Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1197: Hunter storm

Insect killing orders swept the entire China in just one day. Countless survivors walked out of the survival base and headed into the wild with craziness to hunt insects.

In fact, the insecticidal order is very demanding. Even if it is to fill the smallest pit, the corpses of the insects are piled up like a mountain. Ordinary demon hunters simply cannot do it. There are only large demon hunters, or It is a strong survival base that can do this, but it also takes a long time.

However, Chu Feng specifically named the insect corpses in the insecticide order. Humans can freely buy and sell insect corpses, but forced buying and selling and monopoly are not allowed. This is simply to encourage large forces to purchase insect corpses from ordinary survivors.

As a result, all forces, whether it is the military or civilians, are crazy about it.

The Mi Empire and the Bear Empire are the hardest things to accept.

"Tier 8 weapons? Doesn't it mean that every 8th weapon is a priceless treasure? Isn't the 9th weapon just a legend? Why is the city of Dawn able to release the 8th weapon in the form of a reward, just like the goods in the wholesale market? Is it possible that the City of Dawn is already able to mass produce Tier 8 weapons? No, this is not true."

"How much did we pay to obtain a Tier 8 weapon from the hands of the Protoss? To arm an elite legion with Tier 8 weapons, we have contributed hundreds of thousands of crystal cores, but the City of Dawn is willing to use it. Tier 8 weapons, used to exchange those bug corpses that we can't even call garbage? This is impossible."

"This must be false news. We must confirm repeatedly. This may be a conspiracy of China."

"What the **** is Huaxia doing, and what is the city of Dawn doing? Is it that they have so many weapons that they can be exchanged for rubbish? If this is the case, then we might as well let us use **** to change it."

"Oh my God! What did I see, a Tier 9 weapon is actually on the exchange list?"

"The magic weapon that can support the battle of the 9th-tier strong can be exchanged with the corpse of a bug! It must be false news. The City of Dawn cannot do such a stupid thing."

Shocked is shocked. The truth is never afraid of questioning.

The insecticidal order of the City of Dawn began to cause a storm in the world.

Of course, China was the first to set off the storm.

Desire for power is the nature of creatures. In this extraordinary age, this nature is infinitely magnified. There are many people who do crazy actions at all times, why power becomes crazy.

A Tier 8 weapon is enough to drive countless people crazy.

There may not be many people who can qualify for this level of weapons, but when this level of magic weapon and the lowest level of insect corpse are equated, the insect corpse is also given a certain value.

The resulting effect is also a chain effect.

"A Tier 8 weapon, this type of weapon can be exchanged for the lowest-level insect corpse?"

Anyone who had some insight and vision, the leaders of large civil forces, upon hearing the news, immediately issued orders one after another.

"Open up all our achievements, take out all the weapons and potion reserves, and use them to arm the survivors. We must improve the strength of our team as much as possible. Don't worry about the dispensable things like this. If they are willing to help us work, we will pay them wages and all go out to hunt bugs."

"The demon hunting group of our survival base is not strong enough, but we have a lot of land and food. Hurry up and speed up the production of various food and water. We can take this opportunity to make a lot of money."

"Is the insecticidal order true? How about we have a meeting to decide on the next path? After all, a magic weapon like a Tier 8 weapon is too far away for us, and we also have that deep pit. I've seen it, it's too big, and we are simply not satisfied with our strength."

"Sapi, now all major survival bases have opened up the exchange of various weapons and medicines, and they can be exchanged with the corpses of insects."

"Those powerful demon hunting groups have also begun to use their points to exchange their points for weapons and potions in the Demon Hunter Guild, and then use these weapons and potions to exchange for the corpses of insects. We can't get Tier 8 weapons. Could it be from the hands of masters? Is it okay to get a Tier 7 weapon? And there is also a Tier 7 standard Legion armor."

In this extraordinary age, no one wants to lag behind.

If they can get a Tier 8 magic weapon one day earlier, they will be able to take the lead in the competition for resources, kill more monsters, and get more from the Demon Hunter Guild. This will form a virtuous circle, not to mention those strong men who have the strength to seek Tier 9 weapons.

But regardless of the strength of a person or the strength of a team, it is limited.

Therefore, after the insecticide order was issued, both the demon hunting squad and the leaders of the survival base began to take out their inventory to exchange for the corpses of the insects.

Some items that were originally used as material reserves and did not circulate in the market have also begun to flow into the market.

Those demon hunters who had a large number of points but did not exchange them also began to go crazy to the demon hunters guild to exchange supplies.

"So, we haven't really started the exchange of insect corpses, and the entire Huaxia economy has started to operate again?"

After hearing Su Yuan's report, Chu Feng almost squirted out a sip of tea.

There are some things he really couldn't think of.

"In the eyes of economists, only flowing money can be called money, but in the precarious end of the world, most people want to reserve supplies, so few people want to create value streets and carry out commodity circulation. I lived with this opportunity, so I developed rapidly, but unfortunately I provoke you and slap you to death."

When Su Yuan talked about these things, there was a look of joy on her face, "But with you, the needs of those big people have been stimulated, and even the market demand of the entire China has been mobilized, so various The materials of the country began to circulate in the market, just to meet the needs of the big names for top weapons."

After listening to Su Yuan's simple explanation, Chu Feng quickly sorted out the relationship.

The economic downturn in the last days is not due to the lack of diligence of the Chinese people, but because the materials are not in circulation.

However, as the strong desire for top-level weapons, they took out all their wealth in exchange for a chance to obtain top-level weapons.

The enthusiasm for hunting bugs of those demon hunters at the bottom has also been mobilized.

We don't pursue top-notch weapons, but a bottle of body quenching liquid that can improve our physique. This is not too much! The matter of collecting enough bug corpses is left to the big men.

As a result, the entire Huaxia began to operate.

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