Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1297: Changes in the West

"In fact, most of these Western countries don't have the so-called concept of family and country. As long as they can live well, it doesn't matter where they go. It's just that the Mao Xiong Empire is too xenophobic and looks down on other ethnic groups, which hinders ethnic integration. Coupled with their low value, the Teddy Bear Empire should incorporate them into slaves in order to realize their value."

Yiyi explained, “Since those who want to survive just don’t want to be slaves, but don’t have the concept of a family country, it’s better to cultivate them to a certain value. At least when they cooperate with flying monsters, they have some advantages in detecting enemy conditions. It is a great help, and it also has great advantages to transmit information and transport logistical supplies under special circumstances.

The fighting nation is inherently militant, but it is impossible for all people to be soldiers. If part of the logistical pressure can be assigned to the talents in this area, then the fighting nation will vacate more fighters, which is also very cost-effective for them. Things give them the same status and status as the natives.

Of course, there are still some serious concepts of family and country and extreme racism. Even if these people have difficulty cooperating with each other, I will train them how to survive and how to proceed quickly when encountering irresistible enemies. The migration of races, these people who are proud to retain their national names, even if they do not merge with each other, will respect each other and watch each other. "

Listening to Yiyi's explanation, Chu Feng felt that he still underestimated Yiyi.

The reason why he feels that the West is not saved is because they have repeatedly committed deaths, and they still can't understand each other. They can only survive by uniting, but they still have to stabbed them in the back often.

In order to compete for each other's interests, the constant contact between the forces of the two realms has caused it to be infiltrated and riddled with holes, and even the Star Cross Army has been controlled by the Protoss.

If it hadn't been for Yiyi to become a blasphemer, Chu Feng would have killed all Western resistance forces two years ago.

Keeping their lives is just to let them play their value.

But Yiyi used another way to break up the contradictions, that is, to separate those who have contradictions. Those who have no feelings of family and country. You want to surrender the bear empire, but you don’t want to be treated as free labor by the other party. Then enhance your own value. If you have family and country feelings, you can watch each other and wait for the chance to rejuvenate your country.

Of course, although the theory is not complicated, only Yiyi can do it.

After all, not everyone has an affinity with flying monsters. Most humans don't even have the opportunity to try to domesticate flying monsters.

"So, what are your plans for the future?"

Chu Feng suddenly asked solemnly.

Yiyi was silent.

She has stayed in the West for long enough. People are always a kind of nostalgic creatures. After staying here for too long, she still has some feelings.

Asking her to return to the City of Dawn immediately, she really couldn't do it.

But if she wants to stay, is it really okay?

Her own identity is a time bomb. Before she has the ability to truly protect herself, no matter where she goes, she will bring danger to the people around her. Only Chu Feng can shelter her.

"I want to stay."

After being silent for more than 20 seconds, Yiyi finally made a choice, with a weak but firm voice, "However, some of the investigating soldiers here can be sent to China."

"No, although many people in Huaxia don't pay attention to bloodliness and only care about culture, I am a racist and I am not to the point where I need help from other countries."

Chu Feng shook his head, "Moreover, when the army has grown to a certain stage, aerial reconnaissance methods will be dispensable. You haven't returned to China for too long, so you don't understand."

China actually has a new era of air force, but not too many.

Even at the highest plane, there is not much air force.

Because compared to flying methods, the means of restricting flying are easier to obtain. As long as there are hundreds of magical powers to jointly limit the vitality of the world, no matter how high you fly, there is only one dead end. The night wing demon is the best at flying under Chu Feng. Although Chu Feng had never fought, he had an idea to let the Dark Night Wing Demon Clan fight on a large scale.

A large-scale air force is just giving away heads on the frontal battlefield.

"So, don't you want a Tier 9 flying monster?"

Yiyi talked about this, with a little pride on her face, "The last time in the tides of the heavens and the earth, the Holy Light God Emperor once again descended on power to affect the earth, but that power was intercepted by me and cultivated a batch of Tier 9 flights. Monster beasts, the number has now reached 32. I don't want these flying beasts to become Huaxia's enemies, for any reason."

32 Tier 9 flying monsters?

Hearing this number, even Chu Feng was a little surprised.

Regardless of the fact that the number of Tier 9 powerhouses in China has reached 4 digits, this does not mean that China can regard Tier 9 powerhouses as nothing. With so many Tier 9 powerhouses, they use the tide of vitality to improve themselves. Potential, coupled with the physique tempered by the real fire of the stars, coupled with the special material of the crystal nucleus, has produced so many powerful people.

However, if there is not much change, with today’s environment, 100 powerhouses will not necessarily break through to Tier 9 in the next five years, because after China swept the border, plus the expansion of the territory, the number of crystal nuclei harvested With billions of dollars and countless bugs coming out to make trouble, China is simply a harvest season, and those with breakthrough potential have already broken through.

Even if there is no breakthrough potential, many rely on resources to force a breakthrough.

The development and hunting of the Black Continent also led to the birth of many strong men.

In general, in the past two years, Huaxia's crystal core can be said to be as much as you use. As long as you can absorb it, you can basically manage as much as you want.

Except for those who are unwilling to go out for adventure.

After the war potential of a stage is exhausted, the growth of the number of Tier 9 powerhouses will stagnate. Even if China has begun to develop the deep sea, most of the resources obtained from the deep sea can only improve the average quality of the whole people, plus The average level of equipment, dozens of Tier 9 powerhouses in this case, is already a combat power that cannot be ignored.

"Although Tier 9 flying monsters are important, they are not indispensable."

Chu Feng shook his head, "Since you have a high talent for training flying monsters, then continue to expand your recruits. Maybe one day these flying monsters can come in handy."

The 7th-tier powerhouse can fly short distances if the control of vitality is accurate enough.

For the 9th-tier powerhouse, after the dramatic changes in the vitality of the heavens and the earth, the flight is close to instinct. Flying monsters just fly faster and are better at fighting in the air.

But in a long period of war, they are not needed.

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