Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1256: The end of the blood moon werewolf


After issuing such an order, the entire demon clan's army felt a little unbelievable.

Did you give an order to retreat in such a short time?

Even your Majesty Demon Saint, can't help those human legions?

Blood Moon Demon Saint's heart is indeed full of humiliation. He knows that even if he continues to fight, he will only increase the casualties to the opponent at best. As long as the opponent's strange black sword energy can be used continuously, the injuries on his body will also be used. It will continue to intensify, but the price of this is to wipe out the blood werewolf tribe.

The Holy Land of Ten Thousand Clan is not his family, why should he pay such a big price for the Holy Land?

If he only spends half the price in exchange for the casualties of the human legion, he is also willing to do this transaction. After all, as long as he survives on his own, the blood moon werewolf will make a comeback sooner or later.

But the blood moon werewolf tribe can never destroy the clan.

If the tribe is destroyed, does the blood moon werewolf tribe have a future?

Therefore, when he found that something could not be done, he immediately issued the order to retreat, and used the fastest speed to break out of the siege and return to the side of the big monster of the race.

"After letting the reinforcements of other races help us cut off, kill them if they don't want to."

The blood moon werewolf tribe was originally in the middle position, that is, in the rear. Although the casualties are heavy now, the amount of damage to the main force is still within a tolerable range.

Now just turn around and you can escape back to the tribe.

As for things like food and stuff, where can Yaozu soldiers have such a mess? When monster soldiers set out, they usually treat the enemy's body directly as food.

Moreover, the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races is so big in total, which is nothing to the Monster Race.

Even if it is defeated, it is normal to catch some low-level Yao Yao tribes along the way to satisfy their hunger.

Therefore, the mobility of Yaozu soldiers is very powerful.

Behind the reinforcements of those other monster races, the blood moon werewolf tribe's monsters retreated very quickly, and the human camp did not launch a counterattack, but slowly executed the monster soldiers behind them.

Those who are willing to become prisoners can cut off their hands and feet, and then pierce the pubic area.

Although the Yaozu was pierced through its dantian, the strength cultivation base would not be abolished, but it would take a long time to heal.

If you don't want to be a prisoner, just kill it.

Han Yunxiao breathed a sigh of relief after the blood moon werewolf demon soldiers retreated.

What he used just now was the hole cards that Chu Feng left him. He used 1/10 of the hole cards to clear out the elite zombies in the Tianzhu Kingdom of Southern China, allowing the Chinese soldiers on the Southern Expedition to pass unimpeded.

But Chu Feng's sword aura, whom he respected as a **** in the past, was only a slight injury to the demon saint.

Even if it weren't for him to have become a Tier 9 existence, if it weren't for so many Dark Night Wing Demon who used life as a cover, facing the existence of Saint Tier, I might not even be able to hit the enemy.

This also made him feel the powerful pressure brought by the existence of the holy ranks.

"Under the holy steps, all are ants!"

Han Yunxiao let out a sigh of relief. He turned his head, only to find that the soldiers in the reconnaissance battalion also showed the same eyes as he had just now.

That is the desire to be strong.

Following Chu Feng's side, they, who were originally mediocre, became the superior rank 9 powerhouses in the eyes of the earth people, but they were still slightly immature before they could actually intervene in the battle of the existence of the holy ranks by their own strength.

The reconnaissance battalion has 67 members, and 32 of the previous breakthroughs have broken through to Tier 9. This kind of gift, even if it is just compared to the number of Tier 9 powerhouses on Earth today, they can feel the weight of this gift, but Han Yunxiao understood that the gift Chu Feng gave them was far more than a simple breakthrough for them.

However, he is not yet qualified to give back this kindness.

The only thing he can do is to do well in his own hands.

The number of demon soldiers that the blood moon werewolves set out was about 200,000, and there were more than 3 million demon soldiers staying in the base camp. All the demon soldiers who took away were real elites. After all, the original plan of the blood moon demon saint was to let those self-proclaimed saints The Yaozu went to attack the holy mountain, so Chu Feng, who was on the holy mountain, would be overwhelmed by himself.

Moreover, there were so many soldiers around Chu Feng, and there was no spare energy to attack him.

However, when he was defeated and returned to the tribe with the remaining 150,000 or 60 thousand blood moon werewolves, he found that the entire tribe was burning with flames and blood was everywhere.

The dark blue **** fire, the glazed samadhi real fire, the black **** real fire, and the bright red star real fire are burning everywhere. If you don’t burn everything that can be burned, you will never stop. .

Some cavalry galloped in this sea of ​​flames, chasing and killing the blood moon werewolves.

There are some silver-gray wolves in the distance, guarding a certain distance from the blood moon werewolf tribe. Beside these wolves, there are mountains of frozen corpses. Seeing the main force of the blood moon werewolves come back, those snow wolves They let out a howl of a wolf, and quickly fled to the distance, unable to provoke or defeat.

Seeing this hell-like scene, the eyes of the blood moon demon saint flushed red.

Why does that hateful human still have enough power to attack his rear area, what are the self-proclaimed Saint Demon Races thinking? Do something.

Are those despicable Saint Monster Races just a bunch of incompetent waste?

That is the holy mountain!

These thoughts flashed through his mind, making the Blood Moon Demon Saint even more angry.

"Kill! Kill all these intruders!"

The blood moon werewolf soldiers who returned from the battlefield began to encircle and suppress the invaders. Unfortunately, the cavalry was so fast that only a few blood moon werewolves could catch up.

However, it is still a question of whether the very few who catch up can survive.

The angry blood moon demon saint killed more than 100 cavalry in succession, and the anger in his heart was only slightly calmed down, but the other cavalry had already got the news and left here.

No matter how angry the Blood Moon Demon Saint was, he couldn't continue to hunt down.

If he continues to hunt down those cavalry, then Chu Feng will cooperate with the cavalry to attack him, and his fate will be the same as the demon saint who was hung on the flagpole.

Forcibly suppressing his anger, the Blood Moon Demon Saint said solemnly: "About how much has been lost."

In less than 5 minutes, a big demon knelt in front of him.

"Return to your Majesty, the blood moon werewolf tribe, the number of deaths exceeds 70%, and the number of survivors is less than 1 million."

He knew that what the Holy One needed was not specific statistics, but a general situation.

Hearing such news, the injuries that Blood Moon Demon Saint had been suppressing relapsed, vomiting a large mouthful of blood.

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