Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1258: The plot of the holy monster

"The demons of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races, really gave up?"

After the condensing of supernatural powers, Chu Feng somewhat doubted whether the monster races in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races really gave up?

Otherwise, why didn't those Saint Monster Race launch a counterattack?

Now that many days have passed, the entire origin of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races has been taken away by half by myself, and if this continues, the holy land of Ten Thousand Races will sooner or later be destroyed due to the lack of the origin.

Chu Feng didn't worry about whether there would be a big explosion after the destruction of the Holy Land.

He personally experienced the breaking of the Sea Emperor's Holy Land and knew how to preserve his power.

"I never believe that those demon saints will sit and wait for death. No matter how they sit and watch the sky, they are also holy steps, standing on the top of a holy place. Now they have only two choices. One is to fight to the end. To win at all costs, the other option is to stay alive."

"From the current situation, they should not choose Article 1."

On the sacred mountain, Chu Feng alone deduced the possible movements of the Saint Demon Race.

The four major tribes were built around the holy mountain. Each tribe has millions of monsters, and there are at least several hundred thousand elite troops that can be used for combat.

According to the information he found, even though the monsters kept drawing troops from nearby, there was still no sign of attacking, and they even missed several opportunities to fight.

They even missed the opportunity created by the blood moon werewolves for them.

If it's not that they are too incompetent, then they have other plans.

"They have already understood the strength that I can control. If they have a little bit of vision, they can see that even if they win a few local wars, they have no way to affect the final overall situation. Assuming that they are not so incompetent. , But with IQ and vision, then what will they do?"

Chu Feng tried to think about the problem from the perspective of the monster race.

If he was a monster, he would probably lift the table.

I’m not the kind of wise man who is good at strategy. I can’t fight and can’t fight military literacy. Lifting the table is the best result. However, I have stolen so much of the original power of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races. No more, even if you lift the table, at least you have to be at the poker table to be qualified to talk about this kind of thing!

Therefore, the possibility of lifting the table is not considered for the time being.

Can't think of other possibilities, then consider this matter.

"I can’t just consider my character. For a race, if the destiny ahead is destined to perish, it is normal for the future race to continue to survive, even if it bows its head to the enemy, even if it’s like the sea high priest. Give the inheritance of the sea clan to mankind, and survive with the value of the sea clan as a slave."

If a weak race cannot live on its own ability, it can only live on its own value.

However, even if they occupy such a disadvantage, even if they understand that the demon clan’s aura is exhausted, those demon saints of the saint demon clan did not show any intention of begging for mercy, even if they sent a few envoys to ask for peace, the meaning is again. Or I didn't do any tricks.

Then they must have special plans.

There is even the possibility of turning defeat into victory.

"Even if they face me in the past, they won't have a big chance of winning. Faced with me now, their chances of winning are even lower. If they still hold the fluke mentality of turning defeat into victory, they will definitely not rely on their own strength."

After some elimination, there is only one guess left.

The Yaozu wanted to kill with a knife.

After all, no matter how high the vision of the Yaozu is, it is impossible to be higher than themselves. If they have the fluke mentality that they can survive the gap with the power of the gods and demons, perhaps they can really do such a thing. .

Haven't even humans who claim to be the spirit of all things done such a stupid thing?

Thinking of this, Chu Feng's face also became a little ugly.

The monsters use the power of the gods and demons to deal with the possibility of themselves. I thought about it from the beginning, and I have enough confidence to deal with them. However, these monsters even let go of the fluke mentality of seeking peace. The plan he was about to implement seemed very confident, or it was another possibility.

After doing this, the monster race and humans will be completely immortal.

Even the kind that cut off their retreat.

"The Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races, the seal of life, communicates the two worlds of gods and demons."

All kinds of clues were connected, and Chu Feng's eyes became more and more cold.

"It seems that something needs to be prepared in advance."

Thinking of this, Chu Feng issued an order to the military, an order to shrink the force.

Six hours later, Chu Feng summoned more than 20,000 Hell Demon Wolves from Yuan Mansion, and then hundreds of thousands of obedient demonized legions, and summoned these legions to the south of the original Blood Moon Werewolf tribe.

Chu Feng drew a circle here, and then pointed towards the south:

"Go to the blood slaughter, kill all the lives outside this circle clean, swallow me clean, let go of your nature to kill."

Obtaining Chu Feng's order, more than 20,000 demon wolves and hundreds of thousands of demonized legions set out to the south immediately.

Unlike the human army, which only kills high-level monster races, they are going to kill everything along the way, let alone low-level monster races, even if it is all plants and trees.

However, the human army, as well as Chu Feng's own army, had all shrunk their defenses.

Including those low-level monster races that surrendered to humans, either were sent to the earth or were also within this defensive circle. There was no need to worry about them, they would accidentally hurt their own people.

The massacre lasted for three days, and blood flowed into the holy land of all races.

Countless low-level monster races rose up to resist, only to find that the vitality of the entire Holy Land had become much thinner, and the speed of recovery of physical strength and vitality had changed. On the contrary, it was these demonized beings that could devour the enemy's flesh and vitality. During the wars of China, it was like a fish in water, blood stained three thousand miles.

Facing such information, Chu Feng's heart did not fluctuate.

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, it’s just a string of numbers, and even numbers are not easy to count.

This is the war between races.

After the massacre lasted more than three days, the demon saints hiding around the holy mountain finally couldn't help standing up.

"We can't wait any longer."

"But we haven't waited for the best time yet."

"Do you think that Chu Feng will still give us the opportunity to wait for the best time? Don't be lucky. That terrible human being is an enemy of the two great royal clans of the God Realm, and a terrible person who can survive safe and sound. The fragments of the Sun God's mirror are still on his body, and the Corona Protoss has not been able to take back his holy artifact."

"Then, start ahead!"

"For the future of the monster race, open the channel between the gods and demons."

"The origin of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races is in deficit, so I will use the two realms of the gods and demons to make up for it."

"I want to see how much Chu Feng can absorb."

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