Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1218: Sea beast alert

Looking at the corpse of the Sea-Swallowing Black Whale, the eyes of the Deep Sea Green Demon Flood showed undisguised longing.

Swallowing the body of a high-level monster is an irresistible temptation for the monster.

Even if the Deep Sea Green Demon Flood Dragon is one of the ten beasts in the apocalypse in the future, it is a little bit frustrated when facing the Sea-Swallowing Black Whale of the same name. Now that the body of the Sea-Swallowing Black Whale is in front of it, how can it not yearn for it.

However, the desire to live prevents it from putting its desires into action immediately.

This powerful existence that has just become its own master, but in front of its own face, kills the Sea-Swallowing Black Whale, which it has to avoid. It believes that the owner wants to kill itself, probably more than killing the Sea-Swallowing Black Whale. A lot easier.

For the Sea Clan beings who believe that the strong are their instincts, the Deep Sea Green Demon Flood Dragon dare not make any extra moves.

Chu Feng waved his hand, and a piece of flesh from the body of the sea swallowing black whale fell off.

The body of the Sea-Swallowing Black Whale was collected into the Yuan Palace, and the cut pieces of meat fell into the sea.

"Go and eat! I use the rest, and if you perform well, I can reward you."

Under Chu Feng's order, the Deep Sea Green Demon Watermelon rushed towards the body of the Sea-Swallowing Black Whale, gnawing at the flesh of the Sea-Swallowing Black Whale's body that was cut by Chu Feng.

A large amount of meat was swallowed by the Deep Sea Green Demon Watermelon, and his belly soon bulged. Even if it was a little reluctant to eat at the end, the Deep Sea Blue Demon Watermelon was still eating desperately without wasting any energy.

This is the inherent instinct of the monster beast, and it does not give up any opportunity to improve itself.

From a human point of view, such greed will eventually bury itself a curse, but for monsters, especially monsters in the sea, if there is no such ruthlessness, let alone such a chance to eat, become No one knows about Chinese food!

After eating enough, the Deep Sea Green Devil Flooded the body's power and forcibly digested most of the flesh and blood of the Sea Swallowing Black Whale.

There is still a small and a half of strength left, which will be slowly digested later.

"Now that you are full, let's start doing things!"

Chu Feng issued the order, "Do your best to conquer the monster beasts in the ocean, let those monsters obey your orders, go east, and just follow me."

Chu Feng originally wanted to talk about the East Coast of China, but thought that the Deep Sea Green Demon Floodwater might not be able to understand it, so he changed his order.

Three hours later, Chu Feng took the Deep Sea Green Demon Flood to the survival base by the sea.

"You said, will City Lord Chu's actions go smoothly this time?"

Cao Chengxue’s eyes are full of worries, "I know that the strength of the city lord can be said to be invincible in the world, but in the ocean, how much power can we humans exert? Even with the inheritance of the sea clan, our control over the sea clan is limited. , Especially the lack of the deterrence of the top military force, which greatly restricts our development."

"Don't worry, the city lord is definitely not a capable person."

Li Yizhen shook his head, "Just like what the city lord said, if he is not absolutely sure, how can he not even bring the trident, indicating that the city lord is at least sure of winning."

"Oh no."

Just when the three were worried about Chu Feng, a messenger rushed in, "A large number of sea beasts appeared in the direction of the Pacific Ocean. There were about hundreds of thousands of sea beasts, and possibly more, towards us in the ocean. Came in the direction of the survival base. It is estimated that in two hours, those sea beasts will come to our base in the ocean."

"What! Is this true?"

Lin Wenyu started filming the case with a look of surprise.

"How come at this time? If hundreds of thousands of sea beasts are all moving towards the same goal, then there must be a strong organizer. It is very likely that it is the black flood dragon we encountered, the city lord. I just went to the deep sea to single out that black flood dragon, and now something like this is happening, is there a relationship between the two?"

The thought of such a possibility filled his heart with fear.

Chu Feng went to the Pacific with his front foot, and a large number of Pacific sea beasts came here on his back.

In their minds, a set of plots came out naturally.

If Chu Feng's behavior angered the black flood dragon, the consequences would be unimaginable. It might be that the black flood dragon that originally lived in the Pacific would make waves and invade the survival base by the sea.

They originally had a lot of confidence in Chu Feng's actions this time, thinking that Chu Feng was at least confident of winning, but they didn't expect to encounter such a thing in a blink of an eye.

Now, their roots are still too shallow.

Under the wave of hundreds of thousands of sea beasts, and even more waves of harm, the foundation they have finally built up may fall short.

"It's useless to think so much now. Even if the things we have accumulated are really destroyed, what? These things were originally given to us by City Lord Chu Feng. Even if they are destroyed because of the City Lord, should we again Can you blame the City Lord for failing?"

Cao Chengxue pointed out the current situation sharply.

"That's right, when anyone makes mistakes, it's just the difference between big mistakes and small mistakes."

Lin Wenyu nodded and sat back in his seat.

"No matter how we remember one thing, everything we have is given by the city lord."

Li Yizhen also agreed with the two people's ideas.

Even if Chu Feng caused the disaster, they could still blame Chu Feng?

In ancient times, there were indeed many outspoken and admonishing ministers, but where did anyone give pointers to and teach their benefactors? Especially bestowed all the benefactors I have now.

Without Chu Feng, it is still unclear what the survival base of the three of them has developed into now.

The three exchanged glances, and finally nodded heavily.

To say that Chu Feng had fallen in the Pacific, they didn't believe it. After all, Chu Feng had the strongest strength in the world, which was recognized by the entire earth. Besides, Chu Feng also had a very powerful pet.

As long as Chu Feng came back, the three of them would never mention it, and Chu Feng did it today.

"Since there are difficulties at the seaside, we must prepare for the battle, at least to recover the loss as much as possible!"

After reaching a consensus, the group of three set out toward the base established by the sea.

The time when the sea beast army came here was indeed about the same as they expected, but what they didn't expect was that in only 40 minutes, they saw the sea beast's vanguard army.

A huge dragon with a body length of more than 80 meters is riding the wind and waves in the sea towards the survival base.

"All army, prepare for war!"

Feeling the powerful breath coming from afar, Cao Chengxue issued the order to prepare for the battle.

However, in his induction, besides the huge flood dragon, there seemed to be another powerful and familiar aura.

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