Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1305: Work hard

Su Yuan suddenly felt the pressure on her body relieved.

Originally, she was alone against the majority of the venue.

Except for a few vacillating walls, most of the people who speak out support the military's unity teaching. After all, they know that if the weak are not united, there is no room for survival.

Genius and the strong are another matter, but they are clearly not.

Not to mention that Chu Feng's path is not suitable for everyone. There are many strong men in the military, but they do not rely on unity to become a pillar of the party. They can only say that they understand the importance of unity.

If voting is used, then the result of the vote will definitely support mediocrity.

However, Chu Feng came.

Since Chu Feng is here, the so-called voting and public opinion have no meaning.

If Chu Feng agreed to a suggestion, opponents would not dare to speak.

If Chu Feng objected, no one dared to express support.

However, his attitude is obvious: I am just a referee, and I will choose excellent suggestions rather than those of close people.

In this way, at least others still have room to struggle.

As long as their reasons are reasonable enough, there is no problem.

And thanks to Chu Feng's current status and influence, they believed that Chu Feng's words were definitely not to fool them, and if he really wanted to decide the result in one sentence, there was no need to make false claims with others.

With Chu Feng's support, Su Yuan seemed more confident.

"Able to survive to the present, everyone has their own method of survival, regardless of whether this method is just or despicable, but all survivors have a common feature, that is, everyone is struggling for survival. Someone is fighting for survival. A bottle of water and a piece of bread sell their bodies, but some people can work harder for others.

What we can teach our children is the importance of hard work.

We can’t predict whether in the future we will need to be united or dexterous, we need to escape by unscrupulous means, we need to follow suit and even flatter the strong to survive, but one thing is certain, that is, people who don’t work hard have no hope Yes, what we need to teach them is hard work. "

"So, what is your way?"

The officer asked, "As you stated just now, if you can't convey what we want to convey correctly, then no matter how excellent the teaching concept is, it's just rhetoric."

Su Yuan just used this reason to defeat the officer.

She did not deny the importance of unity, but tells you directly that you cannot teach your children unity.

The officer also attacked Su Yuan with the same reason.

What kind of self-confidence do you have that can teach children to work hard?

"Yes, if it is a competitive teaching, it can indeed cultivate some excellent talents. But it will also stifle the enterprising spirit of ordinary people. Because of the gap between the strong and the weak, many people are desperate."

An education expert who supports the military said, taking a deep look at the direction Chu Feng was in.

This view seems to oppose the theory of survival of the fittest.

But Huaxia's concept is not to abandon or give up.

We can endure suffering, but we must have the faith to save everyone who is worth saving.

"It is not a competitive teaching, but in the process of their teaching, tell them that everything you can get, you must rely on your own hands to fight for."

Su Yuan calmly said, "Like you just now, unified clothing, unified accommodation, unified teaching, etc., can all be rejected. The gap between children in the extraordinary age will be bigger than we imagined. The unification can only stifle their desire to compete. We can tell these children that you can get everything you want through your hard work.

Whether it is learning to read and write, learn life skills, learn hiding skills, learn to recognize different kinds of creatures, you can learn everything in school, you can also learn these things, we can get a more spacious and tidy dormitory , You can eat more delicious food, wear more beautiful and durable clothing, and even get toys.

Students who complete different things can get different rewards. Students who are good enough can get everything they want by virtue of their own excellence.

But those mediocre, we also have to give them opportunities.

For those who lose confidence, we have to encourage them, but we can’t get what we want through hard work. We can tell them that we can get the same effect through mutual help among classmates. We don’t need to go through the ranking mechanism or Need to set a unique reward, we just want them to remember with their bodies, you can use all means to get what you want.

Children are the most important stage of growth. As long as they learn to work hard, no matter what path they take in the future, everything they learn at the child stage will be their lifetime treasure. "

After Su Yuan's words were finished, many people's eyes flashed with thoughts.

Su Yuan's words are also very reasonable.

She did not deny unity, but only increased the importance of hard work.

Perhaps the vast majority of people, even with desperate efforts, can't compare to those geniuses.

But in fact, most people don't work hard to the point where they need to be talented. When you really work hard to this point, you don't need the sympathy of others, and you don't need to bear the competition of the real strong.

In the City of Dawn, anyone who is willing to work hard can obtain Body Tempering Liquid, and even the lotus seeds of Hellfire Lotus, allowing them to grow to Tier 6.

Maybe they can't be the seventh-tier in their lifetime, but the sixth-tier life is worse?

This level is in the highest plane, and there is no fear of starving to death.

"What if you teach them the importance of hard work, but let them go into evil ways?"

A faculty member put forward an objection, "Know that, in many cases, through some evil ways, it is easier to achieve the desired results than the upright way."

"Your worries are reasonable, but isn't this the meaning of the teacher's existence? Tell students what kind of hard work is worthwhile. Not only will the evil ways make them unable to obtain what they want, but they will also be punished. I don’t think anyone will oppose proper punishment of children!"

Su Yuan responded calmly, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of her mouth, "And there are some things that everyone should know better than me, that is, living in this era, if the crooked ways developed by children can be concealed by adults, this is how Children, aren’t they more valuable than obedient children?"

No one has objections.

Even the most elite special forces in the army should not be rigid and dogmatic.

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