Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 134: Honghe Town

"Honghe Town, according to the information provided by the military, there are powerful corpses here, and the survivors inside are almost dead except for those who were evacuated early."

Chu Feng explained his news on the road, "So after we go in, we must be careful along the way. Even if we can communicate with each other, it is best not to get lost."

Zhang Ziqing said: "Don't worry, we will follow you firmly."

Huang Tianhua was a little worried: "But why are we going to such a dangerous place?"

Chu Feng said: "Strength is the foundation of everything. If you are afraid, you can choose not to go, but you can only become a driver in the future. By the way, I forgot to tell you that martial artists are not weak in response. If you learn to drive, I believe it should be much easier than in the past."

Huang Tianhua immediately said: "I am willing to challenge my limits."

Just kidding, he had seen Chu Feng's power by his side, and he didn't hold such a big thick thigh. Would he want her to go out alone?

Aside from other things, even his strength was given to him by Chu Feng. If something goes wrong during cultivation, only Chu Feng can help him.

Chu Feng nodded and said, "Then drive honestly!"

The reason why he wants to go to Honghe Town is of course not just to exercise himself. After all, if he wants to exercise himself, he can choose any dangerous place. Since he has some information about the future, he certainly can’t take this opportunity It was wasted.

He chose there because there is an abandoned air-raid shelter.

At a hiding place near the abandoned air-raid shelter, someone stored a lot of cans and water. Water is the second best. There are 80,000 cans of cans. What is surprising is that these cans and water were not left behind during the war. It came, but it was produced two years ago.

For cans that can be preserved for decades, the ones produced two years ago are already very fresh.

Although I don't know who was so boring and stored so many cans there, Chu Feng didn't plan to let it go.

In later generations, a demon hunting team discovered the canned food here, and then secretly sold the canned food here in exchange for a large number of crystal nuclei, which was nothing short of the limelight for a while, but unfortunately because it was too swagger. In the end, it was discovered by a caring person, and for the secret of these cans, many forces joined forces to destroy the demon hunter squad, and used various tortures to find out the news.

It is a pity that when the major forces felt the air-raid shelter where the cans were stored, the cans there had been eaten by many monsters foraging.

Of course, they are not completely harvested. The corpses of those monsters are also a valuable asset. If they eat canned food, they must be prepared to be used as food.

80,000 cans are also a very valuable asset in the apocalypse, and over time, these cans will continue to "appreciate".

That is to say, Chu Feng now has enough space in the Yuan Palace, so he has the confidence to take away these cans.


When he came to the edge of Honghe Town, Chu Feng ordered to stop, "After these two days of practice, you should have mastered some basic methods. There is a group of zombies in front of you. If you fail to deal with these zombies, then You don’t have to follow me back."

Hearing Chu Feng's order, everyone had to get off the car.

Suddenly smelling the breath of living people, a group of about thirty or forty zombies began to slowly move their stiff body, and then rushed towards the crowd.

Tao Jinghua looked at so many zombies, his face turned pale: "Brother, can we really deal with so many zombies?"

Sitting on the front cover of the car, Chu Feng slowly said in a very flat tone, "It doesn't really matter whether you can deal with it."

Xu Wei excused: "Is it important to have the courage to face these zombies?"

Chu Feng slowly shook his head and said, "The important thing is that people around me must have the ability to deal with these zombies. Otherwise, would you want me to be your bodyguard?"

Everyone's complexion turned paler, and what Chu Feng said was very obvious. If even these enemies can't be solved, what is their living value? Is it a waste of food?

Ye Xiaohui showed strong hatred and cruelty. She lifted up a steel knife that Chu Feng had prepared for her in advance, and said harshly, "I will win!"

Having said that, she actually rushed towards the group of zombies ahead.

"Aren't we worse than a woman?"

Tao Jinghua was also fierce. Ye Xiaohui was a woman, and she was a person who had only practiced martial arts skills last night and had not experienced actual combat. They dare to face zombies. Why do they back down?

Xu Wei and Huang Tianhua looked at each other, and then rushed forward together.

Whether it is for survival or not to be left behind by Chu Feng, they must go all out.

Zhang Ziqing asked: "Are they really okay?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "Even a stronger ordinary person can solve ordinary zombies with the weapons in their hands. As long as they can overcome the fear of zombies in their hearts, some zombies will not be a problem at all. Of course, if they When fighting with zombies, let the blood of zombies splash into one's mouth and nose, then no one is to blame.

He taught them these precautions in his spare time. If they don't listen carefully, they can only blame themselves for problems at this time.

Zhang Ziqing said: "Then let's watch the show! If they are covered with zombie blood, I will help them clean it, this should be no problem!"

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Who do you think of me? I am training my own subordinates, and I am not training death squads. If they die because of their timidity, it's fine, if they die because of some trivial things. What good is it for me?"

Although the blood of ordinary zombies will not be infected if it is stained on the skin, if it is stained on the wound, it will cause big trouble if it is not cleaned in time.

Zhang Ziqing stuck his tongue out, Chu Feng's statelessness was deeply ingrained in her heart, even if it sometimes had a human touch, no one could guess Chu Feng's thoughts.

In less than half a minute, Tao Jinghua and the others got rid of the zombies, and then gasped in disregard of the image, alleviating the pressure in their hearts.

Even if they became a martial artist, they were still full of pressure when dealing with these zombies because of the short training time.

Zhang Ziqing stepped forward and used his ability to help several people wash away the blood of the zombies, and then made a "yeah" gesture: "Congratulations, you have taken the first step to becoming a warrior."

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