Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1300: Ten Thousand Demon Army

Another thing about Ziwei Star Emperor that made Chu Feng feel terrible was that there was no contempt for himself in his eyes.

Those so-called masters from the highest planes, when they look at the people of the earth, their eyes are full of superior superiority. In their eyes, the people of the earth are the poor people in the remote areas.

Perhaps their origin gave them arrogant qualifications, but this is also the source of their fall.

In Chu Feng's eyes, these people who can't even face their opponents are not the same sad gods and demons who don't even bother to ask about their names? There are even some ridiculous.

Humans who claim to be the masters of the earth should beware of poisonous snakes and scorpions!

Those ridiculous characters who died on the earth regarded the forces behind them as themselves.

And Ziwei Star Emperor, when Chu Feng saw him for the first time, he had never seen contempt for humans in his eyes. Maybe the opponent just regarded himself as a chess piece that could be used, but at least, the opponent did not. I don't think this chess piece can be discarded.

It's normal for such a person to do some tricks and some influence on a chess piece.

"However, no matter what his purpose is, I cannot give up."

Chu Feng's eyes gradually became firm, and he was playing with the supreme plane. Without completely lifting the table and fighting to the bones, there would be no hope.

It doesn't matter what Ziwei Star Emperor thinks, what matters is what he did.

And what he told the Star God Race's holy ranks was not entirely true.

He doesn't know much about the heavens, and many things just come from descriptions.

However, some things are certain: the heavens are not friendly with the other three highest planes, and the heavens have power over the other three highest planes.

Returning to the small world of Yuanfu, Chu Feng separated the seized demon corpse and demon captives.

This battle between the gods and demons was more intense than ever.

In just one and a half years, the number of casualties reached billions. This is still the number of soldiers who can fight. If you count the ordinary creatures who died in war, it is normal to reach tens of billions or even hundreds of billions.

Perhaps due to the destruction of the Demon World’s ecological environment, the number of casualties will continue to increase.

This is also the result of a quick response after the demon world experienced the initial setbacks.

If this war cannot be ended in a short time, this number of casualties will continue to expand.

The normal war between gods and demons can almost be over at this level. At most, there will be a finishing touch, or a large-scale battle before the finishing touch.

But for this war, this has just begun.

Chu Feng also gained great benefits in this war.

Some of the corpses of the Demon Race that the Star Gods traded with themselves were killed by themselves, but most of them came from transactions with other Protoss.

Especially those captives.

Today, the number of demon captives in Chu Feng's Yuan Palace has exceeded ten million.

On such a terrifying scale, of course, it is impossible for only one race to contribute.

Just the quality of these demon captives is a little hard to explain.

No one above level 7!

It's not that the gods are incapable of capturing the 8th-order demons, or that all the demons are heroes who would rather die than surrender, but because the Star Gods forbids them to obtain high-level demons.

What if it becomes a threat to the Star God Race in the future?

Chu Feng learned that the Purple Star Emperor did not issue such an order. It was the Star God Clan's own assertion, but after knowing it, the Purple Star Emperor didn't blame too much, but let the flow go.

Maybe in his eyes, no matter whether he does it or not, the problem is not big!

In some small matters, taking care of the emotions of the Star God race is more important than the benefits of some 8th-order demons exchange, so it is left as it is.

Chu Feng didn't fight for it, there was no need.

Among the tens of millions of demons in the Yuan Palace, some of them were domesticated and sent to **** to serve as cannon fodder for the coalition forces of the seven races, so that they could drive the lower demons to reduce their own casualties.

And most of the demons were regarded as labor by him.

Only a small number of about five to six hundred thousand demon captives were sold by him to the earth world and made into biochemical weapons. This allowed the mining industry in Siberia, which was severely hit last time, to immediately receive a large amount of labor to supplement the minerals Resources can be continuously developed, slowly improving the overall strength of mankind.

It is worth mentioning that only Huaxia does not have high requirements for the demon captives.

This has something to do with the concept of different countries.

Compared with those demons on the earth, where the manipulation of the vitality of the heavens and the earth is greatly restricted, some of the supernatural powers of the Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire 4 series, one person can play more than a few thousand demons.

A 7th-level earth attribute ability person can easily open mountains and gravel.

As long as it takes some time, you can make the rock into the shape you want. This saves most of the process. Those ordinary laborers only need to polish and transport the rock that has been cut.

A tier 7 water system supernatural player can maintain the hydraulic operation of a 10,000-person survival base and work for irrigation.

The water system can't make water, but the ability to sense water is also important.

And as long as they are given time, they can also purify water resources.

The casualties of the supernaturalists in the previous life were too great, and many supernaturalists were excluded in the early stage, which led to the extreme style of many supernaturalists, but this life has changed.

Since the establishment of the Dawn Alliance, Chu Feng has been pursuing the cooperation between the abilities and warriors.

This leads to the supernatural beings not ashamed of their work, nor do they feel that doing ordinary labor is an act that harms the dignity of the strong, but instead regards this as an honorable thing.

Ordinary survivors naturally adore these ordinary abilities who serve a large number of ordinary people.

Not to mention the Chinese soldiers, they are human miracles.

The situation in Western countries is just the opposite.

After the abilities have gained power, they often use their abilities to fight for a higher social status for themselves, and drive ordinary people to take this as a proof of their superiority.

Not to mention serving ordinary people. Being able to stand on the first line when danger comes, do not abandon ordinary people and run away, and treat ordinary people as cannon fodder, it is already a show of integrity.

The Teddy Bear Empire also has this ethos, but it is a pity that they pay more attention to their own strength than construction.

Not to mention the Mi Empire.

If it weren't for ordinary people to be useful, many things and tasks could only be done by human beings. They had already replaced the human army with the biochemical army.

Under such circumstances, their demand for labor is endless.

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