Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1354: The Lord of the Underworld Appears

After comforting the three-headed dog clan of hell, Cerberus looked up at the sky.

The space became distorted, and a figure wearing gorgeous clothes walked out of the distorted space.

His body seems to contain the best of heaven and earth, his appearance makes all the so-called peerless beauties ashamed of themselves, and every gorgeous costume on his body is a symbol of nobleness.

He didn't deliberately exude aura, but his existence itself is the most noble proof.

When he appeared, the laws of the underworld seemed to make way for him.

The whole world must crawl under his feet.

He is the supreme soul of the underworld, he is the master of this world.

He is the strongest of the highest plane.

Lord of the Underworld!

Looking at the figure of the incoming person, Cerberus' eyes almost burst out of flames.

Why, the chief of the underworld abandons the underworld?

Facing the supreme existence of this underworld, even Chu Feng felt the tremor from his body and soul.

He doesn't know the fighting power of the Lord of the Underworld, but the opponent's reputation adds the most powerful aura to him.

"What should I call you, Lord of the Underworld, or something else?"

Chu Feng did not forcibly suppress the fear of his body and soul. This was the instinct of life, but he did not give in at all, because he knew that the existence standing in front of his eyes was his enemy.

People don’t feel pressure when they look up at the sky.

However, when humans want to challenge the sky, they will feel the vastness of the sky.

In front of this existence, it is not a shame to feel fear. If you can't even feel fear, then you lose the qualification to be an enemy.

"Lord of the underworld, Hades, Hades, Yama, Lord Taishan, Master of Nethersea, whatever you call it, this is just an identity, not a proof of glory."

The Lord of the Underworld said in an indifferent voice, as if he never cared about such things.

"Should I feel honored for your Majesty to always pay attention to the earth?" Chu Feng sneered.

"The earth is indeed a place worthy of attention."

The Lord of the Underworld did not deny his concern for the earth.

He doesn't need to maintain his dignity with a superior tone and accent, because he is already standing at the apex of the highest plane.


Cerberus couldn't help it anymore and questioned the Lord of the Underworld.

Just like the three-headed purple-gold **** dog attacked by the lord of the underworld, he questioned it.


The chief of the underworld does something to the faithful tribe of **** dogs?

That is the pain of the three-headed dog family, and that is the tragedy of the three-headed dog.

What is the reason for the Lord of the Underworld to attack a race like Hellhound?

"You guys are in my way."

The Lord of the Underworld's gaze fell on the three-headed dog of hell, and the voice still did not carry any emotion.

"The Underworld is a cage, and I am the longest surviving existence in this cage."

The underworld is a cage.

Chu Feng's heart sank, he was never afraid of enemies that would be extremely bad.

The most terrible enemy is the one with firm conviction.

When the Lord of the Underworld said such words, it represented the belief of the Lord of the Underworld. In his eyes, the apex of the highest plane was just a larger cage.

Cerberus roared angrily:

"The underworld is one of the four highest planes. How can it be a cage? Even if you want to leave the underworld, why do you have to slaughter my three-headed dog family? You just want to embark on a journey, but you don't want to abandon the underworld. The throne of the Lord."

"That's it!"

The Lord of the Underworld didn't argue, it didn't make sense.

Not everything is worth his refutation.

"A journey to a higher place?"

Chu Feng muttered to himself, isn't the so-called supreme plane really the highest place?

Chu Feng didn't know if it was right or wrong for the master of the underworld.

Even if it were Chu Feng himself, and someone blocked him from leading to a higher path, he didn't know if he would trample the opponent to death, not to mention his own race.

It may be unfair to the three-headed **** dog, but no matter which world, there has never been fairness.

The fairest thing about heaven is that it is unfair to every living creature.

However, communication and understanding between people is already difficult, and communication and understanding between different races becomes even more difficult. At least it is impossible for Chu Feng to abandon Hell III just because he agrees with the actions of the Lord of the Underworld. Head dog.

Because the place where humans stand is the lowest place!

"Humans, your potential surprised me."

The Lord of the Underworld said to Chu Feng, "I can give you one chance, but only once. If you submit to me, you will get the glory second only to me, and human beings will be preserved because of you. There is only one chance. The end of rejection is the demise of the entire planet and the entire human civilization."

"Unexpectedly, your Majesty should consider me so much."

The corner of Chu Feng's left mouth was cocked, with an undisguised mockery.

To the point where they are now, even if they are from different races, the meanings represented by expressions are not the same, but the spirit fluctuations that emanate can express a person's thoughts.

"I have paid enough attention to you, why would you refuse?"

The Lord of the Underworld did not look angry, as if he was just asking if you had dinner today?

"Because I haven't heard of it. The survival of a truly powerful race depends on gifts."

Chu Feng's eyes became sharp, "The future of mankind will be won by ourselves, and there may be compromises for survival, but there is absolutely no gift from others."

Even if it is the Flame God Race and the Silver Phosphorus Demon Race relying on human survival today, the identity of the former is a tool, and the identity of the latter is simply cannon fodder.

But even if it was cannon fodder, they were desperately winning it.

It was the lives of 100,000 soldiers of the Demon Race in exchange for the continuation of the Silver Phosphorus Demon Race.

A race can bear the burden of humiliation and humiliation in order to survive, and can even become a servant of the other party for a short time, but it must not lose the spirit of struggle.

If you don't raise your troops after trying your best, it will be a waste of money.

Therefore, no matter how much the Lord of the Underworld valued himself, Chu Feng remained unmoved.

He knew that the future of mankind must be developed by himself.

Humans in the future may be destroyed or reduced to the bottom, but the fate of humans can only be in their own hands, and it is absolutely impossible to rely on the gift of the Lord of the Underworld.

"Although your strength is still very weak, you are already qualified to be my enemy, but unfortunately you no longer have the opportunity to grow."

The Lord of Underworld praised with regret, "Originally, your earth still has more time, but because of your existence, the earth will step into the abyss ahead of time."

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