Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1212: Luo Xingyao's talent

For the discovery of Kangaroo Island, the somewhat ambitious forces in China are very happy.

China's territory has actually doubled several times in the past few months.

Although most of the territory is in an undeveloped state, the confidence this brings to the Chinese people is unparalleled. In contrast, Chu Feng built flame towers and worm pits in the Mao Xiong Empire and the Mi Empire to help Such things as the enemy's improvement of strength seem trivial. After all, this is a necessary effort to obtain a new continent.

When the large-scale war calmed down, China began to build a large number of formations.

Some fortresses that were originally built in the border areas have now been transformed into walls that divide the wilderness, dividing the wilderness area into pieces for different functions.

The wilderness, dominated by grasslands and shrubs, is used for grazing and raising humans’ own war horses in captivity.

There are also some wilderness areas that are rich in resources and have a relatively high degree of concentration, which are used as areas for hunting and experience, but these follow-up development tasks are left to people to decide.

Not all humans have creativity, but Huaxia people have extremely rich experience in the use of nature.

And those who control the territory and the control of the survival base are given to those who have performed well in the end times, can lead a large number of survivors, and give them a chance to survive.

The ASEAN region and the territories of the three countries have not yet been divided, and a Kangaroo Island has appeared.

As a result, countless ambitious survival base leaders, including some long-term battles, a large amount of wealth, and a team of demon hunters who want to retire, want to acquire a piece of their own territory on the new continent.

Before the military found Chu Feng, Chu Feng had already gone to Beijing in advance.

"Chu Feng, long time no see."

After seeing Chu Feng, Luo Xingyao greeted him very warmly.

Chu Feng nodded in return, but felt a familiar breath in Luo Xingyao's body.

"Scourge, you have the Scourge?"

Chu Feng's pupils shrank. Heavenly Scourge was his fame and skill, and his most powerful means of attack in a long time. He would not feel wrong with such a breath, but he felt the same in Luo Xingyao's body. breath.

That is the breath of silence.

Luo Xingyao did not deny, a black light appeared in his hand: "Yeah! Didn't you send Xu Shaoguang and Zou Mengxuan to help us! They carry a lot of the means you left to them, among them is the sealed censure, you That kind of sealing technique is too complicated, I really can't learn it, but this method of combining the four elements with lightning attributes is similar to my Yuanyuan Cannon."

Chu Feng was a little surprised at Luo Xingyao's understanding.

Did you master the principle of the Scourge just by familiarizing yourself again and again?

The Yuan Talisman system is too complicated, and there is no mysterious ancient book, and the foundation of nameless exercises, it is difficult to master, but it can be said that Chu Feng developed it himself.

Chu Feng observed Luo Xingyao again with the sense of harmony between man and nature.

He found that Luo Xingyao didn't have much origin in his body in the past, and when he awakened, he developed his abilities step by step, so he said that every step was made by his own understanding.

Luo Xingyao now has more and more original power gathered in him.

Expressed in Feng Shui theory, that is Qi Luck.

In the future, there will be no such person as Luo Xingyao, because he has fallen in the early days. It can be said that he is a person who is not favored by the will of the world. Later Luo Xingyao also grew up step by step. It can be said that he relied on his own efforts, step by step. He won the recognition of the will of the world and became one of the masters of human luck.

Even Chu Feng was a little envious of such amazing talent and disposition.

But envy is envy. Chu Feng knows that everyone is good at different things and the path that everyone has to take is also different. He is the object everyone needs to envy and hate.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng suddenly took out a sword box and handed it to Luo Xingyao.

"This was originally a weapon I prepared for myself. It was specially designed to be used in conjunction with the Scourge. It also records the last form of Scourge. It's just that the current limit of heaven and earth cannot make use of this trick. Since you are right If you understand this trick, this sword will be given to you, but don’t be rigid. You should develop your own tricks, or your savvy will be wasted."

A weapon for yourself?

Luo Xingyao didn't mean to be polite at all, and immediately grabbed the sword case into his arms.

In fact, the outside world knows that many of the weapons in the City of Dawn were created by Chu Feng in name. In fact, they were not all made by Chu Feng, but only Chu Feng could provide those weapons.

Only a very small number of boutiques come from Chu Feng.

However, the weapons sold by Chu Feng and the weapons used by Chu Feng himself are not the same concept.

He didn't know how strong this sword was, but how could Chu Feng's own weapon be so bad?

After holding the sword box in his hand, Luo Xingyao asked, "You are quite powerful. The unique knowledge you developed has been learned by others. Not only did you not get angry, but you also gave away the last trick."

He fought side by side with Chu Feng and knew Chu Feng's strength.

He had seen the terrifying power of Heavenly Scourge countless times.

However, Chu Feng gave him the last expression of the Scourge in vain?

This also gave him more admiration for Chu Feng, which was admiration at the personality level.

"I don't give it to everyone."

Chu Feng didn't struggle too much with this matter either. Such a weapon might be regarded as a rare treasure by others, but for himself, it just took some time and energy.

As for his unique knowledge being learned by others, he didn't care that much.

His strength is not just from a jerk.

"I came here today, mainly to find Lu Qiu. Now Huaxia's territory is undergoing large-scale expansion. If you want to effectively use these territories, it is best to borrow some models of the gods to control the territory and build on China's territory. Building a large formation of locks and using the power of heaven and earth at the same time can mobilize the power of the territory."

Chu Feng directly explained his intention, "At the same time, I started the development of Kangaroo Island 7 months ago. Now I have solved more than half of the threats there, so I need to decide on the development plan there. right."

The God Realm's mode of controlling territory is to build a city or special place in the center of the territory.

Then connect with this piece of heaven and earth through a treasure, so that you can control the vitality flow within the territory, climate change, and even use it to strengthen combat effectiveness.

Such a model is time-tested and very mature.

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