Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1208: Clean up the border

When the special pet of the Dark Demon Wolf was withdrawn, many powerful demon hunting groups immediately applauded.

As for the Dark Demon Wolf's master killing complex?

This kind of thing is not a thing for those powerful hunting groups, let alone the top 100 hunting groups, every hunting group has more than 30 level 7 masters, even the top 1000 demon hunting groups. , There are more than 10 level 7 masters in charge, and it is not a problem to suppress a level 5 or 6 demon wolf.

As long as there is a big gap, are you afraid that the Dark Demon Wolf will turn against the sky?

Coupled with the role of the contract stone, the demon hunter can also control the life and death of the dark devil wolf, so that the probability of the dark devil wolf killing the master will be even smaller.

Even if this happened, it would be a direct bad luck.

But before the demon hunting squad qualified to obtain the Dark Demon Wolf offered their blessings to Chu Feng in the City of Dawn, another news came out. Hellhounds fought side by side.

The 25 largest demon hunting regiments in the city of dawn are all qualified to fight side by side with the double-headed hellhound of Tier 7 or even 8. Ordinary demon hunting regiments can also receive a Tier 6 Hellhound.

Some demon hunters with a large number of people and enough points exchanged in the Demon Hunter Guild can also receive multiple Hellhounds.

Different from those dark magic wolves, the territorial dog family has the characteristics of loyalty. As long as you don't betray the hellhound first, you won't be betrayed by the hellhound. They are very precious partners and very reliable combat power.

After hearing this news, the folk demon hunting troupe shouted.

"Fuck! I just thought that City Lord Chu would give us benefits! Now I know that it turned out to be a different treatment. People in the City of Dawn can receive Hellhounds, but we can only receive Devil Wolf. No one dares to receive and team. A magic wolf of the same level as the leader can only be an auxiliary pet, but the Hellhound can be used as a battle pet."

When the demon hunting group in the city of dawn meets the demon hunting group outside the city of dawn, those demon hunting groups look at the gray hellish dog around the city of dawn, and then look at the black demon wolf around, the sour taste in their hearts Don't mention it.

However, this situation did not last long.

On the 5th day of the launch of the Dark Demon Wolf and Hellhound, the City of Dawn added a new notice in the Demon Hunter Guild.

[Notice on the top 300 Demon Hunters receiving the Hellhound. 】

The ranking of the Demon Hunter has nothing to do with its strength. It is only related to the quantity and quality of the prey submitted by the Demon Hunter to the guild. In other words, it is your contribution and consumption in the Demon Hunter guild.

Of course, the stronger the demon hunting group, the stronger your contribution and consumption power.

Killing a Tier 7 zombie, the contribution is equivalent to 50 Tier 6 zombies, there is no way if the strength is not enough, but those powerful demon hunting groups, if they are very resistant to the demon hunter guild, they will not often Submit items to the Demon Hunter Guild, but choose to trade the items obtained from hunting on the black market.

Therefore, the top 300 demon hunters are basically powerful demon hunters that rank within 500 in strength and have a high sense of belonging to the mask guild.

These demon hunting groups can choose Tier 6 Hellhounds and Tier 7 double-headed Hellhounds to fight side by side based on their contribution.

The higher the contribution, the more hellhounds can choose high-level.

After all, even hellhounds of the same rank have different strengths.

Therefore, with the promotion of Hellhound and Dark Demon Wolf, the hunting enthusiasm for insects and zombies in the entire China Demon Hunting Group has become even higher, a large number of wilderness has been trampled by human footprints, and a large number of cities have become ruins.

Coupled with the follow-up influence of the insecticide order, the fighting enthusiasm of the China Demon Hunting Group is unprecedented.

In the constant battles, various geniuses came to the fore, forming a situation where a hundred flowers blossomed. Unfortunately, no matter how many geniuses there were, their glory was always covered by Chu Feng.

This is no longer the fireflies competing with the bright moon, but the fireflies competing with the sun.

It was precisely because of Chu Feng's existence that none of the geniuses who had grown up dared to act rashly, because they always knew that there was a pair of eyes watching them in the sky above China.

If they don't do things that endanger Huaxia, their eyes are closed. If they do things that endanger Huaxia, the Hellhound's tracking ability, they themselves are very clear.

There is also a special reminder in the notice of receiving the Hellhound.

[The Hellhound family is a race that has concluded a contract with Chu Feng. The relationship with people is not a master-servant relationship, but a comrade-in-arms fighting side by side. Humans must not sacrifice the hellhound to save their lives, nor can they forcefully demand the hellhound Performing dangerous work, or acting as a bait, can't actively ask the Hellhound to attack humans, but the Hellhound will take the initiative to protect those who are attacked. 】

Such restrictions are nothing for those who are upright.

But for those evil demon hunting groups, especially the dark demon hunting groups that often secretly hunt down small demon hunter squads and some weak scavengers, it is a nightmare existence.

Because of China’s south, from South Asia to the ASEAN region, that large area of ​​territory has been turned into ruins, and now it is being rebuilt. Those demon hunters who have obtained the scouting type pets are beginning to set out to the north of China.

Chu Feng had already dispatched Zou Mengxuan to the north to fight with Luo Xingyao and others.

Now China’s Northeast region to the east of the Northwest region has been cleaned up by the Northern Legion, and a large number of demon hunting groups have poured in. The situation in the entire northern part of North China is also under control. The legion set out from the south to the north, preparing to carry out a major cleansing of China's borders and borders.

Thus, one month after the end of the war in the three countries of South Asia, the Northern War and the Northwest War started.

Because the front involved was too long, this war lasted for two months in total. China invested a lot of troops in this battle, coupled with a large number of demon hunters, so there was no suspense in this war.

This is not so much a war as it is a war of encirclement and suppression.

In the first half month, there are still relatively hard bones to chew. After half a month, basically only the work of cleaning the battlefield is left. After this large-scale cleaning war, the entire border of China is cleared. , Under the cleanup of those crazy demon hunting groups, there were all bugs, and even mutant beasts above level 5 were basically killed.

At this time, Mao Xiong Empire and Mi Empire realized what Chu Feng was doing.

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