Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1202: New wave

After the mission of the Protoss was sent back, Chu Feng did not continue to pay attention to them.

He will not see any protoss again until the demon captive he requested is sent to him.

The same is true of the requirements of the City of Dawn. When encountering the Protoss, there is no room for mercy, and there is no room for negotiation. Just like this, while eliminating the Protoss, while trading with the Protoss.

For a single force, this is obviously incredible.

But when it comes to the relationship between the country and the ethnic group, it can only be said that there are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests. As long as there are sufficient interests, no one cannot cooperate.

A branch of the Silver Phosphorus Demon Race was annihilated because of Chu Feng's existence. Didn't they still live by relying on Chu Feng? Of course, their value to Chu Feng is also limited. Who is Chu Feng must establish a good image for his actions in the future, so it is better for them.

Under Chu Feng's order, the City of Dawn was already fully operational.

Many demon hunting groups under the name of the City of Dawn went to the north in order to be able to hunt insects more efficiently. After all, the northern part of China is the place with the most wilderness.

Now the North China Military Region has begun to develop the wilderness in North China after a large-scale influx of demon hunters.

Due to the bizarre economic recovery, a large number of crystal nuclei were consumed, but at the same time a large amount of materials circulated in the market, the chain reaction caused by this caused people to gradually discover the magical effect of the real fire of stars.

Of course, Chu Feng wouldn't easily sell the stars' real fire spirit.

But Chu Feng could still sell those flames of real fire.

Star Real Fire has also been developed by mankind to use various methods, whether it is used as fuel, used for refining, used for anti-virus, used to purify air or even water, all have miraculous effects.

Although Star Real Fire is not the strongest fire, it is the purest and ultimate fire.

As for the consumption of star fire? Those worm corpses were lit by the real fire of stars, do you really think there is nothing left? Chu Feng has never done a loss-making business, nor will he do charity.

After the corpse of the insect is ignited, it will continue to supply the real fire of the stars as fuel, and even have a surplus.

Of course, the part of the surplus was taken away by Chu Feng.

Although these gains may not be as good as the weapons that Chu Feng took out to others, for Chu Feng personally, such gains are far beyond.

On the 5th day after the negotiation, that is, the 11th day after the promulgation of the killing order, the largest number of insects in East China were wiped out, and even the zombies and mutant beasts hiding in the corners of the knot were wiped out. The entire East China region has become a safe zone, and even more demon hunters went to other places, which promoted the exchange of demon hunters from all sides.

As for whether to **** prey? For now, it will not happen.

The number of bugs is almost endless. No matter how many you kill, more bugs will come out. So this kind of thing never needs to worry. If someone wants to control a wilderness alone, it will be a demon hunter waiting for them. Guild’s reward order.

Many visionary leaders of large forces began to imitate Su Yuan’s model of building the City of Dawn in the beginning, establishing advancement bases and service bases outside of the large survival bases, earning a lot of benefits for themselves, but also for those wild hunters The demons provided places of rest and refuge, and improved the efficiency of killing insects.

Driven by interests, people can overcome any difficulties.

There is no need for Chu Feng to promote the follow-up. No matter what difficulties they encounter, the people of China have enough wisdom and perseverance to solve them, and China will become more and more adaptable to this model.

At the same time, the Teddy Bear Empire and the Mi Empire also sent a large number of caravans to the Huaxia region.

It is a bit unrealistic to transport the corpses of insects. After all, the transportation in the middle is too dangerous, and the benefits obtained are not in line with their expectations. However, it is still possible to use a large number of crystal nuclei to buy goods in China, especially the various cities of Dawn. The weapons sold, so the Demon Hunter Guild in North China can be said to be the most prosperous one.

Such prosperity and development is of course not without its drawbacks. For example, all major subsistence bases have begun to reduce the development of agricultural and sideline products and reduce food reserves.

Of course, some people of insight among the people began to publicize their views after seeing these drawbacks.

But for these people, Chu Feng didn't even care about them.

This is no longer the time when the last days have just returned from rebirth and need to follow the general trend to get the benefits. Now where Chu Feng has walked, the general trend will rise in accordance with Chu Feng's footsteps.

The resistance encountered in the process of development and prosperity, the opposition from the people, the various opinions from people of insight, this is nothing to Chu Feng, the important thing is that a new wave has risen here. Under the general trend, all the voices of opposition were either destroyed under the wave, or they could only follow the general trend in desperation.

Those merchants who only know how to hoard food and materials, occupy a hilltop and dominate the power, and wait for rising prices to drive up prices, have suffered heavy losses under this wave.

China is advancing, human beings are advancing, and those who are stagnant will inevitably be eliminated by the tide of the times.

On the 13th day after the conclusion of the negotiations, the Hell Knights completed their mission and returned successfully, and Chu Feng just left the customs.

"The Hell Knights actually lost two units. It turns out that after the departure of the Silver Phosphorus Demon Race in the ASEAN region, there were still a large number of Demon Races entrenched. It seems that such a loss is reasonable, but after these losses, they will I should be more careful! But looking at their results, they are doing pretty well."

The pattern of Huaxia is changing every day, but Chu Feng's concern about the overall changes in Huaxia is diminishing.

Because of the current situation, Chu Feng no longer needs to pay too much attention. As long as there are not a large number of visitors from other worlds, whether he pays attention to the current situation will not have much impact.

The Knights of Hell can be said to have ploughed the original territories of the ten ASEAN countries.

A large number of urban ruins were destroyed, and a large number of buildings became dust. As long as the number of zombies, insects, and mutant monsters reached a certain scale, they would be directly wiped out by the Hell Knights.

The Knights of Hell successfully completed the mission and returned smoothly.

Where the Hell Knights and the Dark Legion passed, the forces along the way were all anxious.

Just when the various forces in China wondered whether the City of Dawn would have the next move, the City of Dawn did what they wished, expanding the army to 1.5 million and marching towards the south.

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