Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1193: The choice of practice system

Chu Feng gave the reconnaissance camp and the Hell Knights each three days to prepare, but one used the three days to get acquainted with what Chu Feng taught them, and the latter used the three days to say goodbye to the woman.

Chu Feng's requirements for them are all in accordance with the requirements of the soldiers.

A group of healthy men, of course, need women to adjust, some have already married and established a business, some directly blatantly use the salary they receive to support, and some always like to go to the club.

Once things like clubs become proliferated, it is likely to cause population trading to become more frequent. Therefore, China was regarded as one of the three major targets of strikes in the old era, but in the new era, in this extraordinary era, this has obviously changed. It must not be applicable. Prohibiting this kind of thing will only lead to a large number of crimes.

Chu Feng has never restricted such things.

But there are people who abduct and sell women through coercion. Not only do the participants have to be put to death, even those who don't report will be punished heavily. This is also a bottom line that Chu Feng insists on.

During these three days, Chu Feng continued to recover his strength.

His Yuanli cultivation base has basically been abolished by his own sword of life. This is also one of the prices he has to pay in fighting with the Holy Lord. Fortunately, Chu Feng has realized the power of the True Yuan in advance, so he has not lost his combat effectiveness. .

At the same time, it also sent a signal to the outside world: I did not use my full strength to kill the Holy Lord.

That's why, during this period of time, only the miscellaneous fish from the God Realm came out, but there were not too many real God Realm forces to oppress the realm.

When regaining his strength, Chu Feng faced a choice.

"Whether to restore one's own Yuan strength cultivation base or to completely choose the True Yuan route."

The Yuanli cultivation system can be said to be the most mainstream cultivation method in the highest plane. The upper limit of this cultivation system is also very high, and it can directly reach the **** emperor.

In fact, there are not too many grades of Gongfa, only suitable and inappropriate.

After all, the essence of Gongfa is the speed of absorbing elemental power, the efficiency of refining and storing elemental power.

Even a high-level exercise method, if it hasn't been improved from generation to generation, to remove the drawbacks of the exercise method, it is still a waste exercise method. Chu Feng has never worried about this.

If you want to switch to the Yuan path of cultivation, you will only be walking on this path by yourself.

Although the two cultivation systems can coexist in the body, they cannot be used at the same time, and they will conflict with each other. In contrast, apart from allowing one more trump card after the power is exhausted, there is no much use. .

Killing the crowned lord of the sun is completely a means to bully the other party not understanding oneself.

But if he never knew that the other party could not understand the fluke of his own means, then Chu Feng would definitely not die too far, so he had to choose a main route.

After only tangling for a few minutes, Chu Feng made the decision.

"Choose the Zhenyuan route."

There are two reasons for choosing this path. The first is because the true yuan line's combat effectiveness is very strong. Although there are certain drawbacks, a stronger combat effectiveness is what Chu Feng currently needs most.

The second reason is that he does not need to have vitality in his body to be able to mobilize the vitality.

After comprehending supernatural powers, he can use supernatural powers to replace consumption, just like his Yuanlingdao body supernatural powers can be directly used as a reserve of vitality in the body, consumed in battle, and can reach the height of holy rank.

Even if it only takes less than a second, it has reached the realm of the holy rank.

If Chu Feng spends more to cultivate supernatural powers, he can enter the hall of the holy ranks in advance. As for how far he can go on this road, it depends on Chu Feng's own preparations.

After breaking through that barrier, the road behind is much easier.

"Since I chose this path, I spend most of my time cultivating True Essence. I am afraid that there is no exposure of personnel on the high plane, not only because they did not expect it, but also because this path requires time for cultivation. It's too long, but in the dangerously high plane, no one can give you this time to practice. The efficiency of cultivation is far greater than combat effectiveness."

Chu Feng estimated that he didn't really mention the talent requirements of the True Essence Route. Even if he barely reached the talents of the True Essence Route and cultivated at the same level, the cost would be more than 20 times that of the Yuan Li Route. Although it can also be shortened, the amount of shortening is also limited. If there is no world behind Chu Feng to support him, Chu Feng himself would not dare to play like this.

The True Essence Cultivation System, whether it can make you invincible of the same level, let alone say, but it will definitely not give you time to become invincible.

Killing enemies at higher levels can only pretend to be forceful, and the speed of cultivation is king.

But there is no if in the world. Since Chu Feng felt that he was suitable for this kind of cultivation system, then he made a decisive choice.

"The Yuan Ling Dao body can give me almost infinite Yuan strength, and the mysterious technique can bring me the capital to swallow infinite Yuan strength. I still need a magical power to increase my combat effectiveness."

Chu Feng didn't take too long for the choice of combat power and supernatural powers, and directly selected the Nirvana Sword Body.

The Nirvana Sword Body was a supernatural power that Chu Feng had cultivated in his previous life. After being reborn, it was no longer suitable for the current path, but as time passed, Chu Feng had to use the power of this supernatural power.

For this magical power that he is very familiar with, Chu Feng decorates it very quickly.

Under the horror deduction ability of the Yuanling Dao Body, it took Chu Feng only 6 hours to increase the power of the Nine Destruction Sword to a level comparable to a desperate Tier 7 explosion. Point.

Attack and defense have always been unequal, and the 7th-order powerhouse also has the opportunity to kill the 8th-order powerhouse. It is just a matter of probability and consciousness.

"In addition, I also need to deduct the heavenly condemnation to the level of supernatural powers. Originally, there is only a slight difference. The supernatural powers you have are enough, and the one that can provide infinite vitality to the scourge is the soul body."

Chu Feng found a new way of thinking with an inspiration.

The scourge power representing the ultimate destruction, formed a black armor around the magical power seeds of the Yuanling Dao body. When the Yuanling Dao body destroyed by the Holy Lord returns to its original state, you can try to combine the two.

"The Eight Gate Banner was also destroyed by the Holy Master, and apart from amused by the Tianquan Xing Shengzi, there was no achievement. It is a headache. Maybe the Eight Gate Banner originally had a problem and needs to be improved."

In the process of constantly organizing what I have learned, three days have passed by.

Three days later, Chu Feng left the customs as scheduled.

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