Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1216: The end of the dragon turtle clan

The source of this struggle is understandable.

After the Sea Emperor’s Holy Land was broken, a large number of Sea Clan fled. The Dragon Turtle Clan is extremely good at saving lives. Even if the Sea Emperor’s Holy Land is broken, it can preserve the existence of many people.

And the dragon tortoise clan who lost the holy land of the Sea Emperor are naturally looking for a new habitat.

But the Pacific Ocean is the territory of the black dragon.

The dragon tortoise family wants to use this as a habitat, how can the black dragon tolerate it? In order to fight for the supremacy of this sea area, the two sides launched a war, of course, there may be more than one war. After all, the speed of the black dragon is crushing the entire dragon tortoise family. Maybe the black dragon has not invaded the coastline in recent months. , Is fighting with Dragon Turtle!

But it seems that this war is not equal,

The black dragon is the overlord of the ocean, but after all, there is only one. There are hundreds of dragon tortoises under this sea area. Although the levels vary, the strength is impressive.

There are even the strength of the two dragon turtles, which have surpassed the limit of this world, and the power in their body can be sealed to continue to exist on the earth.

With such an advantage, it is fortunate that the black dragon can protect itself.

If you are unwilling to exit this sea area, the Black Flood Dragon might be in danger of life today.

But today is the lucky black dragon, if it is interesting.

Now that he had seen the dragon turtle clan, Chu Feng didn't let them go.

The blue sea yellow seal appeared in Chu Feng's hands. After obtaining the origin of the sea emperor's holy land, the power stored in the sea emperor's seal was already very powerful, and it was only used to help the sea clan high priest.

This is so, the remaining power of the Sea Emperor Seal is still very impressive.

The Sea Emperor Seal's ability was activated, and the surrounding sea formed a huge vortex, which grew larger and larger, even reaching the bottom of the sea, evacuating the center of this sea area.

A large number of marine creatures were swept out of this sea under the vortex that suddenly appeared here.

However, the dragon tortoise clan and the black dragon and dragon are stunned.

"Human, Chu Feng!"

A golden dragon tortoise uttered an exclamation, then turned around and ran, and greeted his tribe to run quickly, "This is the murderer who destroyed our Sea Emperor Holy Land. Let's disperse and run away, otherwise we may destroy the entire clan Here."

Faced with the murderer who destroyed the Sea Emperor’s Holy Land, the Dragon Turtles decisively chose to escape. If they had the power to resist, the Sea Emperor’s Holy Land would not be destroyed.

"Do you think it's too late?"

A long sword formed from true essence appeared in Chu Feng's hands.

Sword Qi swept across, and the three dragon turtles who were about to escape were cut in half by the sword Qi on the spot, followed by a dozen consecutive sword qi sweeps, and the heads of more than 30 dragon turtles were directly cut. Come down.

Seeing the opponent who was fighting with him, he was beheaded more than 30 consecutively by a human that suddenly appeared. The black flood dragon was obviously frightened, and instinctively wanted to escape from this human.

"Don't you want to escape!"

A cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes. He and the black dragon had never had any grudges, but the humans and the sea clan had always stood in a hostile position. If this black dragon was uninteresting, he could only cut it off. Kill it, otherwise the black dragon will become stronger in the future, and it will definitely become a threat to mankind, and it will threaten his advance to the ocean.

The black chain appeared from the void, entwining the body of the black dragon.

The black dragon was struggling desperately, and the black chains rattled, but none of them broke.

After tying the black dragons together, Chu Feng glanced at the bottom of the sea again, and then slashed out the farthest one in more than ten days with lightning, dozens of dragon turtles were killed, and the blood stained the entire bottom of the sea.

There were more than 300 dragon tortoises, and now more than 70 have fallen in Chu Feng's hands.

Seeing this scene, the strength of the black flood dragon's struggle was weakened a bit.

The wisdom of the black flood dragon may not be as good as that of human beings, but if the level reached this level, some clues can be seen. This human being did not kill it, and it was not without this ability.

Those dragon tortoise clan who can work together to suppress themselves can only be regarded as native chickens in front of this human.

"Humans, my clan is willing to surrender, and my dragon tortoise clan is willing to become a vassal of the adults and fight for them."

A dragon tortoise with the strongest aura shouted to Chu Feng. From the first sight of Chu Feng, it judged that this human was definitely not an opponent that the dragon tortoise clan could easily contend with, so it directly ordered to escape. But I didn't expect that the dragon tortoise clan would be so weak before this human being.

"Surrender? Hehe, tell me your value other than medicinal use."

Chu Feng swung a sword again, and several dragon turtles who wanted to escape were cut in half. The defense that the dragon turtles were proud of was like tofu under Chu Feng's sword.

Seeing this scene, the head of the dragon turtle clan almost shed tears in his eyes.

It can already be seen that this human being has never let go of the original enmity. Why must the dragon tortoise clan provoke this terrible human?

"We are willing to be the servants of mankind forever."

The leader of the dragon tortoise clan has made the most vicious promise. If this promise is fulfilled, it will completely reduce the dragon tortoise clan to the servants of mankind, and will never turn back.

But Chu Feng never believed in these, even the race contract is not absolute control.

"Eternal life is too far away. Weak dragon turtles can be used to produce and hatch their offspring. Your descendants will be domesticated by humans. Otherwise, I can only kill the dragon turtle clan."

Chu Feng relentlessly pronounced the death penalty for the Dragon Turtle clan.

"Human, do you have to drive our dragon tortoise clan to death?"

The dragon tortoise leader shouted, a black sword aura fell from the sky and penetrated the dragon tortoise leader's head. The dragon tortoise clan leader's eyes were staring round to death.

The remaining dragon tortoises all lie on the ground and dare not move: "We are willing to surrender to humans and only seek a way out."

Chu Feng took more than a dozen swords and killed the remaining members of the dragon turtle clan with only more than 20 heads. The remaining dragon turtle with the highest level was only level 6. With the strong strength of the survival base on the sea today, Easy suppression.

After putting away the corpses of the dragon turtle clan, the surviving dragon turtles, including the hundreds of dragon tortoise eggs under the seabed, Chu Feng's eyes fell on the black dragon.

"You have two choices, one is to escape your life in my hands, and the other is to become my servant. After you become my servant, you can still give orders to the sea."

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