Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1246: Blood Moon Werewolf Tribe

For Chu Feng's decision to attack the holy mountain, I am afraid that only Wei Pojun and the Hell Knights are the ones who expressed support.

The belief of the Hell Knights is to move forward, using brute force and speed to clear all obstacles.

It is other people's business to make suggestions, and it is their bounden duty to march and fight.

Therefore, after nearly 2 million troops came under the sacred mountain, Chu Feng directly made all the legions camp on the spot into a defensive formation, and then attacked with the Hell Knights alone.

Of course, the legion he took away was not just the Hell Knights.

Apart from the Geographic Knights of the City of Dawn, the seven major races of Hell have also formed a cavalry, and the coordination between the races is very reasonable, and Chu Feng does not need to adjust too much.

The total number of such cavalry was only 100,000, and Chu Feng took away the most elite 5,000.

It is not that he is unwilling to take more, but because more than half of the cavalry is still in the process of training and running-in. The 5,000 elite cavalry are also specially trained under the deliberate request of Chu Feng.

However, Chu Feng did not summon these cavalry face-to-face, but first led the Hell Knights towards the direction of the holy mountain.

"Hell Knights, let's go."

Without much words, Chu Feng mounted the chase and rushed towards the direction of the holy mountain. The members of the Hell Knights also turned over and mounted their mounts at the fastest speed, towards the direction of the holy mountain. set off.

The extra words and loud slogans are very effective for a recruit.

But for a unit that has been growing up in the baptism of blood and fire, for a unit of all veterans, some words seem superfluous.

Straight away, the Hell Knights silently started their journey.

The Blood Moon werewolf tribe, after learning the news of the coming of the human legion, immediately stood up and led the werewolf tribe to form a strong line of defense, and asked the surrounding tribes for help.

In the days when the human legion set out, they were also constantly gathering forces.

The Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races is made up of countless races, which together have established a huge monster race alliance. Because they come from different races, it is impossible for the various races to be completely united, and they are far behind humans in terms of formation.

Although the formation is close, some things do not require much IQ.

In terms of patrol and defense, even ordinary beasts have such awareness, not to mention the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races, so the blood moon werewolf tribe laid a sky and earth net around a few days ago.

At least in the eyes of the Yaozu, it can be regarded as a defensive system of heaven and earth.

No matter which direction the enemy is attacking from and when it is attacking, they will be able to touch the Yaozu patrols, so that they have time to react and make adequate responses.

As for the speed of human attack and killing, will it be faster than their speed of delivering messages?

It would be too difficult for these monsters.

More than 2,000 Hell Knights, wearing blue armor, riding a black one-horned **** dream horse under the hips, each holding a scarlet machete in each hand, launched a charge.

The two patrolling units happened to meet each other, and they were about to say hello and then passed by. Suddenly they saw the cavalry in the distance. They panicked and shouted:

"Enemy attack!"

"Hurry up and report back to the tribe, the humans have killed them."

"Quickly, disperse and leave, one by one is one."

The total number of patrols in the two teams is only more than 100. They don't think that their strength can stop the cavalry that looks hard to provoke.

As a patrol, being able to pass the news back in time is the greatest contribution.

After seeing the Knights of Hell, these patrols immediately dispersed.

"Don't chase, in a hurry."

Chu Feng felt the opportunity of the Hell Knights, and there were some changes. The murderous aura on his body rose, and he immediately issued the order in a deep voice, which was directly transmitted to everyone's ears by means of soul sound transmission.

After all, everyone's current speed is close to the speed of sound, and you may not be able to hear it if you don't concentrate on listening.

All the members of the Hell Knights reduced their murderous aura, followed behind Chu Feng and set off. The route they took was not exactly a straight line, but the distance between him and the Hell Knights behind him was more than 500 meters. The distance is long enough for them to react, and a rear-end collision is impossible.

After all, the usual training of the Hell Knights, this aspect of training occupies a large proportion.

Chu Feng's mental power spread, looking for the breath of the enemy.

Being able to reach one's goal without going through a killing, this indeed seems to be the fastest way, but deliberately bypassing all enemies will cause the enemy to be alert.

At this time, a movement is needed to attract the enemy's attention.

The movement does not need to be too large, it is good for the enemy to detect it. The disguise does not have to be good, as long as it can deceive the enemy for dozens of minutes. It is most important to buy enough time for yourself to achieve strategic goals.


Chu Feng spit out a word coldly, and a werewolf army of more than 2,000 people appeared in front of him. The soldiers of the Hell Knights swung their scimitars in unison.


Hearing the noise on the ground, the werewolf soldiers immediately became alert and looked towards the source of the sound, but what caught the eye was a torrent of black and blue, plus a shiny red knife, like a bright red flame. When the air broke, a splendid flame burned, and it looked so beautiful.

But under this magnificent scene, there was a strong murderous intent.

Before the werewolf soldiers had time to react, the red scimitar chopped off their heads.

After the local prison knights passed by, only more than 100 of the more than 2,000 werewolf soldiers survived. They looked at the corpses of their surrounding companions and looked at each other a few times, and their eyes were full of fear.

Just a few seconds ago, everyone was still discussing human soldiers.

But just one face-to-face, the whole army was almost wiped out.

And they also understood that they were able to survive not because of their strength, but because they happened to not be affected by the sword aura when the opponent's sword aura swept past.

Survival depends on luck, not strength.

"Go report!"

A werewolf who survived said tremblingly, and walked towards the werewolf tribe, but before he took two steps, he staggered under his feet and almost fell to the ground.

The other werewolves didn't laugh at him, because everyone's eyes were full of fear.

"It's just that when we report to the tribe, is there still time?"

"Whether it is too late, you must report."

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