Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1295: arrangement

Give up some students?

If this is put in the old age, it is absolutely unbearable.

Because in the old age, Huaxia's purpose was not to abandon or give up. This was also Huaxia's belief in standing on its own feet, but no one felt strange when it came to Chu Feng.

Sometimes in order to take care of one more person, what Xi sacrifices is the benefit of everyone.

Education for all has paid a lot. It is impossible for China to sacrifice the present for the future. If someone wants to pick up some students, let them pick it up by themselves!

Give them a chance, if you are not sure, don't blame others.

Su Yuan also nodded, she also understood this.

However, she has her own ideas.

Coordinating the present and the future is what people in high positions need to do.

"He Chongyin, after Su Yuan puts most of her energy on education, you can take over some of the affairs of the City of Dawn. If you do well, you don't need to exchange power." Chu Feng again ordered He Chongyin.

In the past, under traffic inconvenience, He Chongyin and his colleagues also paid a lot to open up business. Now China has greatly expanded its territory. They have all strengthened the transportation route of the City of Dawn and put in countless efforts. The more you don’t put power in your eyes, you can use a few people with confidence.

Chu Feng still believed in He Chongyin's ability.

Coupled with the fact that the City of Dawn is on the right track, even if He Zhongyin is in power, there are not many things he can do under the restrictions of the rules, and it is even more impossible to use power for personal gain.

Unless he has the courage to resist himself.


He Chongyin did not decline, but directly agreed.

From this moment on, Chu Feng was equivalent to giving him the power of internal and external government affairs in the City of Dawn.

To say that I feel honored is too hypocritical.

Just in charge of foreign trade, he doesn't know how much profit he draws from it, so he knows what he should do and just do things well.

"Han Yunxiao, since you have never found a suitable leader, let's continue to lead!"

Chu Feng said to Han Yunxiao, Han Yunxiao looked bitter after hearing this.

It’s not that Chu Feng is unwilling to give Han Yunxiao the military power. There are more than 60 Tier 9 masters in the reconnaissance battalion. These are all "geniuses" that Chu Feng used to forcefully catalyze the fruits of life, plus his original power. There are more Tier 9 masters, and letting him lead some ordinary soldiers is really embarrassing for him.

This is simply overkill and a serious waste of time and energy.

The problem is that there are no more candidates.

After the battle in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races, Chu Feng also realized that the City of Dawn lacked people with the ability to command troops. It was not completely absent. He had already entered the reconnaissance camp with agility in mind, and entered the Hell Knights with courage.

It is too difficult to find someone with commanding talent among the remaining candidates.

After all, the source of troops recruited by the City of Dawn was directly missed when the military expanded. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is broken copper and broken iron. Thousands of tempering can temper broken copper and broken iron into a hundred steel, but tempered into gold and jade. It's still too difficult.

Of course, this has something to do with the positioning of them in Chu Feng's mind.

From the beginning, Chu Feng didn't regard them as a backing to sweep the world, so how could he support him on the wall?

This is also in the City of Dawn. If placed outside, this army can still be called an elite division, at least equivalent to the total strength of the standing army of the Bear Empire.

Han Yunxiao has not cultivated a person who can command the army, so he can only command himself.

After all, even if it was an ordinary army, Chu Feng didn't want to see unnecessary casualties caused by the unqualified leader. He was relieved of Han Yunxiao's leadership ability.

"Tian Jing, it seems that the black market in various parts of China has become more and more rampant recently. I went to the black market some time ago and discovered that there were rewards information about the families of the strong and the children of martyrs. All are gone."

Chu Feng glanced at Tian Jing coldly.

After returning from Kangaroo Island, he sent Tian Jing and Xu Wei Tao Jinghua to look after the black market. There is no way to ban the black market in the last days. It is better to open one eye and close one eye and send someone to watch it. You can create a safe black market, fight against other black markets, and put the black market under your control.

In this way, at least there is no need to worry about excessive black market inflation.

However, there are people with a fluke mentality at all times. It is human nature to take risks for profit. If the black market has developed to a certain extent, then they dare to do anything.


Tian Jing was also taken aback, "You did that thing?"

About half a month ago, a large-scale bloodbath occurred in an underground black market in East China. None of the 1,000 people present was alive. This incident caused quite a stir in the underground market.

But she didn't expect that it was Chu Feng who did this.

No wonder the scope of this incident is limited to localities. If Chu Feng did it, it would not be surprising.

"I just went out to relax. I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing. I don't know if this is accidental or whether the expansion of the black market has reached a certain stage, but since I have encountered it, then I definitely can't just ignore it. "

Chu Feng's icy voice was full of murder, "This matter spreads out and has a bad impact. Go and investigate all the underground markets within Huaxia. But anyone who has doubts doesn't need evidence. Give it to me. Kill, if you can’t find a clue, then cut China’s existing black market by more than 90%. In short, this time I must see more than 10,000 heads."

There is no objection to Chu Feng's strong murderous aura.

In the last days, many people have broken through the bottom line of life.

Even killing and setting fire, if it is for food and water, it seems to be understandable. Of course, as the environment gradually improves, this situation has become much less.

But there are some bottom lines that can never be broken.

Every survivor of Huaxia must be grateful to those soldiers who fought to defend Huaxia. You can live now because they blocked the enemy from the door.

Although Dawn City is not part of the military, it has always regarded itself as a protector of China.

If even the hero's family cannot protect it, it's better to disband here.

"I see."

Tian Jing nodded. She knew that Chu Feng didn't stick to the bottom line, but as long as she touched it, she would never give up easily, and she would never stop without completely destroying the enemy.

No evidence is needed, which shows that what Chu Feng wants is more deterrence.

Use life to deter.

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