Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1231: Protoss Slaughter

In the territory that Chu Feng inherited in hell, apart from the three-headed dog in hell, there are a total of seven races, of which three races come from the gods, all have certain talents, but the race as a whole is not good, and there is no top pillar. race.

The three races from the God Realm are the Wind God Race, the Earth God Race, and the Life God Race.

Among the protoss that Chu Feng has convened, half of them are the life protoss, and they are also the races that are the closest to the light series.

The remaining half is half of the Wind God Race and the Earth God Race.

5000 Protoss soldiers sensed that their environment had changed, and immediately asked Chu Feng respectfully for instructions: "Master, please give orders."

Those holy ranks can be called Chu Feng holy masters because Chu Feng does not have the strength to kill them yet.

But everyone below the holy rank must be called Master Chu Feng.

Chu Feng pointed to the majestic, but very dilapidated city in front of him, and ordered:


This command has only two words, but two words are enough.


The generals of the Life Protoss did not hesitate, and directly received the order. 5000 Protoss directly rushed into the dilapidated city and slaughtered the monsters in the city.

From the appearance of these protoss to Chu Feng's order, the entire process only took less than 10 seconds. In such a short time, even the soldiers guarding the city did not respond.

Now these Protoss had carried out massacres without warning, which naturally caused widespread commotion.

"Ah! Armor of the God Realm, who are you? The Saints do not have so many sophisticated equipment."

"Protoss, why is there a Protoss here?"

"Didn't your saints and our blood monsters have signed an agreement to attack the earth together and divide the territory with your own strength? Why are you tearing up the agreement now?"

"The holy race did not abide by the promise, and even directly invited the race of the gods to intervene in our struggle."

"Ah! Get out and expose the saints' conspiracy to the public."


Chu Feng floated in the air, watching the entire city fall into chaos.

Some demon birds that are good at flying escaped from the air, passing by Chu Feng, but they didn't find any trace of Chu Feng. This is because Chu Feng used the power of space to hide his body.

These monster races have different appearances. Most of the evolution routes of the monster races in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races are developing in the direction of humanoids, that is, the evolutionary route of the Yuanli cultivation system.

There are also a small number of monsters who follow the physical cultivation system, also called the bloodline cultivation system.

Most of these races are called monsters.

Chu Feng roughly swept past with mental power. The total number of monsters here has exceeded 1 million, but under the massacre of 5,000 protoss, there is no room for resistance.

Because their average grade is Tier 4.

Not to mention such a race compared with the elite of the Protoss, any legion of China can swept here.

During the slaughter of 5,000 Protoss in the entire city, they basically did not encounter any decent resistance, except that there were three Tier 8 monsters with a dozen Tier 7 monsters, and they were easily killed after the resistance. The entire demonic race was defeated like a mountain, and the entire battle process was a process of massacre.

"Scatter and kill the enemy."

After seeing the last Tier 8 monster, the generals of the Life Protoss issued an order to scatter 5,000 Protoss across the city and hunt enemies freely.

Anyway, these enemies are no longer a climate and can no longer organize effective resistance, even if they divide their forces, there is no need to worry.

Three hours later, the entire city was slaughtered.

Because the number of protoss involved in the massacre was too small, about 80% of the monsters in the entire city successfully escaped. Even so, the number of fallen monsters exceeded 300,000.

Of the 5000 Protoss, none of them died.

In the process of the formation of this force, the life gods accounted for half of the number. The life gods themselves are very tenacious, and they can also heal their companions. Just be careful. When the weak are slaughtered, there will be no casualties. When facing a real elite enemy, they will lack strength.

However, the purpose of Chu Feng's formation of this force was to slaughter the weak.

After the massacre was over, the 5000 Protoss watched in front of Chu Feng, waiting for Chu Feng's next order.

Chu Feng pointed in one direction:

"Kill all the way in that direction and kill all the enemies who resist. If you encounter those who escape, you don't need to chase them. You only need to slaughter all the resisting forces and the forces that can't escape."


Even after receiving orders to suppress the massacre, these Protoss legions did not feel any discomfort.

In the treacherous environment of hell, the killing of tribes and genocide have long been accustomed, and now they are just replacing the targets of the slaughter.

After giving the Protoss Legion an order to slaughter the demons as much as possible, Chu Feng summoned 20,000 demons with a wave of his hand.

These silver-phosphorus demons and ice demons each account for half.

Among them, the commander of the Silver Phosphorus Demon Race is the Demon Commander, and the Bing Xiao commanding the Ice Demon Race.

"In the name of the Demon Race, you two ordered all the Blood Demon Race to surrender to you. Those who are willing to surrender will stay, and those who are not willing to surrender will be killed directly. Remember to bypass the Protoss Legion."

Upon receiving Chu Feng's order, Bing Xiao and the demon commander both took a breath.

Of course they knew what Chu Feng ordered like this to do.

To know the process of the Protoss slaughtering the city, they also saw it, and this was also Chu Feng deliberately used spatial means to directly project what happened here into his own small world.

"Yes, we must do it well."

The two demon generals led 10,000 demons to leave.

Before the slaughter of the Protoss, coupled with the escape of a large number of blood monsters, gave these monsters an impression that the Protoss had torn up the agreement and were about to slaughter their blood monsters.

The Protoss who had massacred the city continued to kill the blood monsters, which would inevitably bring panic to the monsters.

Now they are arranging the blood demon clan under the banner of the demon clan. No matter how efficient they are, they can always gather some troops. After all, the blood clan respects the strong, and they are confident in their fists.

As for whether the blood demon clan will discover Chu Feng's conspiracy, let alone worry.

Whether it is discovered or not, it will not affect the overall situation.

The only thing that can make the Blood Demon Race obediently obedient is the fist. If a few sober people publicize Chu Feng's behavior among the Blood Demon Race, they will definitely be treated as an alien.

Only when the high level of the blood demon clan wakes up and is willing to stand up, will it have a soothing effect.

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