Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1182: Sword of Life and Death

Hearing this crisp sound, the Lord's face changed.

The Sun God Mirror has been integrated with him, and he can clearly sense that it is the Sun God Mirror that appears to be cracked.

"It's the crack just now!"

The pupil of the holy lord shrank, and before the death of the sea clan high priest, exhausted his strongest vitality, leaving a tiny crack on the surface of the sun **** mirror.

The crack is actually not big, and it can be repaired within ten days.

Even if it is not repaired, the power of the Sun God Mirror will not be greatly affected.

However, the position where Chu Feng was attacking now was this crack.

The wooden sword in Chu Feng's hand, along the invisible crack, further destroyed the crack on the surface of the Sun God's mirror, the crack continued to expand, and the entire mirror surface was split into two halves.

The **** of a thousand miles collapsed in the ant nest, and it was because of this crack that this result was caused.

However, this is not the only thing that makes the Holy Lord even more angry.

"My power, you just used my power to attack."

Although there was the factor of the crack, it was not entirely due to the sword in Chu Feng's hand that it was able to expand the crack. Chu Feng's own power level had reached his height.

No, not his height.

What Chu Feng used just now was the power of the Holy Lord himself.

Chu Feng did not answer the words of the Holy Master. The brown-black long sword in his hand had penetrated the sun **** mirror, penetrated the arm of the Holy Master, and was now piercing towards the heart of the Holy Master.

"Have you been playing with us all the time?"

With a strong arm of the Holy Master, he stuck the brown-black long sword in Chu Feng's hand into his arm, and the holy light long sword in his right hand also pierced Chu Feng's throat.

He understood now that Chu Feng hadn't reached the same height as them at all.

The sword in this person's hand has the ability to absorb.

Since Chu Feng appeared in the Sea Emperor's Holy Land, he hasn't moved his footsteps. In addition to his layout, another function is to confuse them.

Since they were going to deal with Chu Feng, or to deal with the existence behind Chu Feng, it was impossible for them not to prepare in advance.

They learned about Chu Feng's character, and knew that Chu Feng was a man who made a plan and then moved. He would risk his life, but before taking the risk, he would make the best preparation.

Because of this, they thought that Chu Feng must have a hole card against them.

But what he never expected was that Chu Feng's hole card against them was themselves.

Using their caution, they set traps around themselves, and in an instant they noticed the other's character through a sentence, and set a special trap for such a character.

While setting this trap, Chu Feng also created an image in their hearts, in other words, Chu Feng strengthened his image in their hearts.

Therefore, the Holy Lord would treat Chu Feng as an enemy at the same level as himself.

This is also the reason why he used the method of injury for injury.

Regardless of whether the opponent uses his true strength or relies on foreign objects to reach this state, he cannot be underestimated.

Coupled with the fact that the Holy Lord of the Star God Race went directly to the underworld to single out the Lord of the Underworld, this brought him great excitement. The Holy Lord of the Star God Race had sacrificed himself, so what qualifications did he have to care about?

But what he never expected was that Chu Feng's hole cards would look like this.

As long as Chu Feng made a little mistake in his plan, he would fall into a situation where he would never recover.

"Success! Humans!"

The holy light long sword in the hands of the holy master pierced towards Chu Feng's throat, but another brown-black wooden sword appeared in front of Chu Feng at some point, just blocking the sword.

This is not a coincidence, but a necessity under the choice of time.

The wooden sword in Chu Feng's right hand penetrated the heart of the holy lord, but the holy light long sword of the holy lord was resisted by Chu Feng. In the fight between the two, the holy lord turned out to be the one at the disadvantage.

At this moment, Chu Feng suddenly pulled away and backed away, only to find that the wooden sword in his right hand was firmly stuck.


The holy light long sword in the hands of the holy master suddenly broke, and the tip of the sword flew out in the first half, cutting through Chu Feng's cheek, leaving a wound burned by the holy light on Chu Feng's face.

The other half of the sword remained in the hands of the Holy Master.

Chu Feng's pupils shrank, and his right hand directly released the wooden sword, in exchange for a chance to pull back.

Because he sensed just now, it was not his wooden sword that cut off the holy light long sword in the hands of the holy master, but the holy master of the crowned **** race, he himself broke his sword.

He dispersed his power on the poles of the holy light long sword, but the part used to welcome his blade did not have any power perfusion.

In addition, the opponent originally used thorns, and he blocked it forcibly, and the power consumed would inevitably be no less. Under the combined effect of the forces of both parties, the Holy Light Longsword was cut off.

In the judgment of own time ability, this is the best solution for oneself.

But for the crowned Lord, this is also an expected result.

The opposing party uses the holy light long sword as a price, in exchange for short-term control of the situation.

The remaining half-cut sword was firmly held by the Holy Master, and the blade was reborn, but it was a little faint. Taking advantage of this short opportunity, it directly penetrated Chu Feng's body.

"To be able to fight with me to such an extent, I did not expect such a character to appear on the earth."

The holy lord looked at the half-cut sword in his hand, his eyes fell on his right arm and chest again, and Chu Feng's other wooden sword pierced his heart after passing through the sun **** mirror.

However, for the holy rank powerhouse, the heart is not a fatal weakness.

Simply going through the heart cannot cause fatal injuries.

When penetrating the enemy's heart, destroy the opponent's heart, and use one's own power along the wound to destroy the internal organs of the opponent from the opponent's body, which can bring a fatal blow to the opponent.

It's a pity that Chu Feng's wooden sword absorbed the power of the holy rank, but it was not enough to cause fatal damage.

Just as he thought about it, the Holy Lord suddenly found a strong breath of death, spreading from the wound to his body, continuously destroying and devouring the vitality in his body.

"The origin of death, what is the origin of this human being? What kind of sword is this sword?"

The Holy Lord's heart was filled with surprise. He was about to mobilize the power in his body to suppress this law of death and the origin of death, but suddenly saw that the opposite Chu Feng pierced the wooden sword in his hand into Chu Feng's chest.

"Is he committing suicide? No, this is the sword of life!"

The Coronation Lord instantly judged Chu Feng's actions.

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