Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1269: Victory in the North

On a grassland covered by ice and snow, it was still a white world three hours ago, but now it has been stained red with blood, and there are corpses everywhere on the grassland.

"Contact Chu Feng and ask him about the sword he refined. There is no after-sales service."

Luo Xingyao threw a jade-white sword in his hand to Lu Qiu, and looked at the headless corpse of the Demon Race at his feet with a little disgust. This was a golden armored Demon Race famous for its defenses.

In his left hand, he carried the head of this golden armored demon.

Lu Qiu caught the long sword and found that a small crack appeared on the blade. This was a real magic weapon forged by Chu Feng himself. When he was beheading this demon clan, he still suffered minor damage.

"Does this scar affect the fight?"

"The impact is not too great, because the use of this sword was not directly hacking people, but the body of this golden armor demon race is too hard, and that area is quite uncomfortable. I can only kill him this way. "

Luo Xingyao explained, "However, Chu Feng said that this sword was originally a weapon he prepared for himself. I think this sentence is a bit unreliable. The weapon he prepared for himself is too unusable. There are still other weapons. What's the magical effect?"

Lu Qiu nodded and opened the transmission token.

This is a communication token specially made by Chu Feng. The transfer station of the communication signal is the small world created by Chu Feng himself, so even if it is the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races, it can be directly contacted.

After the communication was connected, Luo Xingyao immediately complained: "What's the matter with your sword? Didn't it just split a field, and there was a scar. If you cut a few more fields, wouldn't it be the sword? Reimbursed?"

"A crack appeared?"

Hearing Luo Xingyao's words, Chu Feng was also a little surprised, "Is it a domain-level powerhouse of the Troll Clan or the Golden Armored Clan?"

"Golden Armored Demon, you guess it's pretty accurate."

"That's not surprising."

"But how long can this sword be used? There are still many battles to be fought next! Don't you like to collect the corpses of the strong? A domain-level corpse should be enough for a new sword, right? !"

The fact that Chu Feng likes to collect the corpses of strong men is no longer a secret on earth.

After all, if you want to keep this matter secret, Chu Feng's efficiency in collecting entities will plummet. It is better to disclose a small part of his secrets in exchange for higher collection efficiency.

As long as one's true strength is kept secret, that little thing is nothing at all.

The corpse of a domain-level powerhouse is semi-sage. Although Chu Feng's Demon Hunter Guild has not yet opened up this level of exchange, Luo Xingyao knew that it must be very valuable.

However, it would be an exaggeration to say that it was more valuable than Chu Feng's sword.

"It's definitely impossible to change you a new sword. I don't have enough of this special material here, but I can tell you a way to repair this sword yourself."

Chu Feng was silent for a few seconds, and said, "This special method of repairing weapons can deepen the connection between you and the weapon. With the continuous damage and repair of the weapon, it will gradually become your natal magic weapon. You can continue to modify the holy days in the process, turning this trick into your own unique skill."

"it is good!"

Luo Xingyao agreed without thinking.

He knew that Chu Feng would not cheat himself, otherwise he would not have given this sword to him.

As soon as the voice fell, a small white jade sword appeared in the void and inserted into the ground in front of Luo Xingyao.

Luo Xingyao was taken aback: "Can you influence here across the world?"

"Don't always think about letting me take action. The enemy on my side is stronger, and you can't let the enemy know how far I can take action." Chu Feng directly rejected what Luo Xingyao might say next.

Luo Xingyao also felt a little helpless when he heard this.

If Chu Feng is willing to make a move, of course it will reduce a lot of casualties.

However, if Chu Feng overprotected the army, it would be easy for people to lose their supply.

After closing the communication, Chu Feng asked Su Yuan about the combat information in the real world, and learned about the 300,000 Demon Legion going south and 50,000 Chinese Legion sniping.

Judging from the results, Huaxia should have won.

Moreover, Huaxia's casualties should not be too high, otherwise, even Luo Xingyao would not be able to pretend to be relaxed.

Thinking of the result of the battle of the Legion in the City of Dawn, Chu Feng sighed in his heart.

The miscellaneous troops recruited from various places, even if they are better equipped, are still inferior to the regular troops.

After all, the truly talented people have either already gotten into trouble in some places, or joined the army early. There are only a few people who have talents but are limited by the environment and cannot be used.

But such talents will also show their prominence in the selection of talents in the City of Dawn, such as Ruan Jian'an, who was discovered by Han Yunxiao, and those newly added to the reconnaissance camp.

Under such circumstances, it is too difficult for ordinary people to perform well.

But it doesn't matter, as long as it can be used.

In the next two days, Chu Feng received the battle report of the Mao Xiong Empire and the Mi Empire. The performance of the Mao Xiong Empire was quite good. The 400,000 army and the 200,000 demon army fought an encounter. The number of his own casualties was about At seven to eighty thousand, but the 200,000 demon army was annihilated, and another 100,000 demon army wanted to detour to attack the rear of the bear empire, but was intercepted by the polar ice bear.

The Polar Ice Bear demonstrated terrifying combat power at that station. Only with the elite cooperation of 5,000 bear empires, more than 30,000 demons were killed, and the remaining demons fled in panic.

The Mi Empire has the best terrain, as long as the most critical fortress is maintained.

They use the biochemical mechanical beast army and the demon army to fight, and the 500,000 army against the 200,000 demon army. Because the biochemical mechanical beasts are not afraid of death at all, and the fighting style is strange, plus the drop of metal hydrogen bombs and nuclear weapons at any cost, 20 The demon army that Wan went to attack had less than 20,000 to escape. Originally, he wanted to derive a mechanical beast to continue his attack, but because a large amount of munitions were resold, it was unable to pursue it.

This can be said to be one of the biggest military scandals exposed by the Mi Empire.

On the northern border of China, there were 800,000 demons who ran across the frontier, neither actively attacking China nor retreating, nor even harassing them. They lined up on the border and confronted the China Northern Army.

A large number of Chinese civilian demon hunting groups went to the north to support. For the support of these brave demon hunters, the Chinese military agreed with them and arranged for them to be free in the wild, without having to confront the drumming troops.

In addition, China has never relaxed on the battlefields in other places within the border.

Among the three countries, China has faced the most enemies and performed best.

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