Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1264: Void Sign

"These powerful demons seem to be a bit weak."

Chu Feng, who was practicing in the holy mountain, has been paying attention to the situation on the station.

These Demon Soldiers have indeed demonstrated a good combat effectiveness. Even if the siege fails, they will only lose more than 200,000 yuan. After they are restored, they will at least perform better.

But the demon masters did not perform as expected.

The mountain giants were alone, and the Thunder Corpse Dragon swept the battlefield. The Mozu only sent a dozen rank 9 masters to resist these two. The remaining rank 9 masters, even Han Yunxiao, could not resist.

Zhao Fan and Han Yunxiao were invincible on the battlefield, and the Mozu could not send masters to resist.

This kind of thing is too abnormal. It is likely that there is a special plan, but Chu Feng knows that he must also take action, because the other three monster tribes are also being besieged and suppressed by the demons. Will fall into a situation of isolation and helplessness, and it is still a bit reluctant to resist the thousands of troops alone.

At least one direction is required to achieve a complete victory in order to truly resist the Demon Legion.

At night, after the demon soldiers rested and rehabilitated, they launched a siege on the city wall. Some trolls holding shields protected the sides of the attacking demon soldiers, seeming to be guarding against cavalry attacks.

Just as the soldiers of the City of Dawn were preparing to defend, it suddenly rained in the sky.

What is even more strange is that the place where the rain falls is only the camp of the demons. With the boundary 500m in front of the territory occupied by humans, no drop of rain falls on the human side.

Chu Feng stood in the air with a calm expression.

This rain was caused by him, and it was also a test of the magical powers of time.

The magical powers of time are not so much the way of time as they are the way of nature. The natural changes of heaven and earth are used to confirm the changes of time. What Chu Feng is now using is to change the function of heaven and earth.

The storm invaded the soldiers of the Demon Race. Originally, based on the physical fitness of the Demon Race soldiers, these storms were not enough to be afraid of. Unfortunately, after these raindrops fell on the Demon Race, they gave out a biting chill.

Some demon soldiers began to use the magic power in their bodies to resist these raindrops.

However, even if the vitality in their bodies was able to isolate these raindrops from the body, the meticulous chill still invaded their limbs, affecting their joint movement.

So the Demon soldiers who rushed the fastest seemed to be frozen in their joints when fighting humans.

Even swinging the knife would be half a beat slowly, and the result was of course a one-sided slaughter.

Chu Feng, who was stagnant in the air, stretched out his finger again.

His fingers lightly sketched several strokes in the void, and a Yuan Talisman was formed in front of him. Different from the past Yuan Talisman, the Yuan Talisman of this Yuan Talisman is the Yuan Power of the small world. Not the power in Chu Feng's own body.

Chu Feng still couldn't directly mobilize the power of heaven and earth to draw the talisman, but he was able to mobilize the power in his own small world.

This is the 9th-level Yuan Talisman [Freezing Rain Yuan Talisman], a Yuan Talisman specially used for war.

Since the high-level Yuan Talisman consumes a lot of Yuan strength, but the cost performance is not as good as using the body to fight directly, Chu Feng now rarely uses high-level Yuan Talisman to fight.

However, after the supernatural powers reached a new height, and after comprehending the supernatural powers of the years, Chu Feng's comprehension of Yuan Talisman also reached a whole new realm.

Directly mobilize the power of heaven and earth to draw talisman and integrate into the original power.

After this change, the power of heaven and earth of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races became too violent and unusable. Chu Feng directly mobilized the vitality in the small world, and then merged into the original power of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races, raising this Yuan Talisman to a very high level. Terrible point.

The [Frozen Rain Yuan Talisman], which belongs to the 9th-level Yuan Talisman, after the increase in the origin, even the existence of the holy-level can't wait for it.

Another piece of freezing rain fell on the demon legion, and more than two million demon people shivered.

Immediately afterwards, a round of sun rose in the sky, and the brilliant sunlight shone on the demons, making those demons unable to open their eyes. Many low-level demons were even blinded by the intense sunlight. Eyes.

This is Chu Feng's [Sun Yuan Talisman], which is also a 9th-order Yuan Talisman.

To reach the point of influencing two million troops is to incorporate a large amount of original power.

Chu Feng is the only one who can use the power of the origin in such a luxurious way. Of course, it is only at the stage of experimental products that he is so luxurious, after all, it is related to his future fighting style.

Seeing Chu Feng's move, the soldiers in the City of Dawn were full of enthusiasm.

This is the terrible strength of their City Lord. Affect the entire battlefield with one's own power.

From the sky came Chu Feng's solemn voice: "Kill!"

With a word spit out the soldiers in the city of dawn, the soldiers launched a counterattack against the demon soldiers who had been frozen. The demon soldiers endured the pain of their joints and desperately blocked them, but they were quickly defeated. .

Coupled with the joint extermination of the Dark Knights and the Hell Knights, the speed of the defeat of these demons became even faster.

Some demon generals even took advantage of the chaos to flee with their trusted soldiers. Unfortunately, the Silver Wolf King took more than 50,000 wolves, scattered in a hidden place in the distance, and only waited for the demon soldiers to leave, and then stepped forward to kill his own. prey.

The thunder corpse dragon was surging on the battlefield with excitement, looking for the higher demons to eat to improve their strength.

Chu Feng waved out his hand, several sword auras split some ninth-order demon generals into two pieces, then disappeared, and handed the battlefield to the city of dawn, the silver phosphorus demon clan and the **** seven clan.

Five hours later, the 2 million demons were completely defeated.

In addition to the casualties of the demons during the day, the total death toll of the demons reached 1.9 million. The Silver Wolf King led the wolf tribe to hunt and kill more than 100,000 demons, and more than 200,000 demons successfully escaped.

From the time when Chu Feng used the Void Finger to freeze 2 million demons, the situation on the battlefield has been irreversible.

After the battle, the casualties were counted, but the soldiers of the Demon Race were too powerful. They experienced too many battles in the Demon Realm. Even in such a one-sided battle, they still killed hundreds of thousands of human soldiers.

After hearing the number of casualties, Chu Feng almost did not order the general to be replaced.

But in the end, Chu Feng still did not do so.

Some things are inevitable. In such a chaotic battlefield, it is impossible to control every local battlefield. After Su Yuyan and Zhao Fan have the upper hand, they also protect as much as possible on the battlefield. Human soldiers, but casualties are still inevitable.

Even if human beings have an overall advantage, there are many examples where human soldiers of Tier 5 chased and killed only Tier 7 enemies, and they were not new at all.

The average level of the demons is too high.

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