly Power Star were staring at Chu Feng.

Although the other party brought a woman here, he would definitely not leave him with such obvious weaknesses. His actions like this are only testing, testing the other's character and preparation.

In any case, the means left to others is not as good as one's own.

But at this moment, the scene in front of the Son of Heaven Quan Xing changed.

The place where he is is no longer a frozen ice layer on the sea, but a calm lake. There are 8 portals around the lake, which surrounds him.

"Formation? Where is the formation?"

A look of surprise appeared in the eyes of the son of Tianquan Star. Chu Feng had not been to the Sea Emperor's Holy Land for a long time. There should be time for the test to arrange the formation. What he was really curious about was the position of the opponent's formation.

The entire Sea Emperor's Holy Land was under the control of the Sea Clan, and when the sun god's mirror was shining down, all the debris was swept away. In front of the sun god's mirror, all small means were invisible.

But just after the Sun God Mirror scanned it, the other party actually arranged the formation in front of him?

The formation that can work for him is definitely not hurriedly arranged. Where did he arrange the formation?

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