Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1248: Hell Knights, against the Holy Order

"Are they the demon saints over there?"

The holy mountain is huge, even if the Hell Knights have slaughtered thirty miles of blood, it has not reached half of the holy mountain.

In Chu Feng's induction, there were 5 powerful auras in the direction less than 10 kilometers away from him. These were the auras that existed in the holy ranks, which appeared very obvious in his mental power perception.

It's actually not too difficult to deal with these demon saints.

As long as you summon the legions in your own small world, even the five demon saints will escape.

The existence of holy ranks can't ignore the difference in number. Just relying on the number of legions to kill the demon saint will definitely pay a great price, but if you add your own words, the price will be much weaker.

The ideal combat situation is that dozens of soldiers attack the holy ranks from different positions. Even if the holy ranks exist, they can calmly block all of these soldiers' attacks, and can even attack dozens of soldiers with a backhand sword. All beheaded, but at least it can force this holy rank existence to wave his hand!

In the battle between the existence of holy ranks, even just one action may affect the outcome of the battle.

Swinging swords for those low-level soldiers will inevitably appear flaws.

As long as a flaw is exposed in front of Chu Feng, Chu Feng believes that he can at least cut a knife on the body of the demon saint. This is the meaning of the legion's existence for the holy rank.

However, just when he was about to summon the legion in the small world, he suddenly changed his mind.

He suddenly remembered one thing, that is, the Knights of Hell, in fact, did not massacre a high-level existence.

Because he didn't want to spend a huge price to carefully cultivate the Hell Knights to cause losses for unnecessary things, so once Chu Feng encountered a truly powerful enemy, he would rather use the Hell Army to fight.

Just as when the Protoss invaded the earth, they summoned the Ice Demon to fight.

In this way, the life of the Hell Knights is saved for a long time, but what about faith?

For a real steel lion, in order to protect their lives, not allowing them to face powerful enemies, this in itself is the greatest humiliation to the elite troops.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng shouted.

"Hell Knights, follow me, Tu Sheng!"


The eyes of all the cavalry of the Hell Knights were full of enthusiasm, and along with Chu Feng, they turned into a stream of steel and rushed in the direction of the 5 demon saints in the distance.

All obstacles along the way were cut in half under their blade.

All the enemies are under this iron hoof, being trampled into dust and mud.

More than 2,000 soldiers were killed in the direction of the demon saint.

The five demon saints were full of shock when they saw this intrepid cavalry.

"Aren't these human beings afraid of death?"

They are high-ranking holy ranks, and they are the existence of 5 holy ranks. They have stood together and released their breath at the same time. How dare these humans continue to attack them?

"If you play against Chu Feng here, it will be very bad for us."

A demon saint looked at the knights rushing from a distance, and some retreat flashed in his eyes. Without Chu Feng, he was confident that he could join hands with several holy ranks and could slaughter this human cavalry.

However, a cavalry with a Saint-tier combat capability is a different concept from an ordinary cavalry.

In front of such a cavalry regiment, he couldn't guarantee that he would be killed by the chaos.

The deeds of Pingtian Demon Saint being beheaded, but cast a shadow in their hearts.

Then it was hard to cultivate to such a realm, and finally became the supreme being in the Holy Land, how could you tolerate yourself and use your precious life here to risk?

But at this moment, the pressure like a mountain fell from the sky and fell on every demon saint's head.

"It's the seal of heaven and earth!"

Although it was the first time to feel the pressure of this horror, they still recognized the origin of the pressure of terror at first glance. Only the seal of heaven and earth, one of the three sacred objects, could possess such power.

The vitality of heaven and earth became solidified under the control of the seal of heaven and earth. At this moment, they felt that the aura of life in their bodies was blocked by an invisible force.

They quickly dissipated this invisible force, but the power of the blockade came again.

"It's the seal of life!"

Several demon saints glanced at each other, trying to escape.

But at this moment, Chu Feng suddenly led the cavalry of the Six Hell Knights, and the speed was increased by 5 times after breaking through the sound barrier.

This is no longer the category of speed, but the category of space.

This is 1/6 of the Hell Knights, plus the subordinate knights and abilities, the total is only 300 people, but these 300 people came to the front of the demon saints with lightning speed and waved their hands. Butcher knife.

Hundreds of sword qi went down vertically and slashed at the demon saints.

The 5 demon sages immediately started to respond, and the demon qi on the top revolved to form a protective shield, forcibly resisting these sword qi, protecting their body from the trauma of these sword aura.

After all, it is the existence of the holy rank, and it is not so easy to hurt.

But with the tacit understanding of the Hell Knights, the five demon saints were quickly separated.

The demon saints were always on guard against each other, and they were standing within a dozen meters of each other. The Hell Knights relied on the advantages of mobility and number of people, plus Chu Feng changed the distance of space, directly took these demon saints. They dispersed from each other, and Chu Feng banned flying here, preventing the demon saints from escaping.

The current demon saints can only face the blades of the Hell Knights.

A demon saint with golden wings on his back, holding a long spear and sweeping in front, he forcibly dispelled dozens of sword qi in front, but at this moment, the Hell Knights had already surrounded him. stand up.

"It's just a bunch of ants!"

The demon saint's eyes were full of anger. Did these ants think that they could hurt him by relying on their number advantage? The strongest attacks of those ants add up, and they can easily resolve them.

In the next instant, dozens of **** knights launched a swift charge against him from different directions.

The red sword energy swept across the air, attacking the weakness of the demon saint from 4 different directions.


The demon saint was holding a long spear and swept across. The sharp spear blazes across the bodies of the three soldiers, and directly cut off the three soldiers of the Hell Knights. The powerful force contained in the long spear directly caused the three to be cut off. The soldier's body exploded.

However, a lot of four sword auras descended on the demon saint's body.

Even if they lost their lives, the soldiers of the Hell Knights did not forget their unrelenting belief.

"A bunch of ants!"

The Golden Winged Demon was angry, and the evil spirit on his body exploded violently.

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