Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1179: What is the Lord

"At any rate, he is also a fighter who fought for your Star God Clan. Even if you send him to die, you can at least make him die well, but you let him die in your own hands."

Seeing the Heavenly Power Star Saint Son was beheaded in front of him, and his soul was scattered, leaving no room, Chu Feng didn't have too many waves in his heart, and it was not time for him to sympathize with his opponent.

Even if the rabbit is dead and the fox is sad, it should be for the sea clan.

He just felt that the sage master of the Star God Clan generation was too extreme.

The other party may have special reasons, but unfortunately he is not willing to think from the perspective of the Star God Race.

"But what you just said, there are too many **** emperors in the God Realm, and there are too few **** emperors in the Star God Clan. What do you mean? Don't you have enough **** emperors in the Star God Clan? Or feel that the gods have not been born for too long. Emperor, have you lost the replenishment of fresh blood?"

Hearing Chu Feng's words, the voice of the Star God Clan Holy Master was a little surprised:

"Have you heard?"

"My mental talent is very good."

Chu Feng admitted frankly.

"I have never seen such a big suicide scene."

The Holy Lord of the Corona Protoss exclaimed, "No matter what kind of back you have left behind, today, the pillars of the earth human beings must fall here."

The implication is that even if you hold the curse of the gate of the underworld and the lord of the underworld, now we have no room for negotiation and retreat, and today we will kill you anyway.

"It seems that I heard something incredible."

Chu Feng seemed very relaxed about the threat of the Coronation Protoss Holy Master. He had been jumping repeatedly on the edge of death since just now, and even actively cut off his retreat.

As long as oneself keeps looking for death, it doesn't matter whether the other party let him go.

"Humans, even if you stand in a hostile position, I appreciate you very much. If you are given time to grow, I believe you will become a good opponent."

The Star God Race Holy Master said in a regretful tone.

Chu Feng didn't answer yet, a starlight projection landed on the fragments of the Sea Emperor's Holy Land, and the figure of a majestic woman shone in front of him.

The figure and appearance of the Saint Lord of the Star God Race seemed to interpret the ultimate beauty.

Her body had a peculiar charm, it was a temptation from the soul, even Chu Feng could not contain a greedy thought in her heart.

She closed her eyes, making people wonder if she opened her eyes, would let everyone who saw her fall into it.

"No, this is not the desire for beauty, this is the desire for Tao."

After discovering that he could not forcefully suppress this greedy thought, Chu Feng began to face the thought in his heart, only to find that this peculiar charm did not come from the male's greed for the female body, nor was it from the Star God Race's Holy Lord. With the charm of attracting the opposite sex, it comes from a soul's desire.

If it weren't for realizing that the opponent's strength was far stronger than himself, Chu Feng would even have the idea of ​​eating the opponent in one bite.

It is to eat in the true sense, swallowing the opponent from the body to the soul.

"It's like the kind of yearning for Yiyi who discovers Yiyi's special features."

After discovering this, Chu Feng's heart was even more surprised. The Saint Lord of the Star God Race actually had such a physique, and that such a physique could survive in the God Realm. I am afraid that even the Star God Race's own clan would hardly be able to stand it. Such a temptation!

Thanks to her being born in the God Realm, if she were born in the Devil Realm, even the daughter of the Devil Emperor, it would be difficult to live to grow up.

In the same world where the strong are respected, order always brings more possibilities.

Realizing this, Chu Feng couldn't help but rise in awe of the Holy Master of the Star God Race.

The other party can grow up safely in the Star God Clan under such a system. I don't know how many hardships and obstacles they have experienced or how many death crises they have experienced.

However, she finally survived.

Such existence must be very strong.

Powerful enough to make any greedy person extinguish the power of the thoughts in his heart.

The graceful and graceful Saint Master of the Star God Race stepped on the void with bare feet and walked towards Chu Feng, her every movement was perfectly interpreted, and her temperament seemed to overwhelm the world.

Even if the Sea Emperor's Holy Land is not broken, I am afraid that she will not be able to suppress her peerless Fanghua.

What is she going to do?

Even Chu Feng kept playing drums in his heart.

He could feel that the holy lord of the Star God Race in front of him was definitely not a person who played cards according to common sense, nor was he a person who could be pinched or used as a chess piece.

Jiang Xinyue looked at the Saint Lord of the Star God Clan idiotically, she didn't envy the other person's appearance.

Under the support of that peerless Fanghua temperament, even women can't get jealous.

It's just that special temptation, that desire from the soul is gender-neutral.

"You just killed him with me, it seemed a little puzzled."

The sage master of the Star God Race suddenly said that her voice did not have a fascinating charm, but it could make everyone who heard it feel comfortable and even wipe out the enemy's hostility.

"No, I am not the Holy Lord."

Chu Feng did not follow the idea of ​​the Star God Clan Holy Master to play the cards.

"He is a qualified saint son, and there is still room for growth in the future. Unfortunately, he needs too long to grow, and he can bring too little to the Star God Race."

The Star God Clan Holy Master didn’t seem to hear Chu Feng’s words, and explained to himself, “If he regards himself as the Holy Master now and has the responsibility of the Holy Master, maybe I will give him a chance, but unfortunately he did not grasp it , Then I have to personally be the sinner and let him die on the road to the throne of the Holy Lord. This is the battlefield he desires most."

"Although he and I are enemies, he and I have the same idea. Why?"

Chu Feng looked at the Holy Master of the Star God Race in dissatisfaction, "How do you decide, what should the Holy Master look like?"

What if you are the Holy Lord? Is your appearance the same that all holy masters should follow?

What you think is right, must it be right?

Although the Son of Heavenly Power is not a good thing, he has stuck to his own path until his death. Even if that path is wrong, he has never regretted it.

It is a pity that the Holy Lord of the Star God Race did not give him a chance to prove it.

"You will soon know what the Holy Lord is."

The Saint Lord of the Star God Race was not stimulated by Chu Feng's words. She stretched out a finger, and the space in front of Chu Feng was suddenly torn open a crack, behind the crack was an endless breath of death.

"If you are not ashamed of the title of the crowned **** of the **** race, then give this man a warrior's way of death."

The Holy Master of the Star God Race stepped into the space channel, "Lord of the Underworld, leave it to me to deal with!"

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