Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1254: Thunder Corpse Dragon Fights Demon Saint again

The reinforcement generals opened their mouths, but in the end they said nothing.

When did Blood Moon Demon Saint become so talkative?

Is it true that the Blood Moon Demon Saint is really fighting for the demon clan, so he doesn't stick to the trivialities?

Just as the formation of troops, they realized the real purpose of the blood moon demon saint, all the non-blood moon werewolf clan, all were in the position of the center army, and their hard-working reinforcements were actually used as forwards.

When really fighting human forces, their reinforcements must be in the most dangerous situation.

However, that is the demon saint.

In fact, their reinforcements can appear here, indicating that their own clan is on the edge. If they dare to disobey the demon saint's orders, they will be directly executed when they return to the clan.

On the contrary, fighting bravely will bring them vitality.

In this way, the blood moon werewolf tribe launched an attack towards the place where the human legion was stationed.

Chu Feng, who was cultivating on the holy mountain, opened his eyes and summoned 5,000 cavalry from hell. This was originally intended to be used as cannon fodder to replace the sacrifice of the Hell Knights in order to fight for the chance to kill the holy rank.

But later in order to build the confidence of the Hell Knights, Chu Feng temporarily changed his mind.

Now that the Hell Knights had just gone through a killing and had to guard against the demon clan's counterattack, Chu Feng took out this cavalry. The leader of the cavalry was a master of the purple-patterned demons.

When he persuaded the seven major races, the master of the purple-patterned demon race also played against him.

After 5,000 cavalry were in place, Chu Feng pointed at the blood moon werewolf tribe in the distance.

"Over there, it is the blood moon werewolf tribe. Now their demon saint has left the tribe. Go there and slaughter all the demon tribes you can see without leaving any prisoners."

The opponent had left such a good opportunity for himself, and Chu Feng felt that he couldn't grasp it.


Five thousand cavalrymen set off on horseback without any muddle.

Looking at the cavalry's back, Chu Feng frowned.

"The quality of their mount seems to be a little worse."

Although they are all cavalry, the cavalry of the Hell Knights are all **** dream horses, and they are also the best horses in the territory that Chu Feng inherited, but these cavalry mounts are not the lowest-level double wildebeest, but There are not many who ride the Hell Dream Horse, after all, the Hell Dream Horse is relatively rare.

"It seems we have to find a way to cultivate the number of **** nightmare horses."

Chu Feng thought to himself that the most elite legion is also the legion that is most vulnerable to damage. If they are not equipped with the best things, their future losses may be even greater.

But this matter will be discussed later, now the most important thing is to cultivate.

The seven race cavalry regiment from **** set off, and Chu Feng was immersed in the cultivation again.

In addition to the cultivation of true essence, the original power is also of great benefit to the cultivation of supernatural powers. Now the divine powers are about to reach the level of holy level.

If it really reaches that state, Chu Feng will not be able to use magical powers on earth in the future.

However, this does not matter.

In the battlefield below the holy rank, it is no longer important to have magical powers.

When the blood moon werewolf tribe came to the front of the human legion mightily, they saw a super-giant giant over 120 meters tall. This giant was red all over, just like a red agate.

But under the beautiful rocky skin, there is a dangerous atmosphere.

In addition, a black dragon over 80 meters long is flying in the sky.

The Blood Moon Demon Saint stepped forward and flew into the sky: "This black dragon will be handed over to me to deal with, and you will solve the humans underneath. When I kill this black dragon, I will take you to destroy the human race."

The reason why he chose to single out the black dragon in mid-air was also because he had obtained information in advance. This black dragon and Chu Feng joined forces to kill a demon saint, that is, the demon saint Pingtian, but he also understood the specific battle process. Some, that is, this black dragon was badly beaten by the demon saint, and finally Chu Feng shot and killed the Pingtian demon saint.

However, Chu Feng showed the ability to cooperate with the Legion to kill the demon saints on the holy mountain, which shows that the black dragon only has the combat power comparable to the existence of the holy rank, and it does not mean that it is really comparable to the existence of the holy rank.

Every holy rank exists, is an extraordinary existence.

In addition to the fighting power on paper, regardless of the fighting consciousness, the perception of the law, and the capture of the fighting opportunity, the existence of the holy rank is in a transcendent position.

A purple thunder pierced through the sky and descended on the body of the Blood Moon Demon Saint at lightning speed.

The Blood Moon Demon Saint caught off guard and was hit by the purple thunder at halftime.

After the thunder, a trace of blood leaked from the corner of Blood Moon Demon Saint's mouth.

"This is the strength that was hit hard by the Pingtian Demon Sage? What a joke, has the Pingtian Demon Sage reached the second stage of the existence of the holy rank? Otherwise, how could it be possible to hang the black dragon easily?

Before doubts rose in his heart, a huge tail swept over his body.

The blood moon demon saint raised the full moon scimitar high in his hand, and a **** knife hit the Thunder Corpse Dragon’s tail, leaving a shocking wound. However, the Thunder Corpse Dragon directly ignored such a wound. The thick tail patted directly on the body of the blood moon demon saint, and the body of the blood moon demon saint flew directly.

The Blood Moon Demon Saint flew out from a pile of rubble, his face was full of anger.

In fact, he did not suffer too much damage. Although the power of the Thunder Corpse Dragon's tail is strong, it is not enough to cause serious injuries to the Holy Step. It is just that the huge size of the Thunder Corpse Dragon made him unable to resist and was directly taken away Got out.

What he was really angry was that he lost face.

In front of the demon army and the human army, he pretended to kill the black dragon, but in a blink of an eye, the black dragon flew out by its tail. How could he accept it?

He faintly understood that the actual combat effectiveness of this black dragon should be stronger than the intelligence.

But for whatever reason, he doesn't think he will lose.

The full moon scimitar in the hands of the blood moon demon saint slashed out a huge sword energy of one hundred meters long, and slashed on the body of the Thunder Corpse Dragon, leaving a long and narrow wound on the body of the Thunder Corpse Dragon.

I am the Thunder Corpse Dragon, but as if not injured at all, I spit out a purple thunder in my backhand.

After spitting out the purple thunder, the thunder corpse dragon was not idle, opening his blood basin to swallow the blood moon demon saint into his abdomen, but what was thrown in was only an afterimage.

The Blood Moon Demon Saint didn't know when the sky above the Thunder Corpse Dragon appeared, and another slash fell down, leaving another wound on the Thunder Corpse Dragon.

The Thunder Corpse Dragon roared in anger, and the purple thunder flashed in its mouth.

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