Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1333: Calm before the storm

When making the Saint Mark Stone, Chu Feng realized that what the Purple Pattern Demon Race was after was only phantoms.

It is not so much that the purple-patterned demons pursue development and growth, but rather they want to control their own destiny.

The sacred stone is in the hands of Chu Feng. What he controls is not only the development and growth of the purple-patterned demon clan, but also the channels for gaining power. He controls the opponent's life.

As for making holy stone by yourself?

Don't think about it.

The purple-patterned demon race is indeed very good at getting close to the original power, but this is also the root of their tragedy. They are used as food for the devil emperors of the past to enhance their power.

It may be because they are too close to the source that they can't use the source power freely.

Relying on the power of others to control the original power is to control one's own life in the hands of others. When the entire race uses this method to control its own power, then the fate of the entire race is in the hands of others.

So, it is not without reason that the purple-patterned demon clan failed to study the saint pattern.

However, with the strength of a mighty person, I am afraid that there is no need to use such a method.

Chu Feng hasn't really grown up yet. Fortunately, the strength of the purple-patterned demon race is not much now, so Chu Feng doesn't have the need to use this method.

This is also the luck of the Purple Demon Race!

At least those who control their race's destiny did not intend to really treat them as slaves, at best they were just as tools, and they were still very useful tools.

Chu Feng is determined not to let the destiny of mankind be controlled, and so is it.

Even if the person in charge of the destiny of mankind is himself, it cannot be done.

It's not that Chu Feng didn't believe in his beliefs, but that he understood one thing. Since the fate of a race can be controlled by one person, it may be controlled by a second person.

Just as the fate of the purple-patterned demon clan has always been under control.

When Chu Feng's experiment came to an end, a large-scale battle was about to break out on the permafrost.

After the City of Dawn gained a firm foothold in Antarctica, China's army also moved quickly to surround the entire Antarctica, preventing any **** from having a chance to escape.

There have been several frictions between the two sides, but a large-scale fight has never broken out.

Just now there were two consecutive days without any conflict.

No one thinks that this is a sign that the two sides are ready to reconcile.

Everyone understands that this is the peace before the storm.

Chu Feng cut the original power of the small world again, incorporated these original powers into the nether crystals, and then made these crystals into original orbs one by one, and threw them into the bodies of the **** dream horses.

The Hell Dream Horse who had obtained the Essence Orb felt an extra strength in his body.

However, they did not feel much discomfort.

"Let me see how far you can reach it!"

For the next war, Chu Feng was full of expectations.

The constant improvement of the original magic weapon can give him an extra force that is completely his own, because the core of those armies is weapons, not soldiers, and weapons can be controlled by themselves.

Of course, there is no requirement for soldiers.

As the weapons change hands repeatedly, the weapons will also be infected by the soldiers' will. Later soldiers must be able to inherit the will of the forward battalion in order to be recognized by the original gods.

A few hours later, the Hell Knights participated in the patrol.

After 6 hours of continuous patrol, no protoss was seen.

When approaching the defense line built by the Protoss, they also had to stop.

During this period of time, the front of the Dawn Legion continued to advance, and it was getting closer and closer to the line of defense of the Protoss.

However, on this eternal frozen soil that has been frozen for countless years, all the soldiers looked around, and they were all white. Even the extraordinary would have some discomfort in their eyes.

In order to reduce the visual impact, Han Yunxiao directly ordered the mobilization of countless demon hunting groups, including the forces of the Chinese military, to build a large number of unknown facilities nearby.

For example, corals that climbed up from the bottom of the sea, such as trees felled from distant islands, were transformed into buildings of unknown meaning in various ways. In terms of actual use, they can't even confuse the enemy. The only effect Is to reduce the occurrence of snow blindness.

This is also the war that the people of the earth have not really adapted to the extraordinary age. For the people of the earth, reducing casualties is always the most important thing, but for the highest planes, the weak who cannot overcome the environment can be eliminated directly.

Population is indeed a precious resource, but it is also the least valuable resource.

At the military meeting, Han Yunxiao put a military topographic map on the table.

"After we came to Antarctica, the line of defense of the Protoss began to shrink. When we won the first war, that is, the landing battle, they abandoned all the facilities along the coastline and built in the center of the continent. Several basic defensive facilities have been established, and these defensive facilities have no obvious weaknesses. We may only have to fill them with our lives."

Han Yunxiao's tone was a bit heavy.

In the past few days, he has been thinking about ways to minimize casualties.

But the way he came up with was to mobilize the Demon Legion from behind and use the Demon Legion as cannon fodder.

But he did not dare to speak out the plan.

It wasn't that he didn't dare to treat those demons who surrendered to mankind harshly, but he understood the meaning of this war.

Experimenting with brand new equipment for the city lord is just a small goal incidentally.

Zou Mengxuan helped the spectacle frame without lenses, and said: "The war experience of the Protoss is richer than ours. I don't know how many times it is. It is normal for them to do flawlessly. Don't forget the reason why this war is only us humans.

The people in the camp were silent.

Not to mention the demon legions of Chu Feng, some of the demon captive cannon fodder collected by the Chinese military, as well as the puppets made, even the good friends of mankind, the Hellhound clan did not participate in this war.

Is it because Chu Feng is not willing to suffer the casualties of those non-staff soldiers?

No one would have such an idea.

Only the purpose of human participation in the war is to make people understand that this is our human war.

Chu Feng can provide unrestricted support in terms of equipment and materials, but this war can only be fought by humans themselves. This war to regain the homeland can be said to represent human dignity.

Mankind's own homeland will be guarded by mankind.

Those races other than humans only knew Chu Feng in the past, and they had no sense of human strength at all. Once Chu Feng had an accident, it would be a human nightmare.

Including the tribe of Hellhounds, they would not care about humans.

The meaning of this war is a war for human beings to prove their strength.

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