Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1273: Demon's decapitation

The holy rank beings that the demons descended finally collectively approved that opinion.

If the elite troops suffer losses, they will only receive some punishment at most, and as a holy rank, they will not even be unable to bear this punishment.

But if this war fails, the consequences will be serious.

As a result, ten sacred existences summoned their own masters at the fastest speed, and a total of 150,000 legions, including 30,000 cannon fodder of the highest level, and troll clan cannon fodder, launched a charge against the holy mountain.

"Kill Chu Feng!"

When the legion is elite to a certain level, there is no need for excessive instructions.

Just give the other party an order, and even the process of pumping up can be omitted, because their xinxing allows them to adjust their morale at the peak.

The 150,000 demons legion directly attacked Chu Feng.

Before the 150,000 legion launched the charge, the Demon soldiers in front had been reminded and made way for them. Of course, there were also some demon soldiers who were beaten on the battlefield and could not find the Demon soldiers from the north. Appeared on their way forward, but they were quickly torn apart by the trolls.

On the way the Demon soldiers charge, even their own clan can't have any obstacles.

The 150,000 most elite demon legion, they are all the demon emperor’s direct line, the lowest level is the seventh level, of which more than 30,000 are the eighth level existence, only the ninth level can be the lowest level. general.

If the cost of sending legions is not too great, the five demon kings may also send more legions.

When these demons launched a charge, the commander of the Silver Phosphorus demons was full of fear in his eyes.

The Silver Phosphorus Demon Race comes from the Demon Realm, and he is also a well-known commander in the Demon Realm. He once led a legion to delay the existence of the holy order, and delayed a few days for the existence of the holy order of the family to come.

However, it was precisely because his position was not low that he understood how terrifying the core army of those Demon Emperors was.

They were all true elites who came out of the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain. Every soldier of the Demon Race has experienced a hundred battles and has been contaminated in his hands. I don't know how many Demon Race blood who disobeyed the Demon Emperor's orders.

When those legions fought for the demon emperor, countless demon races shivered wherever they went.

The Silver Phosphorus Demon Clan is not a small clan in the Demon Realm. The total number is more than Huaxia's original population, but it is simply vulnerable to the legendary legion.

Once, the Silver Phosphorus Demon Clan created an elite silver armor army, which was considered by the Silver Phosphorus Demon Clan to catch up with the core force of the Demon Emperor. However, the so-called Silver Armor Army was controlled by only 10,000 Demon Emperor’s direct lines. completely annihilated.

Later he learned that this was intentional by the Silver Phosphorus Demon Race.

If you don't do this, the Demon Sovereign will doubt whether the Silver Phosphorus Demon Race is planning to usurp the throne. Although there is a lack of top powerhouses, it is not impossible to challenge the top powerhouses with enough legions.

But even if it was deliberate, the war was enough to bring a great shadow to them, because they found that no matter whether they deliberately or not, they only affected the number of casualties and had no effect on the final result.

Facing such a legion, does the master have the confidence to defeat it?

No, this is no longer a question of confidence.

Whether it is the Yuanli cultivation system or the bloodline cultivation system, the power in each person is limited. As long as the power is exhausted, even the demon emperor will fall.

The Star God Clan once relied on the power of the Legion to survive a demon emperor.

"Get out of me all!"

Chu Feng gave an order, and the soldiers in front of him who might be blocking their swords were forcibly separated by a gentle but strong vitality, making way for the demon legions.

Seeing what Chu Feng did, the soldiers in the City of Dawn were full of anxiety, and the soldiers of the Chinese Legion were full of panic. What is Chu Feng going to do?

Does he want to use his own power to directly fight the most elite legion of the demons?

Or is he just playing an empty game? But under such terrain, does the empty city plan have any meaning?

Chu Feng just hovered in the air, waiting calmly for the arrival of 150,000 Demon Race soldiers. Under his powerful aura, no one dared to approach him, whether it was an enemy or a person in the City of Dawn.

Some generals in charge of the Demon Race saw Chu Feng look like this, and their eyes flashed with vigilance.

But they are now irrevocable.

Are they afraid of traps, can they not go?

They are the elite of the Demon Realm. The elite of the Demon Realm can only be killed on the battlefield, not trained on the training ground, even if they know that Chu Feng has the strength to sit on an equal footing with the existence of the holy order, they are still fearless.

The ten demon saints also accompanied the army on the march.

Their keen cooperation with these demon elites can be regarded as tacit understanding. Just as Chu Feng can use the Hell Knights to kill the demon saint, they can also replicate the same battle scene on Chu Feng.

Concern flashed in Su Yuyan's eyes, but she abruptly stopped her movements.

She must choose to believe in Chu Feng.

Chu Feng might risk his life, but he would never use his life in a place that is meaningless, sacrifice for the sake of bravery or to protect others. This is definitely not the right way to use his life.

The demon elite approached Chu Feng unimpededly, and 20,000 of the 30,000 cannon fodder blocked the surrounding roads, fighting with the surrounding Huaxia soldiers to prevent these Huaxia soldiers from suddenly violent.

Of course, the soldiers of Huaxia would not be polite, although they were forcibly separated by Chu Feng, but these demons collided by themselves, then they are not to blame.

Just when those demon elites were less than 300 meters away from Chu Feng, a bright red flame suddenly rose from the feet of the demon soldiers, turning the feet of the demon soldiers into a sea of ​​fire.

"Small bugs."

The holy rank beings of the Demon Race were unmoved by Chu Feng's preparations.

These elite demon legions, covering their magic power on their surface, forcibly split the flames, maybe it won't last too long, but it's enough to support a battle.

These demons did not expect these elites to be able to fight back and forth with Chu Feng.

If they have this kind of strength, the demons won't need to be as close to an enemy.

However, just as these demon legions were about to forcibly cross the sea of ​​fire, black water of the Styx appeared on the edge of the fire sea, blocking the front of the demon legions.

The demons raised their weapons at the same time, and the turbulent vitality rose and then fell.

The water of the Styx was forcibly separated.

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