Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1310: Frontline Victory

"I can't believe it, but how do you explain that so many sea beasts will be defeated by the forward battalion? It is impossible for everyone to get the hang of it together!"

Han Yunxiao’s eyes were full of solemnity, “If the city lord really makes weapons that can enhance people’s combat awareness, I hope that this batch of 10,000 weapons will be enough, and there is not much needed. Of course, if these If the weapon has a service life or other restrictions, that would be great."

Zou Mengxuan was silent, and he had the same idea.

Their combat experience and combat awareness are all honed through battle after battle.

In the process of human evolution, why hasn't something like inherited memory evolved?

Because these things will hinder the progress of human civilization.

Even for some ancient sages' books, they left a sage chapter to protect the Chinese culture, but there are still many people from future generations who receive these books.

Of course, it does not mean that it is wrong to pass on one's own thoughts. It's just that future generations used the wrong direction. After all, there are still some people who learn the core of the sages, and then take the essence and remove the dross to surpass the sages.

But there is a bottom line, that is, humans must learn by themselves.

Whether it is not forgetting, or learning all kinds of martial arts tricks, at least there must be a learning process.

If people's combat awareness is directly enhanced, will their combat awareness be improved in the future?

"Go back and talk to the city lord! Although such weapons, the restrictions are certainly not too small, just like the army that suddenly appeared in China and disappeared, but it is our duty to remind the city lord." Zou Mengxuan nodded.

Although he didn't know the true face of the Huaxia Demon Tubing Army, he believed that it was definitely limited.

The reason is very simple. If there are no restrictions, relying on these legions that can slaughter Tier 9 and the stronger the Vietnam War, as long as they experience more battles, Huaxia is estimated to be able to counterattack the Devildom.

The same goes for these weird weapons.

If there were no restrictions, Chu Feng would either not take it out, or would take it out sooner.

However, even if they knew there were restrictions, they had to remind Chu Feng.

This has nothing to do with trust. If you don't even remind them, what is their significance as subordinates?

The first war in which the City of Dawn invaded Tianzhuyang ended in less than two hours, but it took 4 hours to count the military functions, and it took three days to clean the battlefield before passing all kinds of sea beasts. Simply deal with it, then freeze it, and wait for the next step of processing. Many caravans and hunting groups are waiting eagerly behind, even if it's just processing, there are a lot of profits.

Three days later, the second war started.

In addition to the forward battalion that shines on the front line, there is also a unit that uses a sword to shine, and no sea beast can resist wherever it passes and is invincible.

The number of sea beasts that died in the hands of these two forces exceeded 500,000, and they were all sea beast elites.

Let the rest of the soldiers feel absurd that they are still exercising.

Is this really a drill?

Of course, compared with ordinary exercises, they caused a lot of killings this time, at least their weapons were really bloodied, and in the process of continuous killings and completely unfavorable terrain, their combat awareness It has also been improved, but compared to the two shining troops, their training has not met expectations.

As for the crossbowmen, let alone.

Although the crossbows of the extraordinary era can play a significant role in the ocean, there is no room for them in this war. They do more, but they are monitoring the battlefield.

Due to the rapid progress of the war, Han Yunxiao had to devote more energy to cleaning the battlefield, as well as the summary and harvest after the war.

Under his strong request, the possible marine pollution and infection were reduced to a minimum.

A large number of people with water system abilities even directly isolate the ocean that was stained with blood.

Since the victory of this war is a foregone conclusion, of course we must raise our requirements in other areas.

However, after resting for 5 days and seeing 12 large artificial islands on the sea, the Dawn Army once again marched towards Tianzhuyang, and in just 7 days, it solved the last resistance of Tianzhuyang sea beasts and used It took 15 days to clean the battlefield and build more than 50 artificial islands as a resting base for human demon hunters.

Every similar artificial island is a huge profit.

However, the benefits of these artificial islands can only be enjoyed by the City of Dawn and the military. It is not an intentional monopoly, but only the credit level of the City of Dawn and the military, which can allow those demon hunters to trade and repair with confidence, and provide supplies. And medical treatment, and provide them with timely support when they are in danger. No other survival base has such strength.

Moreover, many demon hunters encounter danger in the wild and discard their supplies in order to escape.

Such hunters can register with the hunters’ guild and the military, and if they cannot be repaid, they are allowed to make credit, and then perform tasks to repay the debt.

As for the private practice?

Directly judged by the military to be illegal, the military will not arbitrate which party has a credit problem, and will prohibit all forms of armed conflict.

After this tossing, Han Yunxiao discovered that the Dawning Legion only took one month to complete the task that was originally scheduled for more than two months, and it was still under the circumstances that he continued to improve the logistics and the standard of cleaning the battlefield.

This made him a little headache.

It's impossible, start playing Antarctica now!

But on the city lord's side, there were no new instructions at all, which made them a little confused.

"Then continue to clean the Tianzhuyang! Clean the Tianzhuyang a little bit, and it will be easier when you harvest marine resources in the future." Xu Shaoguang suggested at the military meeting.

"No, the city lord gave us instructions to train soldiers, let them get bloody, and adapt to the atmosphere of the battlefield in advance, and not let them relax because of the previous vacation."

Han Yunxiao directly rejected this suggestion, and then drew a circle in the South Atlantic region of the map.

"The Mi Empire is developing the North Atlantic and the South Continent, but their development process has been greatly hindered. Today, the South Atlantic is actually a blank area."

"No, if we meet with the Mi Empire army, it will definitely cause a fierce military conflict. Our City of Dawn cannot intervene in this kind of thing." Zou Mengxuan immediately rejected it.

Han Yunxiao stared at Zou Mengxuan's eyes: "The city lord does not give us new instructions, don't you understand what this means?"

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