Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1195: Respective tasks

The inheritance that Chu Feng handed over to the three of them was just the most basic part of the inheritance of the Sea Clan.

Of course, at the current stage, the basic part is already sufficient. After all, the main force of the Sea Race has been destroyed, and only a few Sea Races have survived.

If humans can be overturned by these sea races, then Chu Feng has nothing to say.

Of course, Chu Feng himself did not believe in such a possibility. He had such a big advantage in the future when he was reborn, but without the support of the human race, what he could do was limited.

A genius can lead a race to rise, it must be that the race itself has certain advantages.

Giving the golden trident to the three people is also to make them work better.

Anyway, when he wants to take it back, he can take it back at any time. As long as these people do enough to make him feel amazing, it doesn't matter. It's not that Chu Feng doesn't know how to refine a holy rank weapon.

With the real fire of stars, holy rank weapons are only a matter of time.

After sending the three people away, Chu Feng went to see Wei Pojun, Han Yunxiao and others.

"Wei Pojun, regarding the military in South China, I have already greeted them. After you arrive in the ASEAN region, you only need to kill as much as you want. Of course, it is to save your own lives. After all, we will fight in the future. There is still a long way to go. If there is still a lot of sacrifice for this kind of thing, how far you can go with me in the future is really nothing to look forward to."

In order to prevent the people of the Hell Knights from dying of their brains and desperately completing his mission, Chu Feng specially reminded them.

The completion of this task is actually nothing to Chu Feng.

On the contrary, the Hell Knights have suffered a major loss here, and he will cry without tears.

Wei Pojun's eyes sparkled: "Yes! I will definitely bring all my brothers back alive."

"Well, first go to Su Yuan to collect the war supplies, and then go!"

Chu Feng waved Wei Pojun away. The four people in the reconnaissance battalion were expressionless. It was not until Wei Pojun left that Han Yunxiao and Zou Mengxuan almost couldn't help their smiles. They laughed out loud.

Xu Shaoguang's face was reddened and he looked a little ashamed, Ruan Jianan was a little unsure.

"Why are you laughing? Didn't you also be like this in the past?"

Chu Feng's words made the smiles on their faces stiff.

The group of Hell Knights may be because the number of people is too large, so the requirements for personal brainpower have dropped, causing the brains of the group to become less and less bright.

Fortunately, Chu Feng picked out the people who had enough brains in advance, which saved the only remaining seeds of wisdom.

"Next, it is your task."

The four people immediately stood upright, listening to Chu Feng's command with full concentration.

The tasks that Chu Feng can only give them are so important. You can see from the props that Chu Feng handed them three days ago. If it weren't for those props, it might come in handy. How could Chu Feng put such precious things To them?

"China’s southwestern line of defense has always been a thorn in China’s heart. The population base of the three kingdoms of Azerbaijan is too large. There are countless zombies there, and with the active response of the state machinery, the disaster of zombies has become more serious, leading to The Three Kingdoms of Azerbaijan have always been the hardest-hit areas in the world. The forces of all regions of China are constantly being transferred to the southwest. People from Sichuan have also formed the Sichuan army, desperately defending the country."

As Chu Feng explained the situation on the defense line in the southwest, the expressions on the faces of the four people became more and more serious.

The Three Kingdoms of Azerbaijan is a very magical country with a large population, but the general quality is not high, creating very favorable conditions for the birth of the zombie group.

Coupled with the existence of a magical state apparatus, the three kingdoms of Azerbaijan have fallen completely.

How dangerous is the battlefield in the Southwest?

One-third of the military supplies exported in the City of Dawn were exported to the southwest region, and on the basis of the original 40% discount, some fine products were specially allocated to the southwest region.

It is not that the Southwest Sichuan Army is too weak, but the danger there is too great.

"Han Yunxiao, Ruan Jian'an, the task I want to give you is, no matter what method is used, use the props I teach you to change the situation in the southwest."

Chu Feng said very seriously, "In one month, you must weaken the zombies of the Three Kingdoms as much as possible during this month. At most, after one month, I will directly send troops to the Three Kingdoms. The threat of zombies will be removed, and how much we need to pay at that time will depend on the results you build in this month."

"Yes!" The two agreed without hesitation.

Although this mission did not have a clear goal, both of them heard the danger behind this mission.

There were more than one billion in the Three Kingdoms. After the fall of the whole country, the number of zombies was close to one billion. After two years of fighting, there were at least 500 million zombies.

Although many people in Huaxia have become zombies, as long as they are well controlled at the beginning, the threat of zombies is actually the same.

There are not many large-scale zombies in China now.

On the contrary, some zombies who have evolved wisdom will take their little brothers to hide in the wilderness, or in the ruins of old cities. Of course, the total number is not a small number, but if it is not large, it will not become a climate.

After accepting the task, the eyes of all four people burst into light.

Their city lord actually gave a clear order to send troops to the Three Kingdoms after a month to completely eliminate the danger of the southwestern defense line. These words did not seem to come from Chu Feng's mouth.

In the past two years, Chu Feng has not been low-key, but in general, he will still try to reduce his influence as much as possible.

But Chu Feng is now uncharacteristically, is he going to make big moves?

They had a faint feeling that Chu Feng sent troops to the southwest, which may be just the beginning. Wei Pojun led the Hell Knights to plow the land in the ASEAN region, which marked Chu Feng's actions, far more than one.

Moreover, the four main characters of the reconnaissance battalion gathered here, but Chu Feng only gave orders to two people.

"Zou Mengxuan, Xu Shaoguang, the two of you are going to North China. I have already greeted Mosling and Luo Xingyao. Then you can just follow their task arrangements."

Chu Feng's next order turned Han Yunxiao's face into a bitter melon face.

Chu Feng's order turned out to be for them to follow other people's orders?

But even Chu Feng himself has not intervened in the specific mission process of the investigation camp!

Chu Feng saw Han Yunxiao's thoughts and simply explained: "Don't worry, they will interfere too much with you. That old fox is better at being a human being than I am."

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